Giuliani - Debate last night

If you hate it so much, quit voting for either of the two parties. Quit giving your approval to this charade we have every 4 years. I swear, so many people sound just like battered women when it comes to politics. No matter how bad they are treated, they keep coming back for more. They keep making lame excuses for their blind loyalty to the people who abuse them instead of leaving and not coming back.

I'm voting for Ron Paul if he's on the ballot. If he isn't, then I'm going to vote Libertarian. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not voting against the Constitution anymore. If it's between voting for fascism, voting for Marxism, or voting for freedom, then I'm voting for freedom even if it doesn't have a good chance of winning.

Two people I can agree with comepletely.
If McCain doesn't have a prayer of winning in 2008, we may as well forget about the elections and just hold a nationwide Democratic primary on November 4.

They say an elephant never forgets. Well, it seems as if most of the elephant party has forgotten most of what made it attractive to regular Americans.

Maybe what the elephant party needs is to lose another national election. They didn't quite seem to get the message in 2006.

Perhaps two years of HillBama will shock them (and us) back into reality. Then maybe the elephant Party can regain one house of Congress and we all can regain some equilibrium. (Or gridlock, at least...)
We just can't afford 4 years of anyone but Paul... We're in a recession already, on the verge of WWIII without the finances or resources for it!
Rudy is the scariest person in the race right now. Period. Hillary and Obama are Socialists. We know what to expect from that; we're used to it. Rudy is something we haven't seen in this country yet, at least not at this level: a law and order liberal. And there's a word for that. It's "Fascist."
agreed. Rudy scares me... He'll get us all in a lot of trouble, maybe more than McCain, who'd most likely push into WWIII.
Rudy is that type Ben Franklin feared... " Those who trade essential liberties in exchange for safety, deserve neither liberty or safety".
Giuliani would ban way too much. Another interest of mine is pyrotechnics and rocketry, that'd be history with Giuliani. He supports CSPS bans. The founding fathers would be ashamed of the patriot act! We've given up too much to be safe from "terrorists" who supposedly hate us because of our freedom. So, our politicians take away our freedom and terrorists still hate us! Some of these politicians are far more evil than the "terrorists".
Sorry, SteelCore I should have done a better job in expressing my thoughts. I wasn't speaking to you specifically. I was just using your post as an example for my observation.

I apologize, as reading it now I see that it does read as if it was directed specifically at you. Instead I just meant it as a general observation about people who refuse to vote for or even consider anyone other than the nominees from the big two parties.
Time for everyone but McCain and Mitt y to go away so we can get serious here...finding a leader that can beat Hillbama.

Neither of the two you mentioned has a prayer of winning the presidency in 2008.

Not according to the most recent poll I saw. Only McCain of the R's beat Hilliary and a virtual tie with Obama. The rest were far back in the general election. Once again, my choice in the general election will be the lesser of two