Giuliani - Debate last night


New member
Was I the only one who hear Rudolph Guiliani waffling on Second Amendment rights last night during the Republican presidential debate, supporting "Second Amendment rights with restrictions"? I'd like to know how he reasons that a fundamental right can be restricted. :confused:
There's no waffling, Rudy Giuliani is not our friend. This shouldn't be a news flash to anyone.

I'm anxious for his campaign to die.
Rude keeps getting propped up by the MSM, regardless of who is moderating.

Business as usual:

Total Times

Romney: 21:11, during 13 times

McCain: 16:00, during 13 times

Giuliani: 13:50, during 11 times

Huckabee: 12:11, during nine times

Paul: 6:31, during six times
I think Giuliani being a bad choice will is one of those rare things that we will all agree on as he is as opposed to the RKBA as the Democrats.

Interesting that when a Republican (in Giuliani's case a RINO) is against the right to bear arms it's an automatic diqualifier, GONE, but many accept it from Dems.
Rudy is toast.

Hey did ya read the NY Times enditorial on Rudy. Sounds like it was written by some folks here LOL:D

Time for everyone but McCain and Mitt y to go away so we can get serious here...finding a leader that can beat Hillbama.

WildhaveyouhuggedyourIthaca37todayAlaska ™
Time for everyone but McCain and Mitt y to go away so we can get serious here...finding a leader that can beat Hillbama.
Neither of the two you mentioned has a prayer of winning the presidency in 2008.
If McCain doesn't have a prayer of winning in 2008, we may as well forget about the elections and just hold a nationwide Democratic primary on November 4. McCain is pretty much even against Clinton and Obama. Rudy is down by double digits versus both of them, and Romney is down just as bad.
Romney didn't come across as so great on gun rights either, but I agree that Rudy G. is just as bad or worse. It seems like we are going to be stuck with slimy Mitt, as money talks and he's not only got it but is happy to spend it on getting himself elected. Whether he can beat Hillary? Who knows? I think he just might, but don't know that that is anything to cheer about. I dislike both of them.

It's a shame McCain is so old, as I prefer him to Romney...better for the country if McCain had defeated W in the first place. I doubt that he would have invaded Iraq, even though now he seems determined to be there forever.
Did you hear Rommel's response to a similar question? "I support the 2nd amendment, and I voted for the Assault Weapons Ban". How do you reconcile those two :confused:
If it came down to Hillary versus Giuliani, I'd probably pull the lever for Hillary. I despise Hillary, but Giuliani is so vile that he makes Hillary look good. Not only is he anti-gun, he's a power-mad authoritarian who wants to turn America into a national security state. Loathsome! :barf:

I'm glad Giuliani's poll numbers have been falling. If he became president, I might have to leave the country. I don't think I could tolerate him.

Romney isn't much better:

Did you hear Rommel's response to a similar question? "I support the 2nd amendment, and I voted for the Assault Weapons Ban". How do you reconcile those two :confused:
They can't be reconciled, of course -- unless one takes the asinine view that the 2A was intended to protect the right of people to play games with guns (hunting and target shooting). I think Romney does take that view, since he's an idiot. :barf:
From the NY Times ...

Why, as a New York-based paper, are we not backing Rudolph Giuliani? Why not choose the man we endorsed for re-election in 1997 after a first term in which he showed that a dirty, dangerous, supposedly ungovernable city could become clean, safe and orderly? What about the man who stood fast on Sept. 11, when others, including President Bush, went AWOL?

That man is not running for president.

The real Mr. Giuliani, whom many New Yorkers came to know and mistrust, is a narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man who saw no need to limit police power. Racial polarization was as much a legacy of his tenure as the rebirth of Times Square.

Mr. Giuliani’s arrogance and bad judgment are breathtaking. When he claims fiscal prudence, we remember how he ran through surpluses without a thought to the inevitable downturn and bequeathed huge deficits to his successor. He fired Police Commissioner William Bratton, the architect of the drop in crime, because he couldn’t share the limelight. He later gave the job to Bernard Kerik, who has now been indicted on fraud and corruption charges.

