Getting the law changed to pre-86?

...After thinking more about the law it came to me that the NRA wants true machine guns to be used as cover for every other rifle. The fasts are that most semi auto rifles "could" be made into full autos if the need ever came. But if we lose machine guns AND semi auto rifles then we are really screwed...

Interesting theory. I've thought for a long time that the gun-lobby crowd gave up full-autos as the sacrificial lamb.

They didn't "let" the AW ban sunset. There was no way to stop it. The only thing they "did" was not introduce a replacement ban.

Semantics.. We're saying the same thing. They allowed the Act to sunset without introducing new legislation to replace it..which is pretty much like saying "we won't have the support needed to pass it again". Had they thought they could pull it off the Senate has the ability to revisit the expiration date - much like the PATRIOT ACT.
Another thing is that I doubt that any person that has a machine gun wants to see people be able to buy new ones. They are selling for around 12k so if you already have a few why would you want to see them go back down in price?

There are many autos already made. Almost to the point that anyone that wanted one could have one. But there are many people that own many autos, thus they control the cost buy not selling them at low prices.
Another thing is that I doubt that any person that has a machine gun wants to see people be able to buy new ones.

I have three machineguns, two of which currently go for $15,000 each. I'd LOVE for them to lose value because 922(o) is gone. I want new machineguns.
There are many autos already made. Almost to the point that anyone that wanted one could have one.

There's approximately 250,000 pre-86 machineguns. Do you seriously think that's really 'almostto the point'?
The 86 law is wrong and does not do anything for public safety. However, I don't think it will be dropped.
There are too many people who get big eyes when you tell them that you have a machine gun and they ask you what do you want that for.
At the same time they would love to have a Porsche, while the speed limit is what??
a REVOLUTION is much needed and i would not be surprised if it happens in my life time.(im 21) i just hope its early enough in my life so i can fight in it. im not anti-government or way out there in any way. im mean i work for the gov. but the constitution needs to be enforced and not just the 2nd amend. all of them. its healthy to have a reolution every few hundred years, were well over due. just my .02$:D
Get real, folks. Does anyone in his right mind think that Congress is going to repeal that law in today's environment?

Do you think a senator would want to read this headline:

"Senator Jones Would Allow Terrorists to Buy Machineguns."

No way.

Besides, no one on our side wants any new gun law to have any chance in Congress. The opposition would amend it in ways we wouldn't like. (The first amendment would bring semi-auto rifles and handguns under the NFA, the next would be a 1000% increase in the FFL fees. Registration and transfer taxes on ammunition would be next. Do you really want a $10 tax on each round of ammunition?)

I hate to say this, but I think we are stuck with that law. And as to what the Constitution means, we can argue until hell freezes over, but the Supreme Court, not people on the internet, decide Constitutional questions, and they have a good track record of ducking the issue on this one.

As to a revolution, do you really want to do what the "insurgents" are doing in Iraq? Do you think you have the resources and outside support to start killing cops and soldiers? Where is your army? Blathering away on web sites, that's where. You can put a bayonet between your teeth and lead the revolt. Just don't expect many followers.

"Get real, folks. Does anyone in his right mind think that Congress is going to repeal that law in today's environment?"

I think it could happen. Two things work in the NFA favor.

1) The Assault Rifle Ban died and I havent seen any Senators getting grilled on that one.

2) The facts remain that the amount of people killed with a LEGALLY REGISTERED machinegun - is ONE. So why not let more people get them? No terrorist is getting a legally registered MG transferred to them - all those hoops and checks you have to jump through is going to limit that.

I own 10 MG's and I want the ability to buy MORE. My MG's are not investments, they are for shooting. At current prices I cannot afford more. But bring those prices down and I will have some MORE fun.
We can put on any kind of spin we like, and cite statistics until the cows go to bed, but it ain't going to happen*. When the NRA went along with that provision to get the FOPA through, I spoke with several of their lobbyists and they seem to have honestly thought they could repeal the MG registration ban later.

I just don't see it happening. Nor do I hear any outcry from folks sitting on guns that are now worth $10-50K that would be worth a couple of hundred if the ban were repealed. The people paying that money as investments are not eager for a repeal, either, for obvious reasons. Sure, some have posted here that they would be happy to see the ban removed even if it cost them money. I applaud the thinking, I just don't believe it is very common.

*One of our problems is that we go on a TV talk show and recite dry statistics. The anti-gun gang shows bad guys with machine guns mowing down children; who do you think wins the argument?

Use the spin that we want the law to back up to allow people who did not hear about the law until the items they had were illegal to register their rifles to keep them from being sold illegally.

Explain that if we allowed all the pre 86 guns that been forgotten about in, that it would be worth more to register than to sell it to a criminal. Thus making our streets safer.
What we need to do is use the tactics that created the ban in the first place. After Hillary and Company take command, tack a repeal onto some very popular democratic legislation. Something they will never let drop, you know, like voting rights for illegal aliens, and bingo, the ban is gone.
Jim Keenan has things pretty much figured out. Theres not much chance at all of the laws being dropped. It would be political suicide for anyone to put forward that ammendment as theres just that much support for it and the police and a large amounts of the armed forces, secret service and so on would throw a fit. They just don't want a repeat of the mess in the 20s and 30s.
I always have to say this...

The problem is that somewhere between prohibition and now, it became possible to ammend the Constitution withoug an ammendment:confused: ! It took an ammendment to ban things back in the day(slavery, alcohol,womens suffrage), now it can be done to a fundamental right without so much as a whimper from the SCOTUS:( ...
this is a great idea and

people can be changed!

>>>The 86 law is wrong and does not do anything for public safety. However, I don't think it will be dropped.
There are too many people who get big eyes when you tell them that you have a machine gun and they ask you what do you want that for.

I'm a living proof of that. I used to think that abortion was woman's right until I started to study constitutional history, and then I changed my mind. I used to think that public school didn't do a good job because of lack of money and private schools took away all the good students until I started studying the issue.

It all starts with effort and desire for change.

The Bradys put a lot of time and money to persuade people to believe the AWB was about letting Uzis and AK47s into the street. Did that work? No.

What they are going to to do? Whine "They are REAL machineguns this time! Really!":p
People don't care. I lost my interest in autos when I found out how much paper work is involved in moving one from one state to another.