glock 19 vs. berretta 92


New member
My birthday is coming up and my wife said she would by me a gun If I wanted (hell it's my moey anyways), and wanted to know what is the better gun?
Well, we all know what my choice would be(see SN) but I think you need to let us know what the gun would be used for, if you have kids in the house, will it be for CCW, etc. etc....
OH yeah, do yourself a favor, hold em both and see which feels better to you... shoot em both if possible

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
This would be for personal protection, I work in a pawnshop. We used to sell guns, but with all the legal bs we got out kind of a CYA type of thing. It would be a gun I would wear everyday. I already have a taurus pt-111 and a ruger 95dc I alternate. My wife got a ccw like me. Although she doesn't carry I thought it would be nice to have before they ban them. She has a berretta .32 tomcat which should make you happy, but anyways this is something for me that I want.
I carry the Beretta at work everyday... a rather large gun if you intend on using it with a CCW for personal defense. What do I carry after I hang up thr duty belt... a Glock 19. Perfect size, managable in firing, a great all around gun. Go for the Glock.. less parts [33 in the Glock vs 64 in the Beretta] so less to break and go wrong. When the guys at work ask if there is a better Beretta for off duty concealment, I just reply... "Read my lips... there is no such thing as a small Beretta"... at least not in a serious defense caliber.
No comparison. Ever wonder why you can always find a Berretta 92 or a Taurus 92 at the pawn shop or gun dealer.

The full-sized Berretta may be the most inaccurate of all of the major brands including Glock, Sig, HK, SW, Colt, Springfield, and Kahr.

Other than the INS and a few poorly funded and staffed federal agencies, the Glock, Sig, HK, or SW are being carried on and off duty.

If you could only have one Glock, many persons would only chose the G19. concealable but large enough for range training, accurate, and unreputably reliable.

The advantage with the Berretta is if you have really big hands, it's a comfortable gun.

But as they say . . . you gotta have a gun to win a gunfight. The Berretta could be a nice range plinking gun but for versatility, get the Glock 19, Glock 30, Sig P228, HKP7. Nice compacts.

The Seattle SharpShooter
If it can't shoot jacketed rad turds powered by rodent farts, I ain't gonna shoot it!
I went through this exact decision about 4 months ago. Settled on the Glock. Big enough to be a bedside gun, small enough to carry comfortably. Ultra reliable. I'm lazy so I like the low maintence factor of Glocks, as opposed to others with more parts. The grip/bore angle of the Glock is more conducive to point shooting. I have fairly large hands, and the Berretta still feels too chunky. Glock feels good.

I may still get a Berretta someday, its a really fine gun. But at the time I could only choose one...I chose the Glock 19.
I chose a G19. The Berretta has a slide width of a fire brick, carries like one too. I have been blessed with reasonably large hands, so trigger reach for myself isn't a problem. However, trigger reach is a problem for my girlfriend. She shoots my G19 well. If the pistol is to be used in a home defense role, your wife should also be able to comfortably hold and fire the pistol you choose. If this is your first pistol, the Glock will take less time and money to become proficient with than the Berretta. Remember to keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire, the Glock is unforgiving when you forget this rule.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

I really like the GLOCK design, it's durable and very reliable. High-caps or no hi-caps, you really can't go wrong with a GLOCK. The 19 is very size efficient, where as the Beretta 92 is a large pistol.

Ten rounds of good 9mm ammunition should get the job done, if not, you pissed off the wrong people!
It depends on what you need the gun for and how well you shoot Glocks. Some people are dead accurate with them and others like myself aren't. You need to try it at the range and put a couple of hundred rounds through it. By the way, I have both a Beretta and Glock and shoot the Beretta way better. Contrary to one of the other posts, I think the Beretta is way more accurate than the Glock.
Having owned both I would pick the Glock hands down . It will conceal easier , the finish will last longer , it is easier to maintain , and the 2 G-19's I had were more accurate than the 2 Beretta 92FS's I have owned [1 Italian and 1 American] . The G-19 is my favorite Glock . Good luck , Mike...
WOW thanks for the info. I must mention I sell pagers and cell phones in my shop and the people I deal with probably carry guns too, but illegally if you know what I mean. I always wear it out and I want them to know I have it. Since I have been wearing a gun I have had a lot less problems dealing with them, but some don't like it(I wonder why). SO concealment isn't much concern to me. I am not sure what the law is here in Indiana, but I am friends with all the local leo and they don't seem to care at all.

Thanks for all the input!
I think I will get the glock.
You may also consider the Glock 26/27.
I carry the G27 in a Sidearmor IWB holster
daily. Very nice rig. If you can rent one at a range, give it a try. dk
Ya well, if you want some style in your pistol, not just an ugly piece of "combat tupperware," go with the beretta. My hands are very large, so the beretta fits well and many of the glock feel too small, but this probably isnt the caes for you. Try them both. I shoot better with the beretta, but you might not.
My vote is for the G19. It is a true classic and will be one of the few firearms that are remembered from the latter part of the twentieth century, IMHO. Good Shooting! :)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Well, I'm going to have to go with the glock 19 too, though I'm not as down on the Beretta 92.

The 92 is perhaps the most reliable of all 9mm handguns. This is at least what Jan Libourel used to say. But the Glock is darn reliable too in my experience.

Problem is that the 92 has a huge grip and longer trigger reach than the Glock, the trigger is heavier in double-action, and perhaps the 92 is less accurate. Go and hold and shoot both if you can.
I am storing a 92fs for a friend in my safe. I field stripped it and found the leading frame rails worn and the slide rails had aluminum chips in them.

As far as a Glock 19 goes...get in line! Mine has been backordered since October! I'm hoping I'll get it by mid Jan. The store I purchased it from had seven orders ahead of me and now have 30 behind me.
Someone better tell Ernest Langdon the man who keeps on winning IDPA events with a beretta that they are inaccurate and handle like a brick :)
PatMcGroin, don't feel bad, Glock is in short supply everywhere,,,,,,,,,Reason (1) Glock is in the middle of large Government and LEO contracts, which put civilian orders on the back burner. Reason (2) All Glocks are still made at the Austria plant, and shipped(partically assembled) around the world, not just the USA. This takes Time.
Reason (3) Civilian sale have more than doubled over last year, everybody wants one. Partly because of Glock popularity, and some say because of Clinton, or the Y2k thing.
Reason (4) Almost 80% of ALL U.S. Law Enforcement now carry Glock's and the number is still growing. This increases the if its good enough for them, it's good enough me among civilians.......Hang on, you won't regret it...