Glock 17 or Sig Saur P226 which one should I buy?


Ive heard storys of both guns being extremely accurate and very durable... (even some storys of glocks falling in mud and still being able to shoot "not sure if its true or not?") Since I can only pick one becasue of the December 31 deadline which one should i get and why? What are the pro's and con's .. thank you for your time..

Tyler Durden say's "You are not your job"

In Tyler we trust
if you think a glock falling into mud is impressive listen to this. in the testing throughout the years they've taken glocks and dropped them out of a helecopter at 400 feet, driven over them with trucks, thrown them in the ocean for a few weeks, burried them in mud, dirt, ice, snow, sand, etc. every time they kept on firing them. glocks will work reliably in more situations than any other pistol. thats one of the big reasons why i like them so much.

sigs are also very good guns and are very reliable. i think they are both top of the line pistols. the best way to decide which to get is to hold and shoot both of them. if you can rent them both and see which feels better and shoots better for you then thats a much better way of making a decision that listen to a bunch of us telling you which we prefer.
Some of the new glocks are cracking frames from a defective casting around the serial number.Glock stands behind it very well but its a pain.
The choice boils down to which one fits you better.For me its sig but for you?
In the good old bad old days the majority of military forces in the world used the Browning HP (GP35)

These days, international armed forces are pretty much split between these two, the Glock 17 and the SIG 226. Which is a testament to the quality and durability of both guns.

Both are excellent guns and I am would be happy if I could only have one or other of these.

They are different in feel and operation, Go look at them, try them out if you can, see with one "presses your buttons", buy that one.

It's a no-lose situation
I agree with trying to check them out if you can. But if it was me....the Sig is sweet, but the Glock will just not stop! But at the same time, you definitly would not go wrong with either one. The Glock is cheaper in price also, by around $200.
I think you can tell which I would buy. This notwithstanding, I think you will find the easiest solution is to buy both. If you have to get a loan {a signature loan if your credit is up to it} to do this, then do it. Only you can determine what you are willing to sacrifice in the short term, to enjoy what you want in the long run. I drive an 18 year old car and own most of the guns I have always wanted. I keep telling my girlfriend that I'm going to buy a new car right after I buy this (insert next gun I want here). They will be making new cars for years to come. Our Second Amendment rights are in jepordy now! Yours are in more danger than mine, for right now, but I'm not waiting until I'm in your shoes.
If it's really down to these two......Go with the 226. Have both and the 226 easily overshadows the G17. Sigs are almost always accurate out of the box. Are you going to use it for CCW? If so the Sig is a little big. Never have had any stoppages with the Sig. Glock 10 rnd. mags can be a PTA. You're pitting a DA/SA pistol against Glocks "Safe Action"? Should figure out which you prefer even if it's just in the Gun Shop. How are you on gun care? Glocks are a no-brainer to clean & lube. As far as what you pick. Which fits your hand the best? Is the DA trigger length OK for you? You really can't go wrong with either. If it is a first pistol then the Glock is probably the better choice.
My personal choice would be the Sig P226 or even P228. I prefer them both to Glocks. I don't know why, they just feel better...
Sign me up on the Glock 17 side. I shot ShallCarry's and I was that impressed with its reliability and accuracy. This is coming from a Sig owner. I own a Sig 226 and the Glock would be my choice. If you ask about my P228 VS the Glock 17 I am sure I will give you a different answer. Regards, Richard.
Greetings Poster's-

Looks like all are good answers to two top of the line semi-auto's. Both are great weapons, as other's have stated. Hand's On by the perspective owner is definitely the best way to tell which one is best for you?
I like both, the Glock's "Safe Action" firing system; and the Sig's DA/SA trigger system. As one poster said, to solve
the equation; go ahead and buy both. But faced with the fact
that most of us can only choose one; one word sums up the matter nicely, and that is QUALITY. With that said,
cast my vote for the world famous Sig-Sauer P226; quality at it's finest!!!:):D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I have owned several SIGs and three Glocks. Glocks are good weapons, but I prefer the SIGs. In my experience they are more accurate. The P226 is a great pistol. You will not regret it.
Like others have said buy the one that fits and balances best for you. Both are excellent, but are very different. One relies on the traditional DA/SA while the other uses the proprietary Safe-Action mechanism. I go back and forth, and I can never make up my mind. I like the G17 because it's so simple, reliable, consistent trigger pull, easy to maintain, light, and reasonaly accurate. I like the P226 because it's DA/SA (sort of like a standrad versus auto transmission), it's very accurate, extremely reliable, and it fits my hand much better. I wouldn't hesistate to use either one as a primary defense tool.
I generally do like Glocks more than Sigs, but not in the case of the Glock 17 or 22, here is why.

Can't say I like the Glock 17 (or 22). My 17 was not reliable, the accuracy was at best mediocre, and the ergonomics were poor. Some of my friends are having similar problems with their 17's. I traded my 17 in recently (got tired of the bad reliability and accuracy problems). The other Glocks I own I do like very much (Glock 21 and Glock 26). The 21 is a tackdriver and feels better in the hand than the 17. Even the 26 is much more accurate than the 17. I have shot almost every Glock model (except the .357 Sigs) and I am not basing my dislike on the Glock 17/22 on just a few guns. My point being that the Glock 17 is definently not the best model Glock produces.

OTOH, the Sig 226 is the best model Sig produces IMO. The P226 is slightly more accurate than the P228 (another very nice Sig). The P226 is a tackdriver with excellent ergonomics, and great single action trigger. Yes, it is not as durable as the Glock 17, but IMO it beats the Glock 17 bad in every other area. In this case, I would have to go with the Sig.
While I prefer the Sig...

and carry the P220 in .45 ACP, might I suggest you try shooting both guns? Do a clearance drill on each several times and the reloading drill too. Figure out which one shoots better for you and is easier for you to use. Which one is more comfortable for you and finally, which one do you have more confidence in. That will be the gun you should buy.
I would recommend the SIG-Sauer P226. To be fair it's because for me, the Glocks are poorly balanced and shoot low in rapid fire.
I own both. If I HAD to choose one gun and have no other, I'd pick a Glock. Glocks live (for the most part) without support and shoot right out of the box!!!The 17 is probably the most tested and proven gun out there. AND...if I am going to ever have to defend myself with a handgun....I really like having 17 round magazines avaiable! Two rounds than the big deal? Well consider that most of us will only be 50% or LESS as good in a real faceoff with a gun/badguy...compared to our BEST day at the range....It's an odds thing.
I'd pick the Glock 17. I had the opportunity to buy a slightly used G17 with 2 factory 17 rounders and passed on the deal. I'm still kicking myself for that!
Don't have a G17 but do have a G34. Compared to the P226, the G34 is a little more accurate. (I figure the G17 has probably close to the same accuracy as the P226.)

In the end, I feel the P226 has a slight edge as it feels much better in my hands than the more boxy G17/34. The let-off (in single action) on the SIG is better defined (less mushy) than the Glock's.

As suggested, try to save up nd get both.