Glock 26 or 27


I am getting my first handgun this weekend. I was going to get a Glock 27, but alot of people tell me that the recoil is bad and that it is too much gun for a first timer. What do you think?
Get the Glock 26

The 27 does have a rather snappy recoil. I think the 27 is best for the more experienced shooters. Since this is your first handgun you are better off getting the Glock 26-- a lot less recoil. Out of curiousity, why are you choosing a Glock? Also, why a subcompact? If you are not going to carry, a subcompact is NOT a good choice. What will this handgun be used for? Concealed carry, target shooting, home defense, competition? Please give us more info.
If you don't have any or much(less than 10 range visits) exp. shooting I would serously look at a G19. A G27 can be
controlable but if you develop a flinch you get zero accuracy. Also if you want to you can always get a 22lr conversion kit for the larger glocks for cheap practice.
I'm with Gunreview Webmaster on recommending the 26. In choosing calibers, what generally gets short shrift is that the most important variable in defensive shooting is shot placement. For those of less than extensive experience, 9mm's are easier to shoot accurately with than .40's, especially on follow up shots.
Why a Glock...

I like the Glock because of the feel and the shot consistancy. I do plan on carrying also. I don't like revolvers.
Ok, since you are going to carry the Glock 26 is a good choice. If this had been the case where it was only to be used for home defense or target shooting, I would have recommended a full sized pistol (better handling).
9mm is a great round to train with. And it is just as effective in defense loadings.

My preference is to just get the G26. It shoots just as accurately as the G19 and the G17.

Or, you can get the G27 and buy an aftermarket 9mm conversion barrel for $150.

Then you can shoot 9mm and 40SW out of it!
Each time this question... asked, it seems that the 26 gets more votes. I chose the 27. I know, I know..more recoil. However, my wife is a beginner and she loves to shoot my 27.
LadyHawk (I just purchased a knife with the same name), if you can rent one of each and do a side by side comparison you also might find that the recoil of the 27 is not that bad. To me, it's certainly less than a .357 snub. Now that HURTS! However, the one thing I'm completely sure of is that any Glock you choose will make you happy!

Kentucky Rifle
Which Glock

LadyHawk, I also have a 27 and love it ;) the recoil can be a bit snappy if you are not use to it, But I'm sure that can be overcome. If you decide on the 27 you will have no regrets:)

To put this in proper perspective, many shooters including myself, feel that the Glock 30 (.45 ACP) actually is a softer recoiling handgun than the G27. Like I said before, the G27 is best in experienced hands. I don't think a brand new gun owner needs to be going the .40 route until they first master the 9mm.
A carry gun.....

is only useful if you will, in fact, carry it! Not just once in a while but persistently and consistently. Don't leave home witout it. In the past I have owned a number of terrific guns which, for one reason or another, weren't comfortable. I found that I would often avoid carrying consistenly. Wrong! So as I got older and smarter I opted to carry only those weapons that I was comfortable carrying all the time. Bottom line here is if you find the G27 has too much recoil, is too loud, etc. there is a likelyhood that you won't carry it as often or at all.

Start and finish with a gun with which you are comfortable.
You probably can't go wrong with either. It depends on your circumstances. The 26 may recoil less; you pick up an extra round in capacity; pre-ban high capacity magazines for the 9mm are more plentiful and cheaper than high capacity .40 magazines; practice ammo is cheaper. I may get flamed for this, but in standard, non-exotic loadings, I think that .40 ammo may be a better choice out of the shorter barrel of the mini-Glocks, whereas the standard 9mm needs velocity to reliably expand and a lot of people carry +p 9 in their Glocks. I wouldn't feel undergunned with either, though.

Ah, now I understand how you picked your handle. They ARE wicked little blades. I finally found a lubricant that I like for my firearms AND my knives. Militec-1. My own LadyHawk opens faster than your eyes can see. As far as my G27, a little Militec on the slide rails and grooves seems to have made the pistol quieter.
I noticed the same thing with my Seecamp.
A point was made regarding the cost of the 9MM beng less. That's true, but I'll still have to give the edge to the G27. I've noticed that the police departments around here have switched to the .40 cal. I take that as a pretty good recommendation for the caliber.

Kentucky Rifle
I've found that both the G26 and G27 (or if you buy a G27, convert it to 9mm with an aftermarket barrel and G26 mags if you must) will have significantly reduced recoil if you put a Hartts recoil reducer in them. A G27 has about as much as a G26 with one. The G26 is like a 380. The .40S&# has more ft-lb energy and a larger bullet front then the 9mm
My girlfriend shoots my 27 very well and she only weighs 145lbs, but if you have never shot a handgun before (not saying yo havent) much less a .40 you should start with something a little less potent.

Also, a big plus for the 27 is you can buy an after market barrell in 9mm & .357sig if you chose to, thats an option the 26 in 9mm will not give you.

I got a federal .357sig barell for $70 and it works great, drops right in and uses the same mags as the .40 does.

Something to ponder:)

I'll have to toss down on the side of the G26 if you're picking between these two. It's a very easy gun to shoot, and 11 shots of 9mm should solve most defensive problems reasonably well. I tried the G27, and settled on the G26. I also have a G30, and the .45ACP is much more pleasant to shoot than the G27 in .40.
Personally, I prefer 40S&W, but for a first pistol, I would go with the 9mm, so my vote is for Glock 26.
I got the 27

My boyfriend recommends the 27, and being that he is a PI and a CHL instructor, and knows me, I got the 27. I'm going shooting on Tuesday. I'll let you know how I like it, but I am confident that I will be happy with it. Thanks for everyone's input. This is a great forum!