Giving a BUG to a non-CCW in an emergency

Chris Phelps said,
If you were to physically hand a gun to someone nearby, it would no longer be concealed.

Is your real name Brendan McKown? McKown did not draw his concealed handgun during the Tacoma Mall shootings because he thought it would be illegal as the gun would no longer be concealed.

When you are defending your life, unconcealed weapons are not illegal because the are unconcealed.

Doug.38PR said,
The only thing to worry about is if he hits any innocent bystandards then you might face trouble too as it was your gun. But on the other hand, you face the same thing if you have to use the gun yourself. With that in mind, just think about how much confidence you have in the would be man you would hand your backup off to.

This is a great example of why I dislike a lot of Ayoob's (and some others) warnings concerning gunfights. Because of potential and possible legal rammifications that might arise after the fight, Ayoob has people making self defense tactics and equipment decisions that pertain more to surviving the legal battles after a fight than selecting tactics or equipment that will best get you through the fight.

Doug notes that you might have legal troubles for giving a gun to another during a fight in case that person ends up shooting a non-combatant. This is a ridiculous concern during a gun fight and it sure as hell won't matter at all if your failure to pass off the gun to another that would help protect you isn't passed off and both of you get killed, you with the BUG still in your pocket, unused, your buddy unarmed.

From a tactical and self defense standpoint, two armed people with two sets of eyes can cover twice as much area in two different directions simultaneously than one armed person. Or, two armed folks can put up twice the fire in a single direction than just one armed person. Two armed folks shooting at the bad guys means that the bad guys have to deal with twice as many threats than if just one person is shooting.

Sure, nobody wants to be sued or go to jail. However, during a fight, you aren't likely to know whether you are going to get sued or go to jail for some aspects of the fight. That is just a hypothetical possibility of a future threat to you. You won't be dealing with that possible future threat if you don't take care of your known, direct threat to your life.
This is a great example of why I dislike a lot of Ayoob's (and some others) warnings concerning gunfights. Because of potential and possible legal rammifications that might arise after the fight, Ayoob has people making self defense tactics and equipment decisions that pertain more to surviving the legal battles after a fight than selecting tactics or equipment that will best get you through the fight.

Doug notes that you might have legal troubles for giving a gun to another during a fight in case that person ends up shooting a non-combatant. This is a ridiculous concern during a gun fight and it sure as hell won't matter at all if your failure to pass off the gun to another that would help protect you isn't passed off and both of you get killed, you with the BUG still in your pocket, unused, your buddy unarmed.

From a tactical and self defense standpoint, two armed people with two sets of eyes can cover twice as much area in two different directions simultaneously than one armed person. Or, two armed folks can put up twice the fire in a single direction than just one armed person. Two armed folks shooting at the bad guys means that the bad guys have to deal with twice as many threats than if just one person is shooting.

Sure, nobody wants to be sued or go to jail. However, during a fight, you aren't likely to know whether you are going to get sued or go to jail for some aspects of the fight. That is just a hypothetical possibility of a future threat to you. You won't be dealing with that possible future threat if you don't take care of your known, direct threat to your life.

I concede your point Double Naught Spy. Odds are if I am sitting in a booth at Chilis with some friends or standing in line at McDonalds (God forbid!:barf: ) and three or four bad men storm in with guns ready to rob the place or just start mowing people down Luby's style, getting sued or even charges pressed by self righteous DAs is going to be last thing on my mind when passing my BUG under the table or palming it to my friend in line.
But AFTERWARD, after I thank the good Lord for protecting us all through the shootout and am through talking with the police I will have such questions in the back of my mine....BUT now that I think about it, if the good Lord can get me through a gunfight with three thugs with guns, then who is a DA in a court to Him? :cool: