Getting my C&R soon and which Mosin rifle carbine is best?

1. See if you can find some 7.62x54r hollow core ammo. It has the same full load as the light ball, but for some reason doesn't kick as bad. (Probably lighter bullet=less pressure!) My m44 does fine with either, but the hollow core is more fun! Light ball is usually 140-150 gr. rounds.

The 7.62x54r hollow core ammo kicks less because it only has a 44.8 gr round.
Check out this link about 3/4 way down the page, number 013.

The Ammo I keep seeing is all "corrosive" unless you want to pay out the nose for new 7.62 54r from the big suppliers.

Don't worry about "corrosive" ammo, just clean your gun like in this link and your good to go.
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hey dont forget the 91, it is 2 and 1/2 inches longer than the the 91/30. I have one made in 1917. it is a great shooting gun. I have had it for 30 years and put a lot of rounds through it.dont get me wrong, I have five of them all together. 2 91/30s a 44 a 53 and the 91. buy you some ammo on line. got 880 rounds last month for 129 dollars.
lol heavy ball in a M38 , off the bench isnt much fun in my book.....I much prefer the 1.1 pounds heavier M44(it weighs as much as a full lenth 91/30)
And sold my M38.

I really like my russian made, ex east german M44,and light ball.
the Finn M39 is the most refined, with a higher combed pistol grip stock, better sights, and revised anti jam magazine the Finns came up with...and a modified/better trigger.
my Mosins

If you really are worried about corrosive ammo and don't wanna take the extra steps to clean after, the recent production Russian non-corrosive 7.62x54R stuff (like Brown Bear) is still pretty cheap as far as rifle ammo goes andd relatively available too.
I concur with AK Man. I have a 91/30, 91/59, Model 38, and two Model 44s, and the Polish one is the nicest in my collection.

I did get a beautiful 91/30 from Classic Arms, which was their rifle of the day.

I like them all, actually.:D
MR Rwt101

I am also waiting for my C&R, I sent off the paper work, with payment, and hope took copy 2 to our chief of police. He said it was the first time he has ever seen that. Oh well.
I have already bought a Mauser for myself and a Mossin for my Son.
I bought one from an individual and the other was sent to a dealer for me.
You will love the Mossin Nagant, they are great rifles, I sure hope you get a good one, and have alot of fun shooting it. :)
While the Polish M44's have the best fit and finish of the carbines, they do not have the accuracy of the M91/59 mosin carbines. I have both and both are must haves in any mosin collection.
If you want to venture out of the carbines, the Finnish M39 is a bit longer but has much nicer sights and handles recoil and muzzle blast better. They are all uniformly among the most accurate military rifles made. I agree with Tamara, you can't go wrong with a Finnish mosin. I have yet to find an inaccurate Finnish rifle.
I prefer the M38, over all other Mosin Carbines (outside of the Finns) for one reason: not sighted in on a Bayonet. Other than that, the M38, 44 and 59 are all essentially identical carbines and you'd do good with any of them that you want. The Finn models are truly the Cadillacs of the Mosin world, although I don't consider them a Mosin, myself. I consider them as much a Mosin as the Springfield a Mauser, although many would disagree.

Also, Stargazer, check this out: The M59's aren't inherently more accurate than the M44's. I'm not sure if you considered the bayonet into the consideration with the M44 vs. 59 issue. Or the fact that Mosin quality and accuracy is ALL OVER THE PLACE. A beat up, rotted out Finn ain't gonna shoot as well as a near-new Soviet 30.
There have not been any MNs, no matter which type, in gun shows near Memphis which compared with the Polish MN 44s or better examples of Finns.

An extra, modest bit of cash can be well worth it.
People are often seduced by laminated MN 44s:o, at the expense of searching for a really bright bore/rifling. This was my main mistake.
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A pole m44 is by far the highest quality of m44's, I scored mine in excellent condition for 150$ about 2 months ago. But you'll have trouble finding one in excellent cond. for less than 275$

If you can find one...the 91/59 is the most accurate carbine that I own. StanSC is right. The 91/59 is a cut down 91/30. That means that the barrel is thicker than the M38 or the M44. My M44 can't get close to what the 59 will do. I have set mine up in a ATI stock with Pentax glass. It'll bring down about anything that grows on the North American continent. From the Keys to Alaska. I blew a hole through a 10" red oak tree with the 7.62x54R cartridge. Grizzly bears are tough, but, they ain't that tough!!!Ain't this fun,...I love this stuff!...