Glock 19 vs. Sig P229


New member
I am in the market for a 9mm for concealed carry. I had decided on the Glock 19 but now I am unsure. I was introduced to a Sig P245 and I love it. Now I am considering the 9mm version (P229). Here are a few questions that I have. I hope to hear from somebody who has carried either or both of them.

1. Will the P229 hold up to harsh environments (salt air) as well as the Glock 19? Very important!!
2. Will the sig be as reliable in a concealed carry environment. (always the possibility of getting bumped into something, getting wet, etc.......)
3. Is the P229 as concealable as the 19?
4. There is quite a bit of difference in the price of the two. What makes the P229 so much more expensive?
5. Other than the obvious, what advantages are there to the Sig's decocker vs. no safety with the Glock?
1. The 229 has a blackened stainless slide and alloy frame. The finish will wear rather quickly with holster use but that is only a cosmetic problem. The 229 will hold up very well, although the Glock has a definite advantage due to the polymer components adn Tenifer finish.

2. Sigs are very reliable, and with good ammo and proper maintenance, should be just as reliable as a Glock.

3. Nope. I've got a 229 and it's chunkier than a 19.

4. The 229 is all metal and highly machined with more moving parts. All this adds up to more cost. Besides, you are paying for the Sig mystique. ;)

5. The 229 has a DA/SA trigger pull. The first one is harder than a Glock but the subsequent shots are easier. This will give a bit of an advantage in a stressful situation where shooting may be required but immediately is not (i.e. taking/holding a perp at gun point). However, if your trigger finger control is properly working (finger off until ready to fire), the Glock is easier to get first round hits with.

I own Sigs and Glocks. The 229 is one of the best .40/.357 weapons around. But, I don't like the 9mm version at all. The 229 is far superior, and a better comparison to the 19. Of the 9mm 229 or the Glock 19, I'd go for the Glock.
A can of evil worms

This question is tough. As one with a lot of experience with a SIG Sauer P228 (a P229 with a stamped slide, 1 oz lighter and available only in 9mm), and Glocks 19 and 23. Here's my take, which will be completely subjective of course.

1. Will the P229 hold up to harsh environments (salt air) as well as the Glock 19? Very important!!

No. Yes, the Nitron finish on the stainless slide is a massive improvement over the stamped slide, but there are a bunch of untreated steel parts in the pistol than can and do rust, starting with the grip screws.

2. Will the sig be as reliable in a concealed carry environment. (always the possibility of getting bumped into something, getting wet, etc.......)

Yes. Reability of both is legendary with a slight nod going to the Glock 19.

3. Is the P229 as concealable as the 19?

No. The P229 is both taller and longer (because of the extra length added by the hammer) than the Glock 19. The P229 is also a little chunkier.

4. There is quite a bit of difference in the price of the two. What makes the P229 so much more expensive?

buzz_knox hit the nail with his response. More parts, more machining, means more money. The fact that the P229 uses a slide made in the US and that it's assembled here, where labor is a lot less expensive than in Germany, actually keeps the price tolearable. An all German P229 would probably be a lot more expensive.

5. Other than the obvious, what advantages are there to the Sig's decocker vs. no safety with the Glock?

Sorry, but Glock's do have safeties, three to be exact. The SIG Sauer, unless DAO, will be DA/SA. DA isn't easy to master. Lots of folks go all day at the range with SA, but the trick is accuracy with DA. Glock's simpler Safe-Action is easier to master. Glock's simpler manual of arms is a plus in an adrenaline filled situation. After use you've got to remember to remove finger from trigger and to decock, with a Glock just remove finger from trigger.

Both are super defense tools and a person would be fortunate to have either. What works best for you can only be determined by trying both out at a range.
I carried a Sig 229 for a year in a fanny pack. The front of the slide around the barrel started rusting after a few months (I'm sure it rusted here because it rubbed against the inside of the pack). I could get the rust off using Hoppes, but it would come back after a few days. The gun never left the fanny pack unless I was at the range (once a week).

