Giving a BUG to a non-CCW in an emergency


New member
When I carry, I normally carry two pistols. Normally the people I am arround are people that I have gone to the range with and are reasonable shots. Assuming I am the only person with a CCL and a situation arises which necessitates me drawing a firearm, would it be a bad idea to give the BUG (assuming, for the sake of arguement, that there is enough time) to someone nearby that I know can shoot it well, even though they do not have a CCL? What if the person is under 21? Thanks for your help.
If you were to physically hand a gun to someone nearby, it would no longer be concealed. A lot of states allow for open carry. Just my .02
if I knew him or her and knew they were good with a gun and the situation called for some back up, I'd defnitely hand them a gun if they were 15.

Most juristictions have the legal defense of "necessity"... in other words, breaking the law was required in order to prevent a greater crime or tragedy, ie: breaking into someone's house to save them from a fire, or speeding in order to get a severely injured person to the ER. Technically, self defense is just a specialized version of the necessity defense.

In any situation dire enough to warrant me giving up my BUG, the necessity defense would probably be worth a shot.
Well, If I was your unarmed friend, I'd certainly appreciate the BUG :D

If they can shoot well; two guns firing at the same time is better than one. Plus you can move and cover each other if need be. And if you get hit, maybe he/she can hold off the BG for you.

Or they may suck and blow the magazine away into nothing.

My .02

Why are you giving him a BUG? Will it bite him?

Wouldn't it be easier to give him an extra weapon if you had one?

Weeg: after 337 posts, I'd hope that this post was sarcastic :) But for others who may not know:

BUG = Back Up Gun
Exigent circumstances. It opens the door to just about anything goes, as long as you can articulate why it was necessary.

I sometimes have non-LEO's do a ride-along; it's good for PR. If I know the guy, and he has his act together, first thing I do is familiarize him with the shotgun, show him where the holder's electronic release is, and give him the ground rules (read: no rules ;) ) if I'm getting shot at.
The classic mall shooting or a major SHTF event, I see no problem with it. A situation were you and a friend are walking down the street, and you don't like the looks of a group of teens and you hand him the weapon...bad idea.
If I know the guy, and he has his act together, first thing I do is familiarize him with the shotgun, show him where the holder's electronic release is, and give him the ground rules (read: no rules ) if I'm getting shot at.

Awesome. I'd hate to go on a ride along and have the SHTF and have some pissed off BG's who just killed an officer come up on an unarmed civilian hiding in a police car.

In Mikeyboy's scenario iot would be a bad idea but if exigent circumstances exist, why not? Bettern being dead.

I've done it a couple times. Happily, no shots fired. Does that mean I done wrong? I think it means we were just lucky.
I only know two people who do not have ccws that I'd give a firearm too. I would not give one to anyone else under any circumstances.
Funny, I posted this same question a few weeks ago. I personally would say yes it would be okay. The only thing to worry about is if he hits any innocent bystandards then you might face trouble too as it was your gun. But on the other hand, you face the same thing if you have to use the gun yourself. With that in mind, just think about how much confidence you have in the would be man you would hand your backup off to.

Here are the responses I got to my posting:

Here it is again on S&W forum with it's responses:
It seems to me that if some double scum prosecutor ( meaning lawyer AND politician, ergo double scum) decides he committed a crime with it then you actually facilitated the crime. Logic and the legal system are often on opposing sides
Weeg: after 337 posts, I'd hope that this post was sarcastic But for others who may not know:

BUG = Back Up Gun


Nope, I simply don't understand all of these acronymns...

Why not just type out the words?

NP (No Problem) BG (Bad Guy) LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) BUG (Back Up Gun) BRB (Be Right Back) ASAP (As Soon As Possible) ND (Negligent Discharge) AD (Accidental Discharge) et al

On Instant Message or Chat rooms abreviations are mostly so you can get the message typed as soon as possible to make the conversation go quicker. Other than that, it's mostly just laziness (and I am just as guilty of it ;) )
There are just a few people that i would give my BUG to. If those people were with me then they're propbably armed. But, if they weren't then they'd get my other gun. two is better than one.
Aside from my wife (which sadly will not carry) and prehaps one other individual, I can't think of anyone I'd trust to be next to be in a firefight.