Glock 22 or H & K USP 40?

If I am going full size it has to be Glock:my 22 and 21.If I am going compact it has to be H and K:my USP 40c.Both are great guns.Although I would not suggest the USP 40c to someone who is recoil sensitive.

It sounds like you are going to buy this gun based on how many replies in favor of one of the guns gets, that could be your worst mistake yet.

Go hold them both and if you can shoot them, I will admit that I love Glocks and really cant stand HKs but I am not going to just say "get the Glock" even though my experience with them is unblemmished. Some dont like the feel of the Glocks and some feel the same way about the HKs, me being one of them, the only way for you to get the best gun for you is to actually hold them side by side.

Have you thought about getting a G23? Next step down from the 22 in size, conceals well and high cap mags are everywhere. That is a big plus fr most who buy Glocks.

Both are equal in their durability, both are very reliable, they are equal in quality as far as I am concerned, so why wouldnt I buy an HK based on that? Because it does not agree with my hand, simple as that. Taking people words on a gun seeing how they will most likely never shoot it is not a smart way to make a purchase.

I can tell you this, the simple design of the Glock makes it a beauty. You can field strip the gun, clean it and have it back together in 5 minutes, this is a characteristic that I love about the Glocks.

The simplicity of the Glock is what seperates it from the pack though, another thing about HKs that I dont care for is all the sharp edges on their slides, just not for me, plus the fact that they feel like crap in my hand.

Both of these guns are equal in most areas where some areas one is a little better than the other, you are going to pay alot more for the HK and you get the same quality as a Glock. Thats something to keep in mind.

I am not telling you which to buy but rather to not base your decition on this thread. How does anyone here know what is better for you?

Try going to and post your message, anything you need to know about the Glock will be answered there.

Good luck,

If you don't know already, he made a brilliant decision and stepped up to the Glock 23. Even with Clinton mags, it holds as much or more than a USP Compact and no need to worry about a clip coming off of the recoil spring guide. Why in the world would someone put a clip in a part like the recoil spring? That would be like mounting a headlight on a bulldozer blade.

[Edited by Will Beararms on 02-09-2001 at 03:25 PM]
Part of the reason why you hear so much about Glock .40 KB's is because Glock designed the 9mm first, then built the .40 on the 9mm platform. HK designed the USP for the .40, and is overbuilt for the 9mm. USP45 is on a different frame.

The clip doesn't usually come off the recoil rod. In fact, it's a pain in the ass to take the clip off. The clip is there to make re-assmebling the gun easier. Original USP's didn't have the clip.

In reference to the availability of replacement parts, why do you need replacement parts? If the gun is reliable, you wouldn't need any replacements.

One advantage is the mag release on the HK is ambidextrous. Most people prefer to use the trigger finger to release the mag. Glock's are single sided. With me, my thumb is too short to hit the mag release on most guns without having to shift my grip. The exceptions are when there is an extended mag release, which brings up other problems with accidental mag releases.