I switched to a Glock 26 so I could carry in the pants. After shooting the G26, I sold the 229. For me, the G26 shot much better. And after months of carrying in the pants and in a fanny pack, there is ZERO wear on the Glock. I love it. I went to the range yesterday and I still can't believe how well it shoots. I assume that the larget G19 will shoot even better...
sig's finish will wear off and the gun will rust A LOT easier than a glock will. even if the black phosphate wears off a glock's slide the tenifer finish is still under it and will protect the gun from rust. even though the 229 and G19 look about the same size it's amazing when you hold and really compare the 2 how much easier the G19 would be to carry. the glock's a lot lighter than the sig and smaller, the grip's also slimmer which is important when trying to conceal it. they are both very reliable pistols and will both work great as a CCW. glocks will work more reliably in more situations than a sig may but sigs are good quality guns and you shouldn't have any problems with them. get the one that feels better in your hand and that you shoot better, thats the one thats best for you. i chose glocks over sigs mostly because of the feel and i like the trigger better than DA/SA guns.
Just a slightly different view.

1. Will the P229 hold up to harsh environments (salt air) as well as the Glock 19? Very important!!

Both will hold up equally well, but it takes a whole lot more effort to get the Sig to hold up. You will need to oil it very frequently. They are not super sensitive to rust, but much more so than the glock.

2. Will the sig be as reliable in a concealed carry environment. (always the possibility of getting bumped into something, getting wet, etc.......)

I think the Sig is more 'reliable' in that they are less prone to accidental discharge. However, if you are a licensed carrier, be absolutely certain to practice...a lot.
I think that the Glock actually takes more practice to become proficient, in terms of safety, than the Sig. For mechanical reliability, they are equal. The transition on the Sig from DA to SA can be a problem, but if you practice and train, it should not be a problem. Once mastered, the Sig should be more accurate, but how much accuracy does one need? Either will out shoot the shooter.

3. Is the P229 as concealable as the 19?

Nope. No arguement there.

4. There is quite a bit of difference in the price of the two. What makes the P229 so much more expensive?

Others have said it well. I am willing to pay the extra money for the metal. Not that it is better or worse. I just prefer the feel of the metal. If you are just looking for a working tool, th eglock is really hard to beat. I also like the 'aura' of the Sig. Alittle pride of ownership, maybe some snob appeal, I admit it.

5. Other than the obvious, what advantages are there to the Sig's decocker vs. no safety with the Glock?

Make no mistake, with training the Glock is every bit as safe as the Sig. With no training, neither is safe. And there are 3 safties on the Glock. My only concern on safety with the Glock is the higher potential for accidental discharge. In a perfect world, you would not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire. But in a stress situation, the pucker factor could get you. There is a natural tendency to tighten your fist, and it could lead to an AD. While it could happen with the Sig, if the Sig is in the DA mode, it takes a much harder and longer pull on the trigger to get it to fire.
Back to practice and training.
Dont make the mistakes I made had 245 ,220,239, was not happy with any of them(always some minor annoyance) always come back to glock and the 19 is one of the best glocks
I believe the Sig 229 failed two or three of the NIJ tests this year. NIJ stands for national institute of Justice I believe, I just read the report a couple days ago. Its something you might want to look into.

get the G19 and you wont have to worry about your pistol working. wish id started with glock 8 years age. would have saved some money.
VYPER005 has the URL correct, though the report I read gave actual results of how the weapons performed. I read it in a law enforcement magazine. I'll get the name of it tomorrow. I could not find the report on the web page vyper005 gave you.

Just curious, have you considered a used P228?
Our Sig experience is primarily with the 226 and 228 platforms, which have stellar performance rates. We would recommend a good 228 over a 229, unless you have no choice in the matter.

We'd like to share our opinions on a comparison b/t the G19 and P228.
Corrosion resistance? Glock.
Reliability? Sig.
Concealable? Glock.
Price? Glock.
Advantage? Alot rides on subjective factors such as how the gun feels and shoots in YOUR hands.

