Glock full auto switch?

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Looks very intersting, I wonder if it really works. Although if it does work you'd have to register the mechanism as an NFA item. (pretty cheap for a FA is you ask me):rolleyes:
It's not legal in the states. At least not for personal use. It would have to be registered as a Post '86, which would make it illegal for private ownership. I have seen (not in person, on the internet) another switch similar to this one, but it used a sliding bar rather than a rotating knob. I believe it was manufactured in the US as a LE only item. I doubt the company is still around though. I can't imagine that they had many sells, because a 1200 rpm pistol strikes me as really fun but about tactically useless.
During an arrest about a year or so ago, we found something similar to that item on a Glock 17 in the arrestee's car. The gun was taken incident to arrest, and BATF was notified. They were so interested that they sent someone to get it the next day. They looked at it, gave us a receipt for it, and left.

Haven't seen the gun or heard back from BATF since.
"It's almost handmade" :)

At least it's in the same price range as that guy in Brazil.. Too bad it's illegal for us ordinary people.
would that thing only become illegal if it were actually installed on the gun or is its mere importation/ownership as a part prohibited?
Glock full auto Switch

Your friendly and compassionate BATFE has ruled (not by the legislative branch of Government) that ownership/possession of a firearm and a device to make it fire full automatic even if not installed is the same as it being capable of full auto fire. In violation of the Gun Control Act of 1934.

Be that as it may, with the proper paperwork and the $200 tax stamp, one can posess an automatic weapon, if he/she can afford the astronomical price of purchase.
I'm not sure of the details, but I believe said automatic weapon also has to have been made prior to 1984 (or something like that?) Someone here will know the details.

so since I don't own a glock I could buy it?

My dad owns a glock -- if I took the part over to his house would it then become illegal?
I am thinking of sending the link to the ATF, as much as I hate the NFA laws they are still the law. Add to that the fact that I am pissed that I can't legaly buy one.
I'd say stay out of it man.

But that very item is certainly pictured in the ATF publication with the ominous warning: "We are aware that these items are available on the internet."
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