Get your Remington #10 and #11 caps !!!

If you really want to split hairs, just going to the range and using ammo contributes to the shortage.
There's stocking up and there's hoarding. I stock up when ammo is plentiful and on sale. Hoarders buy all they can, even at scalper's prices, even when they already own enough ammo to stock the shelves of a Wal Mart, ammo that their heirs will likely end up hauling off to a hazardous waste disposal site after they die, or if we're lucky, will haul off to a gun show and unload for bargain prices.
I predict in a few years, when the hoarders or the suvivers of hoarders start dumping hoarded ammo on the market, there will be an ammo glut and bargains will abound. I've seen this before, only with other commodities.