Getting ready for the new addition


New member
I bought my first 1911 and I have been out casting something for it today.
I cast some of these MiHec 45-200 Cramer HPs. It will be a new experience because I have never loaded for a bottomfeeder before. The gun should be here Tuesday and I'm excited to get to try it out.

The green lube is Tac-X from Randyrat.

These are with the penta pins.

And these are the big HP pins.

Another look at the HP
Those are some dandy's, if not for the green goop they look almost just like mine...:D

When you start loading, start low and work up for accuracy and the rest will take car of itself.

I load these over around 5.0grs of either Bullseye or Unique. Either one shoots good with that bullet outta my Colt Govt.
The reason I asked is because I tried a 454190 hp with maybe 8 or 9 brinell @ around 750fps, the bullet went thru 4 gallon hugs of water and had collapsed into the hp. Hardly any expansion. Another attempt was with a pretty pure 255 gr. with a large hp like the bullet in your picture and a gas check. Using the same load, the bullet went thru one hug and was recovered in the second was flattened out to the size of a nickel and then some.

It's too late to make a long story short I guess, but I can get another maybe 75fps using a different powder. Would you guess what ratio of clamp on ww and stickons might work for a consistant mushroomed bullet. Any guess would be appreciated.
Finally! My first 1911 bottomfeeder, an O1070XSE. I'm gonna see what all the 45acp fuss is about. I hope it's a fun target blaster! :)

They will be, later. I have to get carpal tunnel surgery soon and until then it is easier to run them through the Star.
Right now, I drop most of them while trying to stand them up to spray. :cool:

(and I don't get good results with dry-tumble method)
Yes. I rarely (if ever) take pictures of smashed bullets though. :)

There's a bazillion pictures of recovered bullets that folks have posted on the coatings/alternatives section at CB forum.
Your first is always special.... SWEET LOOKING , you going to enjoy it !

Your's sort of looks like my AMT Hardballer .
It was the first stainless steel 1911 and it even had adjustable sights like the Colt Gold Cup . Prior to the AMT only blued guns were made.

Loading for the 45 acp -1911 is also fun and not too complicated.

Yes, Beagle you get healed up. When the hairs on your trigger finger start standing up you'll know it's time to shoot again... always enjoy your comments.

You will fall in love with that 1911, no doubt. There is just something about them. I think you will be surprised how accurate they are as well. The 45acp is more consistently accurate than any of my semi-autos, hands down.
I'm recovering pretty nicely. :) It isn't too bad of a surgery, at least not yet. I can use my fingers and could that same day of surgery, but no heavy gripping or lifting heavy stuff for a while. I was able to resize some brass with the hand press on Sunday (two days later). The main weakness I see is in twisting. I can't turn the lock on the front door, open a jar of any kind, or start my truck with a key... that motion is just completely too painful. I can carry a bag or hold a can of soda or similar weight just fine, but no twisting at all. I can pick my guns up and aim them, but don't dare test one yet, as my wrist, palm, and about 4" of my forearm are still black from the bruising. 'Must be a pretty violent surgery. :eek: I'm glad I was knocked out for it! :D
Hope you heal up there friend. Normally it's not too long till you can cast again. I was running a chain saw on the job in only a couple weeks.
