Glenn Beck's Gun Week

Do you have links or references for these quotes?

Read both of his books and I'm sure you'll find those quotes there. A quick search on the net found this
Citations are given, so you can verify it for yourself. Context of the statement should be taken, as well.

I would like to hear the audio of the heterosexuals and AIDS comment. Does he mean that literally no heterosexuals have ever contracted AIDS or is he making a general statement that, of the total number of individuals infected with HIV/AIDS, very few heterosexuals, who do not engage in IV drug use and do not engage in high risk sexual activity, have AIDS?

If it's the latter, he's technically correct, although, saying "heterosexuals do not have AIDS" can certainly be misconstrued as "cannot", especially to the uneducated, which only increases the problem and contributes to the spreading of the disease.

I rarely hear him speak of guns, but he does seem to support them.

We all make broad sweeping statements, however, we all don't have millions of influential listeners everyday.
Even Dr. Dean says AIDS is mostly a gay and/or drug user thing.

Not that a hetero can't catch it---but that those 2 behaviors greatly increase you chances of catching it.
Check the CDC website. The reported cases of HIV/AIDS are due to male homosexual activity and IV drug use.

If you check the numbers, it seems a lotta guys haven't told their girls they've been with other guys. :barf:
Check the CDC website. The reported cases of HIV/AIDS are due to male homosexual activity and IV drug use.

If you check the numbers, it seems a lotta guys haven't told their girls they've been with other guys
Where does it say that? I do not see that at all. In fact I see that the largest HIV population in the world is the heterosexual communities of Africa.
Fine. Let me amend my statement. Check the CDC website. The reported cases of HIV/AIDS IN AMERICA are due to male homosexual activity and IV drug use.

Africa is a completely different situation that we're not going to delve into.

Either way, you haven't given any citations for the things you claim Rush said.
Either way, you haven't given any citations for the things you claim Rush said.
I didn't have to...Parrotthead did it for me. The fact that it was not enough for you shows you are a true Rushie living in willful ignorance.

No matter how many times someone shows you proof you will find a way to over look it...and heaven forbid you simply do a web search and find the dozens of websites dedicated to this very topic.

Face facts...Rush is a drug addict, a blowhard, and a liar. If those are traits you find positive in people that is your own personal issue.

I don't understand this link you sent. The site only seems to address the trees comparison, but none of the others mentioned in this thread. Plus it is unclear if the site is merely posting Rush's quotes and assuming everyone thinks Rush is wrong. It doesn't seem to show how Rush is wrong about anything.


Rush was addicted to pain killers after his surgery. Don't even get me started on Democrat politicians with drugs or alcohol addiction, past or present.

I ask how Rush lies and you give nothing.

BTW, Glenn Beck is having Gun Week this week.
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Glen Beck mentioned today that Bob Barr is writing a pro-2nd amendment section in the Glen Beck newsletter. If anyone gets that newsletter, please post the Bob Barr article here. Thx.
Rush was addicted to pain killers after his surgery. Don't even get me started on Democrat politicians with drugs or alcohol addiction, past or present.
That is no excuse. Rush was addicted to, illegally purchasing, using third parties to purchase, and taking large amounts of drugs long, long after his surgery. All the time denouncing drug users and saying publicly things like...

"And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

"The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."

...and many other hypocritical statements.
Glen Beck mentioned today that Bob Barr is writing a pro-2nd amendment section in the Glen Beck newsletter. If anyone gets that newsletter, please post the Bob Barr article here. Thx.
Someone should start a thread to post his columns.
I don't understand this link you sent. The site only seems to address the trees comparison, but none of the others mentioned in this thread.

True, it only mentions the tree issue. That is why I said to read the books and check them out for yourself. The blue link at the bottom of each quote, where it says "Source" is the citation. Therefore you can verify those quotes for yourself. Go to a local bookstore and check it out. They even come close to APA standards for citing and list the page numbers for you. The hard work is done.

However, like I said, context should be taken. As we all know, anyone can take a sound bite and weave it into whatever they wish.

Plus it is unclear if the site is merely posting Rush's quotes and assuming everyone thinks Rush is wrong. It doesn't seem to show how Rush is wrong about anything.

