Glock 17 for the first handgun

Thank all you guys so much for all the information and sharing personal experience. I will rent more handguns and keep an eye on the Glock 17 before I make a final decision.
An outstanding decision. We can shoot the breeze all day long about chamberings, capacity, reliability, etc. What we (the other shooters) can't do is tell you how well a gun will fit your hand.

Welcome to TFL!
I noticed on a popular video (----45 Channel) that he laid a G17 and a H&K VP9 next to each other and they are pretty much the same dimensions. The H&K has all sort of replaceable grip inserts that allows you to change the width and backstrap length. I really do like the VP9 and I'm totally OK with the paddle type clip release.

But like others have said- go with what you feel fits you bestest and what feels rightest to you. Good luck and have fun!
Thank all you guys so much for all the information and sharing personal experience. I will rent more handguns and keep an eye on the Glock 17 before I make a final decision.

Good decision. Keep shooting, renting guns, etc, to find what you really like. All of the major brands are going to be reliable. The worst thing you can do is buy something only to realize you actually don't like it and then need to get another. This is why I have like 10 hand guns lol.

Personally, I prefer a gun with a safety, so no glocks for me. Though this precludes me from joining the glock leg club.
chris in va: said:
Go to PA and rent a few first.

I grew up & lived in PA near NJ most of my life and your state just flat out stinks for anything & everything firearms related. I wouldn’t live in a state with a gun control agenda that would not grant me a licence to carry a firearm, but that’s just me. Way better over on the PA side of the river!

You may find the Glock 17's grip overkill and the grip angle not to your liking. The trigger isn't all that either.

That’s one opinion, but the Gen4 and the new Gen5 come with replaceable backstraps and beavertail backstraps that (IMHO) fix any issue with the way a Glock points, which is debatable in the first place. I have a Gen3 19 with a Grip Force Adapter and that works for me, but if I had a Gen5 I’d put the medium or large beavertail backstrap on it. It’s definitely worth experimenting with, but most people seem to leave these things just sitting in the box. And the Gen5 trigger is a really good stock Glock trigger, they definitely got the trigger right on these new ones.

Check out the S&W M&P as suggested, perhaps a CZ?

Personally, I’d want to test fire a used older M&P before I committed to buying it. IMHO, the new 2.0 full size is a big improvement and I’d go with one of those, you may or may not like that new course grip texture, but a rubber Talon grip does adhere nicely to it. And a full-size CZ is always a great way to go!
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Lots of throwing around of various guns. That's the way of the Internet. Why not a Gluger in 423 Maximum - blah, blah.

If you shoot a G17 well and it fits your hand, it is an excellent choice. There is no reason for the snappier rounds as modern 9mm works as well. So much for the 40, 357.

1911s - I love them but they are great for a little more trained up folks. 1911s can be very reliable or problematic. You have to practice with their manipulations for using the safety or clearing them.

Glock 17s are very reliable. Yes, try a lot of guns but don't listen to hyper picky suggstions for exotica just because it's the Internet.
If you like the size of the G17, I'd recommend that. If you want a bigger caliber, look into the G22 or G21, both great guns also.
If you never intend to carry concealed then the Glock 17 is an excellent range and home defense pistol.

If you want to carry concealed then just go a little smaller...Glock 19 or 26 or 43.

Happy shooting!
The Glock 17 is a fine pistol that is well suited to your needs. I am sure that many avid shooters started by purchasing "one gun" to keep at home for defensive purposes. If all you ever need it for is home defense and occasional range sessions, it will last forever. If you wind up really enjoying recreational shooting, don't be surprised if it is soon joined by a DA/SA hammer fired model, a 1911, and a random revolver just for fun.
You could get a M&P45 full size that already comes with 10rd mags. If I was limited to a capacity, I'd probably just get a 1911 or 7 shot .357mag revolver.
Limited to 10 Round Magazines.
Illegal to use HP ammo for SD.

I have another suggestion, and I happen to like Glock Pistols.
Take a look at a Glock Gen 4 G37. This pistol has a normal magazine capacity of 10 rounds. It is chambered in 45GAP. This is a pistol with the same grip size as a Glock 17, so it is great to handle. The 45GAP delivers 45acp performance in a slightly shorter cartridge that fits in the standard size Glock platform.
When limited to Ball Ammo a 45 has a lot more going for it than a 9mm.
Just something to look in to. I have a Gen 3 G38, and I like it just fine. You may need to order ammunition for it, but that should not be a big issue.