The Rudolph Giuliani of 2008 first shamelessly turned the horror of 9/11 into a lucrative business, with a secret client list, then exploited his city’s and the country’s nightmare to promote his presidential campaign.

I know it's the NY Times, but sometimes they get it right.
If it came down to Hillary versus Giuliani, I'd probably pull the lever for Hillary. I despise Hillary, but Giuliani is so vile that he makes Hillary look good. Not only is he anti-gun, he's a power-mad authoritarian who wants to turn America into a national security state. Loathsome!
If you hate it so much, quit voting for either of the two parties. Quit giving your approval to this charade we have every 4 years. I swear, so many people sound just like battered women when it comes to politics. No matter how bad they are treated, they keep coming back for more. They keep making lame excuses for their blind loyalty to the people who abuse them instead of leaving and not coming back.
If McCain doesn't have a prayer of winning in 2008, we may as well forget about the elections and just hold a nationwide Democratic primary on November 4. McCain is pretty much even against Clinton and Obama. Rudy is down by double digits versus both of them, and Romney is down just as bad.

It wasn't too long ago that Rudy's lead in the polls seemed insurmountable. November is still a long way off.
publius42 said:
It wasn't too long ago that Rudy's lead in the polls seemed insurmountable. November is still a long way off.
I was more referring specifically to Pat's feeble attempt at acting like top-tier candidates were just as poor choices as the lower-tier candidates. Sour grapes a bit? At any rate, if I were asked to make a call about Giuliani, I'd say a fair portion of his downturn is his waiting until Florida to really start campaigning. He's campaigning there now and doing alright in the polls, but he let himself fade into semi-obscurity during the early primary season, so rather than starting ahead he's playing catchup.

Not that you'll see me crying any tears for Giuliani's campaign. It's just that he shot himself in the foot by giving the other candidates all the breathing room he did, and I really question whether he can surpass the lead in public opinion he's ceded to them (without them doing bungles of their own, of course).
I watched the Chris Matthews analysis of the debate. Chris's own words: " Common, if you're buying a gun for target or defense, you can wait a week or two" These people seem to equate semi auto and assault with power. He also said " How many guns does one person need?" " more guns in the city aren't going to help".... They don't get it... Gun control doesn't even work, the funding could serve better somewhere else, like training and education and enforcement of responsible use and ownership.
Ron Paul really blasted McCain with that question! McCain was so lost, all he could do was cop out and drop some names... Funny how Ron keeps doing better, raising millions more and has beat Giuliani and Thompson repeatedly, the getting 2nd in NV and 2nd in Louisiana!! He's got a real chance if people start paying more attention to him and supporting him! Who here wouldn't like smaller gov, less or no taxes, a dollar based on substance/gold standard, constitutional ideals and strong adherence to liberty and freedom. That's real change, sad that change, simply means going back to what we have lost.
Ron Paul is the only one who's anti war and the only who realizes that Economy and War aren't separate issues! Our economy is the way it is now because of the war and our expensive policing foreign policy!!
Crosshair said:
If you hate it so much, quit voting for either of the two parties. Quit giving your approval to this charade we have every 4 years. I swear, so many people sound just like battered women when it comes to politics. No matter how bad they are treated, they keep coming back for more. They keep making lame excuses for their blind loyalty to the people who abuse them instead of leaving and not coming back.
Um, Crosshair? I'm afraid this criticism is VERY misdirected. LOL. Few people as disgusted with the current two-party system as I am. I was going to vote Libertarian in 2004 (IIRC, I couldn't make it to the polls). I was being facetious about voting for Hillary.

So I agree with you completely. Continuing to vote for the lesser of two evils will only continue to bring evil to this country. It sure as hell isn't going to magically bring good at some point.

I'm voting for Ron Paul if he's on the ballot. If he isn't, then I'm going to vote Libertarian. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not voting against the Constitution anymore. If it's between voting for fascism, voting for Marxism, or voting for freedom, then I'm voting for freedom even if it doesn't have a good chance of winning.