Glock 19 advice

Tall Man

New member
Hello folks -

I used the 'Search' feature of TFL, but didn't stumble upon a thread specific to the qualities (and perhaps shortcomings?) of the Glock Model 19 semi-automatic pistol.

I say this because I am giving serious thought to purchasing this very pistol.

Your thoughts on the matter, to include viable alternatives to the G19, are respectfully solicited.


Tall Man
I think it is the best of the Glocks. It is absolutely the best firearm out of the box I have ever purchased. Perfect combination of many attributes. Size: it is small enough to comfortably conceal, large enough to control. As accurate as any pistol I have ever owned and I have never, in 4000 plus rounds, had one malfunction. Not one. I shoot jacketed factory ammo only and when using as a carry piece I load it with Triton Quick Shock. Awesome round! I purchased a second a few years back and it functions the same.
What Scott said --- with the exception that I do shoot reloads with my 19, and the "serious" stuff is usually Gold Dots. It's a great pistol!
What the others said.
An excellent "do everything" 9mm
Have shot everything from 90gr to 147gr
with no problems.
Plus 15 round mags are readily available.
A good choice
Scott has it right. I see no reason to get the full size Glock when the 19 is just the right size & will accept 15 round magazines. Makes even more sense if 10 rounds is enough for you and you don't want to spend $100 for a hi-cap magazine.
Of course, you'll need a Glock 26 to go with it...

The new Croation HS 2000 is similar to the Glock and is apparently getting a lot of rave reviews from lots of folks. I have no experience with it but heard lots of good things about it.
I have the G19 also and love it shoots great. Also have a G26 and like it a little better but just my opinion. Good Luck Cant go wrong with any Glock really!! :D
Ditto to that which the others have stated. The G19 is a very well made,reliable and durable firearm. I'd advise you to rent or shoot someone elses prior to purchase. Some shooters love the Glock from day one, others take time to get the feel of it, and others just don't care for them. It a personal thing.
G19's good points are its compact size, 15 round capacity, and super tough Tennifer finish,(very important for CCW). Accessories and holsters abound for the G19, the biggest problem isn't finding a holster you like it's selecting only one.
Other more expensive offerings to consider would include the Sig P228, P229, and P239. If your on a budget the slightly larger Ruger P95 is considered by many as the best overall value in a 9MM pistol.
If you should buy the G19 there's little doubt you will be pleased.
Take care.
the Glock 19 is hands down my favorite handgun i've ever fired. i love Glocks and the G19 is the best of em IMHO. i personally like the 9mm over other calibers because i feel it's basically just as effective for defense but costs less to practice with, has less recoil and holds more rounds in the magazines. i love glocks because they are (again just IMHO) the most reliable pistols made, they're very accurate and durable. glocks also feel good in my hand and point well for me; i also love the consistant trigger pull they offer. the compact sized glocks fit my hands the best and point best for me. i'm not saying the G19 is the perfect gun for everyone but for me it's the best out of everything else i've ever tried. if you like the features of glocks and the G19 fits well in your hand you won't be sorry you bought it!
I was not a believer in plastic pistols until I fired a Glock 19. Perfect size (I have CCW)and little recoil. I have several handguns in all calibers but if I had to keep only one the g19 would be it.

I carry my 19 in a Blade-Tech IWB, their one-size-fits-all Glock model. I got it for $38.45 total. It's the most comfortable concealed pistol I've carried. I don't think you'll be disappointed in your choice. Get night- sights too.
I worked at a gun shop for almost a year, and could have picked any pistol I wanted (all the money I earned there was solely for firearms and related purchases) from a WIDE array of choices.

I carry a Glock 19.

Any questions?
My first Glock was a G19 years ago. Since then I have owned 50+ Glocks. What am I back to now? two G19s and a G17. Not interested in any other models.
I am considering getting a G19C, but am having a hard time finding one for a good price. So far the best price for a NIB G19C I have found is 524.00
I carry a G19 regularly as a BUG of all things. It fits comfortably in the small of my back riding in a Sidearmor IWB. It is hard to beat as an all around defense pistol. As much as others lament the Glock trigger, my 19 extremely crisp, almost approaching some of my single action pistols.

As to the G19C mentioned in a previous post, I personally see no point in a ported 9mm but to each his/her own.
The G19 was my first Glock, and I'll own another one before too long. It's the perfect frame size: small enough for concealment, big enough for comfort and controllability, spacious enough for 15-rounders. Its bigger-bored twin, the G23, is considered by many to be the ne plus ultra in CCW handguns. It's a fine, fine, fine pistol, probably the best double-stack 9mm carry gun ever put on the market.

Its only disadvantage is that it will get you hooked on Glocks. You'll want a 26 next, then a 17, then a 20, 29...but there are worse addictions than Glockitis.
It's a great jack of all trades kind of Glock. small enough for CCW but with a full-sized grip that accommodates most hands.

WTBS - I just sold mine to trade into a Glock 34 so I have a G26 for CCW and a G34 for training and competition.

But it is the best comproomise. I just shoot a lttile better with the G34. Darn WSI, my shooting range! I would have kept my G19 if I hadn't started shooting their G34. Nice range though, they have ever US legal Glock still in production available for rental.

For CCW primary, G26
All around - G19
Competing - G34
I owned a G23, and like a fool, sold it. If I had to the choice between a 19 and 23, I'd go with the 19. I don't think you could find a better all around combat pistol than the G19. I presently own a G26 and absolutely love it. If I buy another pistol, I'll buy the G34. However, If I was limited to one pistol, it would be the G19. Buy it! You will not be sorry. JohnH
Okay, I'll dissent.

I bought a Glock 19. Yes, it's fairly light. Yes, it's as accurate as any other off-the-shelf semi I've fired.

Still, after I couple of months I got rid of mine. It jammed constantly. At first, no problem. Then, the more I used it, the more it jammed. I tried a variety of ammo, and it was the same story every time. Jam, jam, jam.

Probably, the problem was with the magazines. I've heard that for a while low-cap mags jammed unless you replaced the followers with high-cap followers. I never tested this, though; I was so fed up that I traded the gun in for a new Beretta 92...which has NEVER jammed on ANY ammo.

Thought I was the only one dissatisfied with their Glock 19, so I didn't post anything. I've had a few failure to feed stoppages in my Glock 19C while shooting Remington UMC fmj ammo. I also had a couple of horrendous jams with reloaded ammo; the slide jammmed solid almost in battery on a live round (talk about pucker factor), and I had to beat the slide open with a chunk of 4x4. These very same reloads worked without any problem in my Browning HP...

At this point I've real lost faith in my Glock as a defensive weapon, and I'm gonna trade it in on something else. YMMV

...I prefer the identically-sized .40 cal G23 (I've owned 4 so far, all flawless performers), I've never had a hiccup with any G19 I've sampled. My former employer at the gun store carried one for CCW, and he had a collection that would boggle the mind (HK's, SIG's, literally dozens of 1911 and High-Power variants, etcetera, etcetera). The only reason he stopped toting his G19 is because Glock released the G26.