Glock 19 vs. Glock 23

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I am thinking about picking up one of these two guns for a CCW. Which one should I go with? They both feel great in my hand. I am leaning more toward the 23 b/c it is a .40 and I can always get a 9mm conversion barrel. What would you get and why?
I've got the 19, but then again I'm not a fan of the .40. It's all personal opinion but the 9mm will be cheaper so you can practice more.
I've got a 19 for carry, but it was due to ammo interchangeability with my primary carry USP9f
19 or 23

What do you want? stopping power or capacity. think of it this way ,A fast toyota going into a brick wall or a slow 1 ton truck going into a brick wall.Do your balistics research slow and heavy penatrates more than fast and light.
I have a G19 2nd Gen and find it to be a great reliable gun. The grip length is a bit short for my hands but that can be fixed with a pierce mag extension. As for .40 vs. 9mm, the 9mm is way cheaper to shoot than .40 I you can rent and shoot both then decide. Check this out if you have doubts about 9mm abilities.
Hold on a Second...

XD45 Sooner says, "I am leaning more toward the 23 b/c it is a .40 and I can always get a 9mm conversion barrel". It's NOT just THAT simple. It'll take more than a barrel swap. You're PROBABLY thinking of the .357 SIG barrel which is all you'd have to swap to make the G23 into another caliber.

XD45 Sooner says, "I am leaning more toward the 23 b/c it is a .40 and I can always get a 9mm conversion barrel". It's NOT just THAT simple. It'll take more than a barrel swap. You're PROBABLY thinking of the .357 SIG barrel which is all you'd have to swap to make the G23 into another caliber.

It is that simple, a 9mm magazine and 9mm barrel and your're good to go. I have shot about 500 rounds through my G22 (40 cal ) with a 9mm magazine and lone wolf 9mm barrel. Both calibers 357 Sig and 9mm convert easily.
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I started with a G23 and sold it. The Glock 19 is what got me Glockin again. Absolutely love it. In fact I want another bad.
I've owned both and love them both, that frame size is about perfect for everything.

I always get a good laugh from those who say 9mm doesn't have enough stopping power.

I went to the two 19's that I own because 9mm is more fun to shoot. It is a more accurate round, it is cheaper to shoot (not a major criteria for me personally, but it is a truth), and is a more "fun" round to play with on the range. I don't mind the .40 recoil characteristics, but I do prefer the 9mm shooting.

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