Given historical precedent, how likely is McCain's victory?

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The word would be "skeptical" and not "ignorant." You are misusing the word.

No. I used it correctly. Suggesting that something is not true because you lack the knowledge to come to another conclusion is, as per the definition, ignorant.

Definition of Ignorant: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge.
I know what a seven months pregnant woman looks like and the woman in those pics is not one.

Don't be so sure Playboy,
I know several women that gained 10 pounds total in their pregnancy and delivered healthy babies.
I know a niece of a good friend of mine that gained so little weight that NO ONE knew she was pregnant--she was a senior in high school---she went to the bathroom the night before her senior prom and the baby "fell out" into the toilet!!
NO ONE could believe it and NO ONE knew she was pregnant---not even her parents.
Don't be so sure about looks--you can't always tell.

No. I used it correctly. Suggesting that something is not true because you lack the knowledge to come to another conclusion is, as per the definition, ignorant.
Nope, you are still misusing the term. Try again. This time use proper context. I am not questioning her because I do not know the facts. I am questioning because the facts do not add up and no real evidence has been supplied to explain the contradictions.
The left is an army full of generals who want to micromanage every step of any procedure. They do not like to be told anything. That is why left wing radio does not does as well. They are less concerned about the destination and more concerned with the journey and making sure everyone is comfortable on the way and no one's toes get run over in the process. That makes even a short trip a very long process. It makes them great social workers but questionable social leaders.

I think of the left as an army full of privates who don't want to take orders from anyone because they view themselves as smarter than anyone else. Thus, they believe their ideas should be implemented at face value and damned be anyone who disagrees with them. They are not concerned that people who disagree with them are comfortable along the journey. They'd just as soon dump those people out of the bus and leave them lying along the side of the road. They'd run entire bodies over, not just toes, in making sure that their lefty bus reaches its ideological destination. They do tend to engage more in social work, but it never seems to have a great positive effect. They always want to give people something rather than teaching those people how to fend for themselves more effectively. That's OK with the people who truly cannot fend for themselves, but it creates dependency and listlessness for those who can but choose not to. All of that is my own personal opinion, not influenced by Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, or anyone else for that matter.
You can't prove a negative. You can however go a long ways towards proving you did carry a child full term. Birth certificates, medical records, photographs, etc. I have yet to see anything like that and I know what a seven months pregnant woman looks like and the woman in those pics is not one. People sure were screaming for a birth certificate from Obama.

And you defended him the entire time. With good reason, I might add. However implying that Sarah faked a pregnancy because you havnt seen pictures, etc. is ignorant. Besides, not every pregnant woman in their 2nd tri-mester is going to show as much as the one you may have seen.

I mean I can kind of understand the whole photograph thing, but continuing to believe that she faked a pregnancy because YOU have not seen her private "medical records" is a joke right? Maybe she will release them to the public to silence a few left wing nut jobs, but I wouldnt hold my breath :)

I mean I can kind of understand the whole photograph thing, but continuing to believe that she faked a pregnancy because YOU have not seen her private "medical records" is a joke right?
Have you people never heard of a PM?

And it is called investigative reasoning. Not ignorance. It is no joke to want answers to questions. It is a joke to accept things that do not appear to be logical without answers. It is a joke to blindly defend someone without basis.
I am questioning because the facts do not add up and no real evidence has been supplied to explain the contradictions.

So, in your little world, she is guilty until proven otherwise. Interesting. And the burden of proof is now upon the accused. Strange world you live in.
So, in your little world, she is guilty until proven otherwise. Interesting. And the burden of proof is now upon the accused. Strange world you live in.
Nice try but she is a public official and she is not being charged with anything. The ball is in her court to prove the critics wrong. If she chooses not to do so for one reason or the other then she has to accept she is going to be judged negatively. If you fail to show up for a court date you are found guilty by default. That is not a presumption of guilt...that is simply a failure on your part to present your case.
I think the Republicans also have a bit easier of a time getting their voters to fall in line because they've got a basket of wedge issues that a vast majority of their base A) agrees on and B) at least somewhat cares about. Largely due to Christian values and/or social conservatism.

For instance, I think the portion of the Democratic electorate that supports gay marriage, and particularly those that support it enough to base (in whole or part) a voting decision on it, is smaller than the portion of the Republican electorate that feels conversely. Same for abortion, same for faith-based initiatives, same for abstinence-only education, and so on, and so forth.

I don't think the Democrats are nearly as united in social liberalism as the Republicans are in social conservatism. Which means that often when a candidate comes out on <insert wedge issue>, not only is he unlikely to win any Republican voters over, but there's a good chance he'll be driving away some of his own Democratic voters...regardless of his position on the issue.
So, in your little world, she is guilty until proven otherwise. Interesting. And the burden of proof is now upon the accused. Strange world you live in.

I may not agree with The Penguin on the issue but he certainly has the right to be skeptical. Innocent until proven guilty is for the court system, judges and juries, not individuals.
For instance, I think the portion of the Democratic electorate that supports...
I don't think the Democrats are nearly as united in social liberalism as the Republicans are in social conservatism. ...

That is probably true.
I may not agree with The Penguin on the issue but he certainly has the right to be skeptical
I sure do but people are missing the whole point. The only reason I am the least bit concerned is because I know how common this practice is (it happened to me and I saw it countless times when I was a case worker) and I realize how it could destroy any chance McCain has of being elected if they allow it to be "outed" instead of just admitting it or disproving it.

Like I have already said, if this is true it could be a huge positive for her if handled properly. It could endear her in the eyes of any mother who would do the same for their child and grandchild. If not handled properly it could explode in her face and take McCain with her.
JuanCarlos wrote:
I think the Republicans also have a bit easier of a time getting their voters to fall in line because they've got a basket of wedge issues that a vast majority of their base A) agrees on and B) at least somewhat cares about. Largely due to Christian values and/or social conservatism.

Barack understands this, but he wasn't very tactful in explaining it to his wealthy San Fran money suppliers. He said, "people are bitter about their lives and cling to their religion and guns". He knows that conservatives stick to their principles, and he picked out two of them which he views as being very negative in an attempt to redicule them in front of his left wing supportes in San Fran. Then he had to do some splainin' and back peddaling because that statement didn't go over well with the public.
I realize how it could destroy any chance McCain has of being elected if they allow it to be "outed" instead of just admitting it or disproving it.

That is true. If she is/was trying to protect her daughter or the baby there is nothing wrong with it but continuing to hide it and having it become a scandal that it should not be would be very damaging.
However, I don't think that is what's happening.
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