Glock 18, best gun Glock ever made?

I disagree that it is worthless, as Willie Lowman said it has its purpose. Its not an SMG and not meant to be used like one. As a personal defense weapon I see where it could be very usefull.

I have never shot one but I've seen plenty of videos. The later model one with the ported barrel appears to be very controllable.

Best Glock ever? not sure about that, IIRC its is pretty much the same as any other Glock minus the FA selector switch.

IF I had the choice to have any Glock I wanted, it would be the Glock 18. I think if the BATF came up to just about anyone and said "Hey, we're gonna let you have what ever glock you want just this one time" I bet everyone would pick the Glock 18, even if it was just because they could actually buy any other model but the 18 is pretty much off limits. Would that qaulify it as the best? maybe...

It's just impractical. Definitely not easy to conceal a pistol with a 33 round mag sticking out of it.

I dont think it was designed to be concealed with that magazine....

I've shot a Glock 18. It was not the least bit controllable. The full auto feature serves no purpose.

Maybe you just aren't very good with the gun because you only rented it and shot it once? Thats a pretty absolute statement, and if it were true then why is there a market for them or any other machine pistol?

You can't miss fast enough, and with the G18, unless you need some up close firepower, a full auto pistol without a butt stock seems impractical. Fire superiority is not achieved just by placing rounds down range, but is achieved by placing effective rounds down range

It's purpose, like most any handgun IS close up firepower. In the kind of situation in which you would need a Glock 18 you're probably not going to be able to get well aimed shots off, the auto function would give you the speed to possibly neutralize multiple assailants, or if you did need well placed shots just dont put it on FA, then you have a full size 9mm pistol like any other.

The gun isn't made to be a medium machine gun people, with all the discussion about what gun is best for what that goes on here how do so many people not see that this gun like all others have specific purposes, this one is suited as a personal defense weapon....jeeeezzzz...:rolleyes:
yes but he stated having it with the 33 round mag. I was only making that point. if it had a 17 or 19 rounder it would conceal just fine.

Secondly depending where you used it in SD such as in a standard CCW case all those FA rounds that missed your multiple assailants would look really really bad in court... so where did the 17 of those 33 rounds that missed wind up?:rolleyes:

I think it serves a purpose but as a SD weapon or PDW their are better options. Just my opinion. God it looks like a hell of alotta fun.
I guess the “uncontrollable” conjecture is from folks who have never shot one. Here is a video of a friends kid shooting one last 4th of July. Practical? No, but then again it’s a machinegun.

The stock does help and makes it as long as an M16

Id like to CC one. I think at close in ranges the G18 with a few 17rd mags would be just the ticket. :)
Secondly depending where you used it in SD such as in a standard CCW case all those FA rounds that missed your multiple assailants would look really really bad in court... so where did the 17 of those 33 rounds that missed wind up?

I agree "DEPENDING" on where you used it..I still think it would at the very least be nice to have FA as an option in a pistol for self defence...just one more tool in your self defence tool belt :cool:

I think it serves a purpose but as a SD weapon or PDW their are better options. Just my opinion. God it looks like a hell of alotta fun.

Yeah it looks like fun! What a shame...what a shame..
I honestly cannot think of one single situation where I would prefer a fully automatic handgun, over a semi-auto... So the Glock 18 doesn't really do anything for me and I prefer the standard model 19 and 17. But that's just my opinion since you asked for it :)
Impractical? says who?

Under most circumstances I would simply leave the selector switch on semi and have a normal magazine in it. However, there are law enforcement or military applications which could be ideal for a Glock 18 in full auto. You're essentially dumping tooonnnnssss of energy and damage into a human in fractions of a second. Who needs a bigger caliber when this is possible ;)
Nobody says you have to use the huge mags for it... through in the normal g17 mag, and you have tons of suppressive fire with the flick of a switch... now youre not going to beat Rambo in a shoot off, but it could be used...
Imangine, if you can, that full-auto only glocks and semi-auto glocks were not restricted and treated as ordinary handguns. Which one do you really think people would purchase to carry and defend their homes?
I certainly wouldn't call them 'the best' at anything, but they serve a purpose. Our shield guys carry them on the tac team, giving a lot of firepower to the guys who otherwise literally have their hands full. With some practice, you can control an 18 fairly well, but it would never be my first choice for a sidearm/ SMG, unless fitted with a stock of some sort. TONS of fun for sure though!
Which one do you really think people would purchase to carry and defend their homes?

Good question. For me, no chance I would want to have full auto inside my home, especially when there are loved ones nearby to protect. I would not risk putting them in greater danger by my own stray rounds
Nobody says you have to use the huge mags for it... through in the normal g17 mag, and you have tons of suppressive fire with the flick of a switch... now youre not going to beat Rambo in a shoot off, but it could be used...

Tons of suppressive fire? How do you figure? Instead of BRAAAAP (empty) with the 33rd magazine, you have BRAAP (empty) with a flush-fitting one.