Bob R
Hi everyone,

I am looking to buy my first handgun and maybe only handgun for range shooting on the weekends and potentially home defense in the future. People have been recommending Glock 17 as I am a big dude. Since I am in NJ, I can only get Glock 17 10 round. What other handguns would you recommend if you don’t think Glock 17 10 rounds is a very good choice for me?

Thank you.

Sigh. I’m sorry man.

Well. If you LIKE the Glock then get one. But if it just feels a little off? Look at a Springfield. Or an S&w shield. Or any other Striker fires pistol. If you aren’t carrying concealed? Your options are really wide open (unless you are one of those people that carries concealed with a manual safety).

Can you tell us what you LIKE on a pistol? What features you want? Semi auto is a good choice for first time because it is simple to reload...despite what revolver people may say.

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It’s rugged and reliable, not particularly accurate and there is not a blessed thing you can do about the long mushy horrid triger pull except get some Glock trigger tuning wizard to work it down to simply icky. 9mm is a nice easy chambering.

This isn't my experience at all with my Glock 19. It pointed a little weird until I got used to it but there is nothing mushy about the trigger at all. It breaks pretty clean compared to some guns. I wouldn't consider it the most comfortable gun in the world to shoot, but it really isn't bad. Hits what I point it at well enough for my liking.

The Sigma trigger is what I would call a "long mushy horrid trigger pull".

The Glock 19 was my first handgun purchase and I don't regret it. If you like the 17, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a Glock. I might suggest buying a metal guide rod or a plug for the grip. Not sure if that's still an issue in the newer gens or not, but it was an annoyance in my Gen 3. It's an extremely easy gun to field strip and clean, has been completely reliable for me, and has been my primary carry for a while now.

It's not my favorite gun in the world but it definitely serves its purpose and just works.
Sigh. I’m sorry man.

Well. If you LIKE the Glock then get one. But if it just feels a little off? Look at a Springfield. Or an S&w shield. Or any other Striker fires pistol. If you aren’t carrying concealed? Your options are really wide open (unless you are one of those people that carries concealed with a manual safety).

Can you tell us what you LIKE on a pistol? What features you want? Semi auto is a good choice for first time because it is simple to reload...despite what revolver people may say.

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I wasn’t going to buy a handgun but they issued me the handgun permit which will expire soon. Then I feel it is meant to be. So I was looking for a reliable handgun which is big enough for my hand and decently cost efficient on ammos and I don’t need to put much effort on modification or upgrade. I am not a big fan of the grip of Glock 17 and I understand nothing is perfect. I have no need for concealed carry so safety or size doesn’t bother me.
Have you had a chance to fire an alloy-framed, hammer-fired 'service pistol' such as the Beretta M9 / 92fs, or the SIG Sauer P226?
I'm gonna buck the trend here, and say, for your first pistol, get a .22!!

semi or relvolver, I don't care which, but start with a .22LR.

Doesn't have to be the first pistol you own, but ought to be the first one you get experience with. If those have to be the same thing, so be it.

Forget, for now, personal defense, concealed carry, stopping power, and all the rest of the things we rant about so much here. First step, LEARN TO SHOOT.

NOTHING will be better for that, than a .22LR. Recoil is very light, report is low, and ammo cost is the lowest that there is.

Walk before you run, learn to drive on back roads and in small towns before hitting the big city and the freeways. Don't start out with a formula 1 race car, or an 18 wheeler.

After you have learned, and practiced the basics, THEN you can consider moving up to something more powerful. When that time comes, you can sell or trade the .22 to finance the 9mm or whatever it is that floats your boat. But, start with a .22. You won't regret it.
My first carry gun was a Glock 19. Bought back in the late 90's, no generation back then. Great gun then and great gun now. There are so many choices it can drive you crazy. So maybe I can muddy the waters a little more. Ever think about getting a 7 shot 357 Mag? Plenty of power and you can shoot 38's as well. Rent one you may like it.
If I were limited to 10 rounds and getting my first handgun, I'd get a Glock 20 Gen 4. If you're a big dude, you'll be able to handle 10mm Auto just fine, but if you're wanting to spend as little money as possible in ammo, 9mm can't be beat and you'd be better off with a Glock 19. No reason to have all that extra size in the grip for 10 rounds.

If you're not opposed to it, look at used Glock 23's on gunbroker. Same size as the 19, but in .40 and you can convert it to 9mm with a simple barrel change. I've been thinking of doing this myself, but I don't have a use for the G19 size pistols. Your situation is different than mine tho.