Gimme on Break on JFK Jr.!


New member
Okay, so this is really non-gun, but I'm about ready to puke over the solemn announcements of Dan Blather and all the other overpaid shills over this ordinary lawyer's presumed death, possibly by his own hands (ya know, pilot error--possible even after engine failure, ya know).

I really don't think they'd make such a fuss if Amy Carter or even Chelsea Clinton bit it. Especially if one of Nixon's daughters did, either.

He's NOT a national treasure, despite being a darling of the media.


Let's not call it gun control any more. Current laws short of registration control access to guns by felons. Registration only tracks who bought 'em. The database of honest people is TOO STINKIN' BIG to track, so let's just track the felons!
Cheapo, I think Rich already nailed it here earlier from a pilot's perspective. The guy screwed the pooch. You are right. At least he didn't buy a gun and put it in his mouth to see if it was loaded. I actually think that unlike the current carpetbagger from DC, he COULD have eventually won a senate seat from NY, and he was an idiot. I truly believe the national media wants another Princess Di to milk dry. Do you think if you or I crashed a plane into Mt. Rushmore(even if we were instrument rated) that anyone from the Kennedy Compound would bat an eye over their bloody marys? If more of the anointed would auger into the ocean on a solo we would all be safer. Who freakin cares about these people when there are so many that deserve our attention who cannot defend themselves.

[This message has been edited by G-Freeman (edited July 18, 1999).]
I kinda look at it as proof that Darwin was right.

Hummmm, I wonder if the family can get a refund for the flying lessons?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
This is clear evidence why we need to prohibit civilians from owning airplanes. Just ban them! If it saves even one life, isn't it worth it? ONLY the military or police should have them, with a few exceptions for "grandfathered" commercial outfits; the government should take them over to protect the public.
Why does anyone need an airplane? With all the thousands of them out there, think how much more dangerous it is? At the very least we need to get rid of the small ones.
BradleyT: You're right! This nation is "awash in a sea of aircraft" and its got to be stopped. Maybe in the case of the Kennedy's we could limit them to one aircraft a month ;)

Hey, Just saw Dan Rather on a Coast Guard Zodiac wearing a Wet-Suit!

He looked rather uh, wet.

[This message has been edited by Contender (edited July 18, 1999).]
One aircraft a month? Since airplanes fall, Lighter Than Air is the way to go. Make mine a Goodyear blimp (helium filled, of course).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Fact of the matter is that Jr. availed himself of the finest flight training possible: Flight Safety in Vero. These are no local airport instructors. They provide great training and push emergency procedures in simulator and real time. Many of the commercial ops send pilots there for recurrent training.

There is simply no way this flight can be chalked up to stupidity or ignorance...he was simply pushing the envelope from the moment he decided to make the flight, and he knew it. All of the instruction he'd received argued against this. Damn tragedy....Damn common.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited July 18, 1999).]
The crack about 'local airport instructors' is uncalled for. My son is a hard-working CFI and I doubt that JFK Jr. had a better one or got more for his money. In the end, HE was PIC. Frankly, the whole thing is overblown and will probably be another Princess Di rerun. At least we will probably have a week or two break from the usual anti-gun propaganda.

At the end of that period do you think we could get another one or two to follow JFK JR. into the drink? Not that I wish harm on anyone, but the anti-gunners would be off our backs until we run out of Kennedies.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 18, 1999).]
I wonder if we could talk HCI into throwing a party for their congressional friends in a C-5A? Maybe the'd like to take it for a spin?
Like it or not Jackie apparently raised her two Kennedy children to be the only Kennedy children who avoided drugs and scandalous behavior.
The American public to a large extent has seen JFKjr as the continuation of Camelot. Some people think of the JFK assasination as the death of this culture's innocence.
I dont buy the death of innocence stuff but it does explain JFKjr's niche.
Also I think the media was premature in labeling this tragedy as just another example of Kennedy arrogance and disdain for rules. Apparently he took a calculated risk and it didnt come out.The rest of his known life does not indicate that he was foolhardy.

Better days to be,

Speaking of banning light planes (tongue in cheek), we had a small plane here in San Diego crash into a school bus not a month ago! It was forced to land on a road and hit a school bus. (Only the driver was seriously injured). These things are definitly a danger to children. Imagine if there had been a child aboard with JFK jr.!
Back on topic...I am sick of hearing about it. I refuse to listen to anything past the first announcement. He is dead. My condolances to the family. I never met the guy, never knew him, he affected my life in no way, and I would feel just as bad if a guy down the street from me that I never met died in a plane crash. He is just another dude. No need to make such a huge ordeal out of his death in particular over anyone else's.
I don't think the media have figured out yet that in America we don't have "royalty". Just because his dad was the prez (a public SERVENT) does not make him any different than anyone else.

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited July 18, 1999).]

I disagree with you that he wasn’t foolhardy. Let’s look at the fact as we know them.

1. He was flying at night.
2. He was flying in foggy conditions.
3. He had a cast on.
4. he did not file a flight plan.
5. He was not rated to fly by instruments.
And last but not least is he had the safety of two other people in the plane to consider.
If this doesn’t make him a moron I don’t know what would.
I agree with those who say we should ban airplanes. Especcially those assault 747's. When was the last time a single bullet killed over 150 people.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
Always, always think sabotage whenever a public figure goes down in a crash like this...

Yes, we should consider banning airplanes, and those dreaded airplane shows.
I'm in the Coast Guard and have been for 19 years.
When a fishing boat or private plane goes down, quadrant searches are started with C-130's and if a cutter is in the area, it is diverted to the scene (if we know where the scene is).
The Civil Air Patrol may be called in if the plane may have gone down on land.
48 to 72 hours later operations cease because there are too many other search and rescue operations going on to continue to divert resources to a lost cause.
Neither NOAA, nor the US Navy are called in EVER. Recovery operations - searching for sunken debris, is not even considered.

God help anyone else in the Northeast who calls in about an overdue boat during the next few weeks, there'll be nobody to help them.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Thaddeus, you mentioned:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Just because his dad was the prez (a public SERVANT) does not make him any different than anyone else.

Many of us would think that, by the last report I heard, 25 aircraft and 4 CG cutters make him very different than anyone else. All men are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.