Glock 30S Negative Review


New member
I recently shot the Glock 30S. It fit my hand perfectly and truly pointed well, regardless of how I held it. The trigger was a typical Glock trigger feel, which I'm used to and have no complaints about. I really wanted to like this gun because it's a Glock, it's a .45ACP and it's sized right! I just sold a "compact" 1911 .45ACP to purchase a CCW gun and I thought the 30S was going to be it. It shot well and I had no problem keeping it on paper, even with quick follow-up shots. It's a great gun, however, it reminded me of a G27: It had too much snap. I generally like .45ACP better than .40S&W since .45's seem to have a forceful shove, not a snap like .40S&W. It was not fun to shoot and I don't think I could ever hand it off to the wife if needed. The salesman was shocked when I said I didn't want to buy it. They said they've got a waiting list for these and everyone wants one. I've watched several YouTube reviews by good reviewers (like Hickok45) and everyone loved these little beasts.

By the way, I did buy a NIB Gen 4 G19 that they gave me a good price on. I've already got a Gen 3 G19 and the Gen 4 just points better. One of them is going to be my CCW gun.

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I've actually been researching this pistol and was thinking it could be my next purchase for CC rotation. I'm a little disapointed in reading your assessment.
Where you at OP, cause I'd love to shoot every gun that I was about to purchase. Or did you just get lucky and they had a 30s for rent?
I'd imagine most sub-compact polymer .45's are going to feel pretty snappy.

Did you shoot any of the other options (G30"no S", G36, XDS, etc.) in that general size and weight to see how it compared to them?
I disagree.

I almost exclusively shoot 45 ACP, and the 30, 30SF, and 30S all have very manageable recoil, as long as you grip the gun very high.
Dan-O: It was at a local fun store (in Lombard, IL) that had a "Glocktober" celebration last Friday and Saturday. Free range time, you just had to pay for and use their ammo. I was calling around trying to get some prices and the phone guy said they had Glock reps in for this special event. NO ONE has these as rental guns. I jumped at the chance to try it out! I took off work an hour early and rode over as fast as I could.

dayman: I only shot the 30S. Other reviewers have stated that the 30S is snapier than the 30 & 30SF due to the lighter slide (forget if that was Hickok45 or the Gunblast guy or someone else). The 30S weighs 20.28 ounces. My old compact .45 weighed 24 oz, as does the G30. I haven't shot the G30, but would assume the polymer frame would help with recoil.

thedudeabides: I disagree with your disagreement :). I can manage recoil just fine. Also, I noted the gun shot accurately, even in (somewhat) rapid fire. I just didn't care for the kind of recoil it delivered. Again, it was more like a snappy .40S&W, not what I'm used to in .45ACP. I like .45s, but for the role I had in mind for this purchase, a G30S wasn't the right choice. For me.
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I have both the G30S and the G21. For more than a few years, I shot the G21 and shot it pretty well. Surprisingly accurate and soft on the hands.

My son got a G30 and just really shot it well. I tried it and did not like it at all. I shot it a few times and never really fell for it.
A couple of years ago, I was determined to "like" the G30 and bought one. Probably out of my frustration trying to like the one my son has and the reviews that I read that describe the gun as being even more accurate than the G21.

So, off to the range I went. The more I shot it, the more I liked it. As one poster above reported, you will do better with that gun with a high grip.

I don't think it is as much fun to shoot as an all steel 1911, for the purpose I bought it, CCW, it works well.

I have pretty big hands and if I don't grip it right, my pinky feels like it has nothing to hold on to.

Thumbs forward and gripped high and tight, the gun is a GREAT shooter.

Hope this helps.

I also never thought I would by another twin cylinder motorcycle. . .until I rode my brothers R1200R:D

Give the gun a firm grip up high and watch your trigger finger. I think you will come away with some appreciation with what Glock accomplished with that gun.

In the latter case, roll the throttle on in second gear and smile:)
Well recoil is such a subjective item I can understand the review. After shooting the Colt Officers (and finally selling it off) I rather enjoyed the 30s I test drove.

To each his own, thanks for the review.
I share your disapointment OP.

I was eager to get my hands on the G30S. It pointed great and I liked the concept. I really wanted to love the G30S. Shooting it proved it was too "snappy", for me.

