Glock 17 for IPSC

In Prduction division, you can make whatever internal mods you want therefore allowing the 3.5 can even change them to aftermarket..the G34/35 has the ext mag release..therefore allowed..skateboard tape is specifically allowed...changing sight is specifically allowed...You're right on the grip production..(don't do that, sorry) You can have hicaps...just have 10 in allowed...

From the USPSA rulebook:
a. Minimum caliber is 9mm
b. Minimum Power factor 125-scored asMinor
c. Maximum barrel length is 127 mm (5").
d. Single Action Pistols not allowed.First shot must be double action.
e. The holster and allied equipment(magazine pouches) must be worn behind the center of hip bone.
f. Slip on grip sock and/or skateboard tape is allowed.
g. Action work to enhance reliability (throating, trigger work, etc.) is allowed.
h. External modifications other than sights not allowed
i. Heavy barrels and /or barrel sleeves (factory or after market) not allowed.
j. Competition holsters of the race gun type specifically are not allowed.
k. No weighted attachments allowed to magazines.

so MOE...we would end in arbitration..then I would be back shooting after sitting around all afternoon..
Gotta read the rules...
Hellequin...just saw you're outside the US???man sometimes I forget the scope of the internet...

Gotta go check the IPSC divisions...production is a US back later...

if you you can go wild...9x19 is allowed major outside the US...not sure on Std division...
Hold on just a second, Moe. The rules say that the trigger pull for Production has to be at least 5 pounds; in my 17, with a 3.5# connector (and a polishing job to boot), I have a 5.5 pound trigger pull, and I'm willing to put that to the test at ANY match (and have, at the last two Ontario Provincials). I'm looking forward to shooting the Nationals this year in Halifax, too, and I hope to see you there. My 22, on the other hand, is set up as a Standard gun, so I've got everything but optics and a comp on it; with an aftermarket trigger AND a 3.5# connector in it, I actually get a 3.5 pound pull.
There's also a difference between IPSC Production, and USPSA Production, believe it or not; under IPSC rules, Production has to have a maximum 5" barrel (which eliminates the 34 and 35 for Production under International rules). USPSA rules now ALLOW the 34 and 35 in Production.
apologies to MOE

My apologies to MOE...

I am one of those eco-centric americans... didn't realize how much a difference between US Production and IPSC production there is. But 9mm major is allowed in that opens a new area for the Glock...

a. Minimum caliber is 9mm
b. Minimum Power factor 125-scored as Major
c. Maximum barrel length is 127 mm (5").
d. External modifications or replacement of factory components specifically not allowed.
e. Internal replacement of factory components not allowed.
f. Internal modifications such as polishing or detailing of factory components are allowed.
g. Single Action Pistols not allowed.
h. Minimum trigger pull 5 lbs (2.272 kg.)
i. The holster and allied equipment (magazine pouches) must be worn behind the anterior superior spina iliaca or the highest, most forward
point on the pelvic girdle. The maximum inside distance of the handgun and equipment may not be more than 50 mm from the competitor's
torso while standing relaxed. Range Master may use reasonable discretion.
j. All magazines must conform to the pistol manufacturer's original equipment specifications. Only magazines supplied as standard equipment
with the firearm are acceptable. High capacity and extra capacity (e.g. +2) magazines are specifically not allowed. After market magazines
may be substituted as long as they are the same overall length as the manufacturer's original.
eerw. Apology accepted. I noticed that Hellequin was not American and as such quoted international ruels to everyone. So my apologies to everyone for not thinking that you guys/gals south of the boarder have slightly different rules in USPSA. Now I do not think the Glock 17 comes with a 3.5# connector from the factory so that rules that out by para e) of the IPSC rules SDC.

e) Internal replacements using non-factory components specifically not allowed.

Factory components means comes on the gun from the factory.

Definately 3.5# connectors are understood by N.B. and N.S. clubs as being non compliant with para e). However your gun still has a 5.5 lb trigger and as such you will get away with it because no one is going to do a cavity search of your pistol. It is also been my observation that 3.5# connectors, extended slidestops, mag wells and other such items are often used at matches and people look the other way. So for that you are probably safe from a DQ at the nationals. The odds are that's the way things are on Ont. as well.

I will not be at the nationals as I unfortunately get back from Bosnia in mid August.

Too bad, Moe, I was hoping to see you at the Nationals. The rules specify only that it must be a factory part, and my 3.5# connector IS a Glock-original factory part, because that's the part that normally comes in the 34 and 35. I realize that sounds like a jailhouse lawyer explanation, but I can't see an arbitration committee coming down on the other side of this question as long as my pull is at least 5 pounds.