Glock 19 Gen2 vs Gen3

I didn't carry my Glock for a long time because I couldn't find a good, decent priced holster that would conceal it well. My brother got an Alien wear holster for his SCCY and that turned me onto them, so I got a Cloak Tuck 2.0 to carry my G19 (gen 3). I love it. Good price, really comfortable and conceals very well. I would definitely recommend them if you like the hybrid style holsters.
>>Why did they retain that spiky little mag release for so many years?<<

And I always wonder why they've retained that spiky little trigger guard. Very "old hat" in my book. :cool:
I carry the Gen4G19, plus a spare G17 mag. I use the Glock "Sport" Holster.

I chop it up a bit, if I could find out how to photo it! I would put a snap of it here. It weighs nothing $13.00? I have wore it for two years.

Carry it at 3-30. Still in CA, till the 12th.