The Sig's decocker is not an active safety, so both the Sig and the Glock are ready to shoot with just a pull of the trigger. From the training standpoint, the Sig is not that much more difficult to train than the benchmark Glock. We are very happy with Glock on the whole as a system, but we have had some problems with the model 19 especially with post ban 10 rd magazines. Furthermore, NYPD FTS armorers we deal with have reported several type-3 malfunctions with Glock 19's- causing about half of recent academy grads to go with S&Ws. Having said this, we have Glocks that we carry on a regular basis with no reliability concerns. The bottom line is to establish a performance history with your particular gun and ammunition combination. Buy lots of ammo and train ;)
I've had to make that exact choice a couple months ago.

I think both the G19 and P229 are two of finest pistols available. Technically - reliability, durability and accuracy both guns are pretty much equal with nods going slightly to one gun or the other.

I went with the P229 two tone for personal reasons.
1. Got a great deal on it. Couldn't pass it up.
2. Fits my hand perfectly
3. I prefer the feel of a metal frame than plastic.
4. looks awesome, not like a block.

But if you really want to carry a Sig...I'd look at the P239, small and accurate and concealable.

Here is a very simple solution...

1) Go to a range and rent or borrow these two guns.
2) Shoot at least 100 rounds thru them side by side. (Don't worry about malfunctions at this point; the maintenance on rentals are always questionable.)
3) Buy the one that you can hit well with and fits your hand the best.

That is what I did. I own a SIG P229 .40S&W and a P226 9mm. Plan on getting a SIG P220 .45ACP. No plans for a Glock; I just can't hit with it and all Glocks feel awkward in my hands. And yes, I can hit with the DA first shot on my SIGs (takes practice, though).
G19 vs. 229

I'm another that had that same problem. I was pretty much sold on the G19 but wanted to be sure so tried to rent one and fire it along side my P95 and rented a Steyr M9,Sig 226,229,G26 , 239 along with a g17 (they didn't have a functioning G19).
I made for an eventfull afternoon with my wife and we both came to the same conclusions:
1) We could shoot the Glocks accurately, but for us they were uncomfortable; after 50 rounds through the G17 my wrist was sore in spots it never had been while shooting.

2)The Steyr felt about the same; except more so.I had great expectations on the M9 but didn't like shooting it at all.

3)Booth the 229 and 226 felt great to shoot; i thought the 226 was a bit more accurate. Shot the 239 and while we liked it, it seemed to big for CCW and the grip was just a bit short.

I eventually bought a 229 in 9 and like the pistol a lot; no misfires, no rusting but again, too big for CCW. At 30 oz, unloaded I hate the thought of carrying it for any amount of time. In retrospect, the 228 seemed more balanced and lighter but the stainless slide did have a lot going for it.

Once you handle a Sig, you'll know where the money went--into lots of finely machined parts that fit the way you'd expect in a high priced tool. The Glocks feel a lot different--not bad but different.

One thing I've noticed with renting guns is that the quality can vary a lot and make it difficault to make an informed decision. The Glocks i shot at the one place had the typical lousy triggers; I tried a new g26 the other day in a shop and it felt very light and precise--completely different. Ideally, it would be better to find a friend that has one in good condition to get a respresentative comparison.

In all candor, even a G19 might be a bit large for CCW depending what kind of rig you were going to use. I'm considering a Kahr P9 now--smaller and lighter than the G19 but carries fewer rounds. My thought is that size and weight will ultimately decide if I continue to carry it, all other things being equal. Best of luck with this.
Ture story to answer question #1. My buddy had a roommate that was busted for issuing a threat, and subsequently the cops raided the house, and confisgated my frineds legally owned guns. He didnt get them back for over 6 months when he finally got a lawyer to get things moving. He had 3 sigs, 2 blue, one two tone, and a glock (none more than 2 years old). I dont know what the cops did to them, or how they stored them, but all the sigs were badly rusted, especially along the slide...the glock was fine. Boy was he pissed. (as a side note, arrest the actual perp, they picked up the perp and 6 others (some his friends and some walk ons who were unfortunate enough to all be playing basketball together when the cops came- and all were charged with 'conspiracy' though none of them knew what the perp was into.

...vyper005, for the URL.

There's a wealth of info there; and there must have been some mfrs. that were *reeeeeeeeal* unhappy with the tests.:)