You asked for a source for the quotations/statements, which I posted. You did not ask for proof that he is/was wrong.
I like Rush... have listened to him for years. But he was wrong a few years ago when he said we were witnessing the destruction of the democrat party. As it turns out, we seem to be witnessing the destruction of the republican party. I mean, who would ever have imagined a liberal running on a Republican ticket?

When somebody accuses someone of being wrong about something, the burden of proof is on the accuser.

Also, I've read and own "The Way Things Ought to Be".

With regard to the drug issue, Rush's addiction to legal pain killers was between him and his doctor. When he was taken to court, he was acquitted because the prosecutor and the doctor had violated the doctor/patient relationship and right to privacy.

Rep. Joseph Kennedy crashed his car into a Capitol barricade at 3am , was on drugs and alcohol, and didn't even go to court because of the stupid rule that if he claims he's on the way to a vote, he cannot be detained for any reason.

Bill Clinton used drugs. I betcha Hillary did too considering she pushed for Federal funding of a museum commemorating the Woodstock festival. Barak Obama used drugs too, and not just a little puff on a joint either. Guess what, they're all holding political office!

We'll not even get into corruption arguments.
With regard to the drug issue, Rush's addiction to legal pain killers was between him and his doctor. When he was taken to court, he was acquitted because the prosecutor and the doctor had violated the doctor/patient relationship and right to privacy.
Wow, you either are a very gullible person or you are just willfully disingenuous.

So his buying drugs in mass quantities illegally and even through a third party was between him and his doctor??? C'mon, do you really believe that????? :barf: :barf:

And Rush was never acquitted of anything. That is another bold faced lie he tells.

His lawyer obtained a plea deal where charges would be dropped if Rush paid $30,000 in fines and attended an 18 month rehab. It is very common for first time drug abusers to receive such deals. The funny part is these deals are the very thing Rush screamed and yelled about. Saying that these people should not be receiving such deals...but as soon as he was the one on the block he showed what a hypocrite he truly is and gladly accepted the deal.
Playboypenguin, doesn't liberalism teach us to look past the faults of others? I mean, when a liberal politician is convicted of a crime, they don't try to kick them out of congress... they usually elevate them within the party. So, why are you being so hard on Rush Limbaugh? Is it because you believe that anyone who does not think like you should have their character destroyed?
The Rush case was dropped due to lack of evidence. His charge was "doctor shopping" which was rarely (if ever) prosecuted before him. It was a case of liberals trying to take him down with trumped up charges.

Yeah. I seem to recall that a Democrat President was convicted of perjury in the House, but the case was dropped in the Senate because the case proceedings would interfere with his ability to act as President.

Ted Kennedy was left a party (probably drunk) and drove his car off a bridge, leaving his female companion to die and didn't report it. He served 2 months for leaving the scene of a crime.

William Jefferson, a Democrat Congressman, was caught with $90,000 in his freezer in his congressional office. Is he serving time? He was reelected!

Sandy Berger and the National Archives
Janet Reno and WACO
Bill Clinton and campaign contributions
Hillary Clinton and campaign contributions
Obama and Tony Rezko
Obama and William Ayers (unrepentant domestic terrorist)
Tom Delay and money laundering (Republican shame)

Paula Poundstone molested her children and has a spot on an NPR gameshow.
Robert Downey Jr. has received nothing but compassion from the media over his years of drug addiction.
Countless other liberal celebrities have done far worse than Rush Limbaugh, yet he gets trumped up charges while they get a pass.

Why you gotta be such a hater?

You know, there's a reason that Rush Limbaugh has millions of listeners at any given moment and AirAmerica went bankrupt. Nobody wants to hear liberals shooting their mouths off and propagating socialist views.
The Rush case was dropped due to lack of evidence. His charge was "doctor shopping" which was rarely (if ever) prosecuted before him. It was a case of liberals trying to take him down with trumped up charges.
Why do you insist on repeating a lie told by a liar? It simply is not true and you can easily find that out for yourself if you just look up the information.

Plus, would you like to link actual information to those accusations you're regurgitating or do you not actually require proof to believe Rush?

As for Downey. He is not a hypocrite.