Girl Dies from BB Gun

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So sad but it can happen, we use to have bb gun wars when we were young and sometimes you would have to dig a bb out of your head someplace. How stupid it is now to think back but we were kids and they dont always make the best decisions. Not only kids but alot of grownups make terrible choices also. But guns any kind, size, loaded or presumed unloaded can do damage. Teach safety and practice safety at all times.
When I look back on the stuff I did it's amazing I survived.

Shooting ball bearing at each other with sling shots (wrist rockets), and dueling with roman candles.

Even more amazing that I lived through it is that i still have both of my eyes.

Thanks for this story. I am going to introduce my oldest daughter to shooting and I want to emphasize safety.

As a parent though - I can't imagine letting my kids do this unsupervised. I wouldn't let my kids play with BB guns unsupervised.
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That is a sad and tragic story. It sounds as though they where shooting pellet rifles using bbs in them.

Pellet rifles are very deadly, the parents should be held accountable.

Left wing going to eat this up

We also had bb wars when we where kids. When I say kids I mean 12 and up heck we still do it every now and then.

Nothing wrong with kids shooting birds and stuff with bb guns. As long as they have demonstrated proper safety of course.
Man, that's sad. Poor girl. Those boys are going to remember this for the rest of their lives and will probably need some therapy in the future. Where were the parents?!?!? Some gun safety lessons would have probably prevented this tragedy.

When I was a kid, I used my bb gun to shoot old toys and targets... never anything living.
I too am guilty of abusing bb guns as a youth. We never aimed for the head though :o.
Very sad story. There was a story recently avout a boy who got shot with a bb and was partially paralyzed.
I dated a girl once whose arm had been completely blown off at age 4. Her cousin was playing cowboy with grandads shotgun. Luckily she was able to have the arm reatatched thanks to the Shriners hospital. She had a hard time dating me because im a gun enthusiast.
Yea, we used to have the BB gun fights when I was a kid too. Nothing like a little 'Ouch!' to add that extra thrill. Looking back, can't think of a dumber thing I've done (can't believe we all still have 2 eyes).
Very sad but goes to show that ALL guns need to be treated with respect.
Very sad.
I recall a thread that police in some city had arrested some young folks for carrying air rifles on the bus. Many forum members were offended that such a harmless gun would be the cause of arrest.

I wonder if they still hold that view? It might have been on a different forum.

Sadly this has happened before, Chapman Nebr a kid found a bb gun in teh trash had the strock removed. He asked some other kids if he could shoot them, one little boy said shoot me, so he did. The boy ran into the house lifted his shirt said look at this mommy and died.

BB guns can kill. Teach this to the kids that use them and teach them to be safe with all weapons is about all we can do.
It sounds as though they where shooting pellet rifles using bbs in them.

Interesting. Most manufacturers call them air rifles. We own three from Crossman and Daisy. All shoot pellets and are made to shoot BBs as well. Unless the rifle is designed for pellets only, then it isn't just a pellet rifle. It is also a BB rifle.
We had a couple of kids that used to do that, but we quit handing out with them. The little birds and squirrels were not safe though. We already knew that wasn't a smart thing to do even when we were kids.
That is so sad. Dad was very wise and taught us safety from the very beginning. We knew that if he ever saw or heard that we purposely pointed any BB gun or firearm at any person, vehicle, building or farm animal it would be the last time we ever saw our gun; and the last time we would ever touch a gun. Mom was known for seeing you when you did not think she was there. Dad always was and still is a man of his word - very loving and consistent but you did not challenge him. We were not allowed to use even a BB gun unsupervised until the point he let us know he could trust us. I think that was about 2 or 3 years of supervised shooting. I have 2 or 3 years of good memories of supervised shooting.
This is truly sad. It does show how deadly any kind of weapon can be. All guns, regardless of ignition system, need to be treated with respect and care. I was always taught to never point a gun of any kind at anything I didn't want to kill.

Nothing wrong with kids shooting birds and stuff with bb guns. As long as they have demonstrated proper safety of course.

In Utah, along with many other states, most birds are protected wildlife. The only two in Utah that are always considered unprotected are the English Sparrow and the Starling. Certain other birds can be killed if they are considered nuisance or causing damage to crops, but questions will be asked and justifications sought. The law doesn't discriminate between firearms and airguns or archery equipment or slingshots or whatever. It is illegal to kill protected species.

Just sayin...
As a parent though - I can't imagine letting my kids do this unsupervised. I wouldn't let my kids play with BB guns unsupervised.

You can buy BB gun's in Illinois?

Not the first person killed by a BB gun.
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Man that is sad. A firearm is a firearm, which constitutes anything launching projectiles. A 6mm Airsoft BB gun with plastic BB's should be treated as a live firearm that could kill or injure someone. Familiarity with the real way to handle a firearm has gone out the window. Now we have all these kids with their guns they have no respect for. I believe more knowledge about firearms could prevent horrid things like this from occuring.
Nothing wrong with kids shooting birds and stuff with bb guns.

I beg to differ...everything is wrong with letting kids shoot birds. It is our jobs as responsible adults to teach children the value of life. In my opinion, it seems to be a major problem among the youth of respect for life.

First it starts as shooting birds, then torturing 4 legged animals, and just escalates from there.

For those of us that have served in combat, we learn instantaneously how fragile and precious life is. Shooting and killing life, other than for survival and food, it just plain senseless and irresponsible. It is important, especially for those of us that are responsible gun owners, to set the example and show the youngsters and other adults that senseless shooting is not acceptable.
Especially with some of the BB gub/pellet gun technology that exists today. These are not your Dad's Red Ryder anymore. Some of these guns are approaching .22 muzzle velocities. The energy isnt the same but the eye is a fragile area.
Me and damn near every other kid in my neighborhood grew up shooting birds and squirrels with bb guns and yes we ate alot of them. Im not eating a crow or buzzard unles I am absolutely starving. Learning to hunt at a early age with bb guns is a far stretch from torturing animals and then escalating into what exactly? Btk or something..funny enough I don't think leather face was a average kid with a bb gun.

Innocent life is precious, animals are as well. But if you are going to tell me that every persons life is precious you might as well just save your breath. Common belief here is that a bullet used on a deer would have been far better used on a rapist or scum bag.

Personally I believe the real problem is that there are to many tree hugging, peace loving hippies out there living in a world full of unicorns and gum drops.

There is a big big big difference between shooting birds and such with bb guns and going out to shoot deer and leave the laying where they fell. I will personally be bring up my children the same way I was.

I am not a veteran, or have seen combat. But almost half my family is in some branch of the armed forces. Two uncles that both served a couple tours in Vietnam and for some reason where taught a different lesson than the one you received. The same lesson was taught to me and my brother.
Especially with some of the BB gub/pellet gun technology that exists today.

My younger brother and his classmate (both 13 at the time) were doing the same thing these kids were doing: pumping up an air rifle (my Daisy 880)and shooting each other with air ..... and there was a BB in the gun........ went through brother's jeans pocket, wallet/school ID deal, the ID, jeans, underwear, and about 3/4" of his butt cheek. If the gun had been pointed at his temple, he could very well have been just as dead as the 3 year old in this story. That was 1984.

It does not take much force, in the right place, to kill........ we are fragile creatures.
I have a pellet rifle. that goes 1200 FPS with PBA aluminum pellets and 1000 fps with lead pellets. 7.45gr. pellets about, that rifle can be very dangerous. As far as Im concerned if it launches a projectile you should treat it as a deadly weapon, even plastic bb guns. ANY GUN.
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