Made follow ups a lot slower than with my other compact 45's. Great concept and nice pistol. Just won't work for me though. :( Regards 18DAI
Small and light weight... in a .45.
Of course it's going to have some snap to it. Newtonian Physics doesn't give anyone a pass.

But they are still accurate and controllable. I love them. I'm trying to get my hands on one now. I've shot a couple of them... and the more I shoot them, the more I want one.
The 30S has basically the same frame as the 29 SF, I believe. Are not the only frame differences up where the slide and frame match up?

My pinky does the dangle-dance off the bottom of my 29 SF. So I put a Pearce Grips "Plus zero" floor plate on one of the mags. It makes all the difference!

Now the grip on that gun reliably includes my little finger even after recoil. I recommend a similar upgrade for all those who shoot the Glock 30 or 30S, as well as those who shoot the 29.

Bart Noir
Who is looking at the 30 SF as a next purchase. Who needs a stinkin' .45 GAP to get a nice fitting handgun?
Owned a G30 since they first came out. It is sitting next to me now. Have shot the G36 and G30S. For whatever reason the G30 seems to be one of the lightest recoiling .45's made. Maybe it's the slightly heavier weight over the other two and the recoil being spread over a wider rear surface area. Although both the G36 and G30S are slimmer than my old G30 I wouldn't trade either for "Old Ugly". Glocks are boxy by design.
None of their .45's are really going to be slim. If hand fit is a problem look at the G30SF or the G30 GEN4. They have slightly shorter grip to trigger reach. But it's enough to make a difference for a lot of folks. Nothing wrong with the G19. In fact IMHO the G19 and G30 are Gastons best work. But probably no .45 is going to come close to the G19 in size, capacity, or weight. Nothing wrong with a G19 loaded with good ammo. You do your part and it will serve you as well as anything else and better than many.
I was wrong. It took me nearly 7 years to figure it out, but...

I was looking for a .45ACP recently (CZ 97B, couldn't find one locally to try out or even handle) and on a local forum, someone was listing a low mileage G30S with 2 10-round magazines. We came to an agreement on the price and now, after the 2nd range trip, I'm wrong. With the 10-round magazine, there's no snappyness. It fills your hand, but it comes to a natural point on target and gives that comforting .45ACP shove. The 10-round magazines make a big difference vs. the 9-round mag I tried years ago. Getting my pinky on the grip really helped me with follow-up shots and just overall pleasure to shoot. And my wife thinks I never admit I'm wrong...
I like the 9-round mags IF they have a Pearce base plate. :D

I’m a 1911 affectionado but I own two Glocks - a 30 and a 22 Gen4. That 30 is uglier than a dirt clod but man, it’s accurate! My son used it in his CCL class and shot a perfect score with it.

Recoil is subjective of course but I’ve never felt the 30 to be “snappier” than any other 45 I own, which is a bunch of them!
So.... I was getting ready to post a zombie thread warning a lo and behold I have to comment on the happy ending...

I've always been curious of the 30, never had the chance to shoot one. I'll have to go back and check it out...
I had a Glock 30 probably 10 years ago and hated it. The recoil wasn't an issue. It was the ergonomics and the trigger I hated.
Only thing I don’t like about the 36 or 30s is the horrible chamber support. Worst in the glock lineup.
Recoil is subjective of course but I’ve never felt the 30 to be “snappier” than any other 45 I own, which is a bunch of them!

^Did you shoot the G30 with a 9 or 10 round mag? At least for me, the 10 round mag was a huge difference. Like you said, feels like any other 45 I've shot (which was limited to a LLama Minimax).

I had a Glock 30 probably 10 years ago and hated it. The recoil wasn't an issue. It was the ergonomics and the trigger I hated.

^The G30S addresses the Glock 2x4 grip issue that's really pronounced with the standard 10/45 models. Almost feels like my G19 gen 4, but just a little fatter. The trigger is definitely heavier. Apparently, that's due to a heavier striker spring weight for the 10/45 pistols. My G19 measures at about 6lbs and my G30S measures at 8lbs+ (already gave each the $0.25 trigger job). I will be replacing the G30S connector with a ZEV Pro after trying that out yesterday. Still measures at 7lbs pull, but silky smooth. Hopefully, the one I ordered will feel the same as the one I tested.
Ever wonder why Glock has no Gen 5 .45/ acp?

Glock, for the current selling prices could be so much better than what they are.

Just too much pride to admit some things could be done differently, still profitably, and easily.