Girl Dies from BB Gun

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Look dude, it is not my intention to get into a contest with you but one of us is not seeing this correctly.

Innocent life is precious, animals are as well. But if you are going to tell me that every persons life is precious you might as well just save your breath. Common belief here is that a bullet used on a deer would have been far better used on a rapist or scum bag.

I agree with you that there is a certain element that cannot coexist with humans or animals. You make it sound as if we should go out and be the judge and jury right now. This is exactly the kind of rhetoric that the anti-gun people love to hear. They think we are a dangerous lot as it is. Reading stuff like that will only confirm what they already think.

Personally I believe the real problem is that there are to many tree hugging, peace loving hippies out there living in a world full of unicorns and gum drops.

So, what would you propose to do with them? Take them out and shoot them? Thin out the herd? I would like to believe we live in a lawful society and everyone has the right to say what they believe. I would hope that you would understand that some of us have had to see some destruction of unimaginable proportion, including the senseless killing little children, in order to seek a peaceful and safe society. Being a complete realist, the entire society is not lawful nor peaceful and it is exactly why we carry guns, to protect ourselves, not to go out and execute anyone that we feel does not deserve the right to live. Tell me you are not really saying that?

There is a big big big difference between shooting birds and such with bb guns and going out to shoot deer and leave the laying where they fell. I will personally be bring up my children the same way I was.

Pray tell what that difference may be? You have taken an animals life for an unsubstantiated reason other than to shoot it for sport. Isn't that why we have gun ranges of both the indoor and outdoor variety, to shoot inanimate objects instead of killing of animals for target practice?

I am not a veteran, or have seen combat. But almost half my family is in some branch of the armed forces. Two uncles that both served a couple tours in Vietnam and for some reason where taught a different lesson than the one you received. The same lesson was taught to me and my brother.

It is very obvious that you are not a combat veteran or this discussion never would have gone in this direction. Having family in the military does not make you understand what a combat veteran is all about. I also have many friends that are Vietnam Veterans that spent an entire tour of duty never having fired a rifle or been anywhere near any action. Yet, they all seem to respect life more than you appear to and understand that there are indeed two sides to every coin.

I understand that there is big difference between city folk and backwoods country folk...and I am not referring to education....only to cultural differences. I guess my bottom line here is that if you are a proponent of carrying a gun for self defense, you should not be going off half cocked saying it all right to shoot living things and stuff.
I beg to differ...everything is wrong with letting kids shoot birds. It is our jobs as responsible adults to teach children the value of life. In my opinion, it seems to be a major problem among the youth of respect for life.

Well, let's see here.

In my youth I decimated populations of English sparrows and starlings throughout my (and surrounding) neighborhoods and never failed to realize that cedar waxwings, robins, finch's, blue birds, woodpeckers, nighthawks, swallows, and more, were valuable species not to be harmed.

Never lost respect for human life or wildlife when I returned from Viet Nam. My interests have always included hunting of many game bird species (Nevada is Chukar country) and big game, as well. Always in season while adhereing to game laws. While hunting, I always enjoyed the many more wildlife species that I wasn't there to hunt and that out numbered game species by a whole lot.

Not trying to deviate from the subject of the thread. The incident involving the death of a child is tragic to say the least.:cool:
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I didn't give my kids pellet guns until they were about 10 or 11 and I went out and trained them myself using standard military range rules. When I was a kid up in Alaska, one of our friends was an eskimo and I saw him shoot a canadian goose and kill it with one shot. Indeed, he had a couple BB's and a couple of pellets like a small air shot gun, but nevertheless, I have always treated these air guns as a lethal weapon and trained me kids the same.

It all goes back to right parenting. We had BB guns just about as soon as we could go outside and enjoy playing there. Never in all that time did we shoot anyone else with a BB. We knew from shooting squirrels that it could do great harm.

What a sad case. I feel sorry for all involved.
The S&W internal lock that a lot of folks moan about I find comes in handy when my grandkids drop by for a visit. They are 1, 3, 6 and 9. Sure would hate for something like to happen.

I apologize if I have offended anyone with my posts. As you can understand, I vehemently oppose the senseless killing of all life forms, other than for survival/food.

I truly believe that kids shoot kids because they are not taught gun safety and the attitude that it is alright to shoot birds, well it just isn't all right. And I think it just snowballs from there.

I would propose that any reference to shooting animals be contained to the section of the Forum that is aptly called "The Hunt." I don't visit that section and do not wish to read about killing animals.

I carry a gun for self defense, as I suppose most all members of this Forum do, and that is where our discussions in this Tactics and Training section should concentrate.

It is truly tragic to read of a child's death and my heart goes out to the family. And the poor child that killed his sibling will have to live with that for the rest of his life....sad.
In my youth I decimated populations of English sparrows and starlings throughout my (and surrounding) neighborhoods and never failed to realize that cedar waxwings, robins, finch's, blue birds, woodpeckers, nighthawks, swallows, and more, were valuable species not to be harmed.

Me too, only woodpeckers were also on the target list: we did not have extra money to be patching holes in the house or outbuildings.......

When we lived on the farm, we would not have dreamed of pointing even a BB gun at anything that we did not intend to shoot ...... once we moved to town, and both mom and dad worked all the time, we fell in with other unsupervised kids ....... bad things happen when you let them.

This IS a training issue, and these kids lacked training.
First it starts as shooting birds, then torturing 4 legged animals, and just escalates from there.
OK, I'll call it. BS! It's kinda like smoke some pot and you'll end up a crack addict.

That is a sad and tragic story. It sounds as though they where shooting pellet rifles using bbs in them.

Pellet rifles are very deadly, the parents should be held accountable.

I guess the death of a child is not enough for you? Thinking jail time for the parents as well?

Left wing going to eat this up

Looks like you already have!
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