Girlfriend shot a 4x4!

Hey, BadMedicine, just because "dumbassedness" isn't in your dictionary doesn't mean it isn't a word! If fact, it's one of the best words that I've heard lately! If I can't find it in my Webster's, I think I'll just pencil it in. Kinda' like the sound of it myself!

-- jbgood
Art, I'm not talking about the health and safety of the VEHICLE when guns are going off inside them as they are rolling down the highway!
patrickt66, there are some folks out there wandering around with guns, that after watching them, I don't want 'em armed whether they're ridin' or walkin'! :)

The scariest thing in a deer camp is a 24-year old with his first rifle, on his first hunt. At a range, it's the same guy with his first handgun. You look at him and remember that all he knows comes from Hollywood...

But I knew a WW II vet, with another 25 years of handloading and hunting, who put a bullet through the hood of a car, just like the opening story of this thread...Or the LEO-turned-gunsmith, with excellent competitive skills with a pistol and many years of shooting--who shot the radio antenna off his front fender while aiming at Bambi.

So far, I've been lucky. I'll take luck over skill, any day.

Hey guys not only is dumbassedness a word its also a VERY serious disease! You see, I know that for a fact, because I have some in-laws that are "ate up with the dumbassedness". the sad part about the whole thing is there is no known medical cure for it! :D:D
We see that kind of dumbassedness (thanx, Al!) every single year with the winter caribou hunting morons: they shoot trucks, snowmobiles, trailers, you name it!
Speaking of girls and guns... my wife's friend had never shot anything but a .22, and decides to go deer hunting with her boyfriend and his old man. They give her a scoped 308, and get to the field. They left her at the edge, giving her instructions to set the crosshairs on, and pull the trigger.
Five minutes after they left for their stands, they hear a shot from the field. They run back to where they left the girl, find her K-O'd , bleeding from the most perfect scope-eye one has ever seen.
She said she saw a deer, did what she was told and blacked-out. They went to the edge of the woods, where she had seen the deer, and found a nice four pointer dead in its tracks. She never went back hunting, and really doesn't understand why her boyfriend takes a week off every year to go hunting and doesn't always get deer...
I got the best one.....

My fiancee's uncle is driving thru Alabama on I65 and suddenly his arm breaks. Him and his companions pull over and turn on the lights to discover blood going everywhere. Apparently two idiots had decided to shoot a 30-30 after dark in their backyard. They sent a round out over the highway and hit him in a main artery off of his heart while he was driving 70 or so miles an hour. He lived but only thanks to a passerby and an airlift.

The two idiots tried to deny it at up for reckless wandon endangerment.