Get your Remington #10 and #11 caps !!!


New member
Cabela's has both #10 and #11 Remington caps right now. Must buy bulk (1000 for $59.99) and must pay $20 hazmat plus shipping. Use CLUBFIVE code to pay $5 shipping vs $15 shipping.
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3rd Generation Shooting Suppy has Rem #11's in 1000 packs for $29.95 plus $7.95 shipping plus the haz mat fee. I just took delivery yesterday. $65 to my front door.
Jms: What brand are they? It doesn't state such, but I know Rem #11's don't fit mine. I've not tried CCI #11's, but their magnum version doesn't work either, but ToTW nipples claim standard CCI #11's will work. I do know Rem #10's work great.
I NEED Ballistol (and a few other things), but would like more caps. I can't spend a bunch of money on everything I need or want. I don't want the alternatives they offer.
Yeah I get you. I have a cabela's credit card that gets points for purchases. I use that credit card for everything. I wait until cabela's has free shipping or cheap shipping, and use my visa points. I paid about $5.50 per tin of caps this time (not great but not bad either, and I needed more stock). I get the best deals from cabela's, but it takes time and is sometimes seasonal.
Got Remington #10 caps at my local Gander Mountain in Rothchild WI. to day.
They had a full rack I only had 50 bucks.
Dave that's good news. Hopefully things are getting back to normal. I haven't seen 10s or 11s anywhere near me in ages.
the cabelas stock lasted for a week or a little longer. Remington must have made a lot of them.
You gotta be kidding! A shortage of Caps?
Whoops! I haven't bought any in ages, I guess i'd better start shopping!
Thanks for the tip.
Just the opposite for me!
11's fit with a little pinch, and 10's won't go down on the nipples. Some need a double strike to fire!
Seems that way for all 5 of my revolvers, 11's are best fitting.
I read a post with measurements and supposedlly the difference was in the length of the Cap. Diameter was the same for both.
Remingtons work best for me and don't fragment, CCI's fragment and jam my Colt replicas really bad!
I had plenty before the shortage so I'm not going to buy any until I actually am out or uncomfortably close to being out.
If I buy them up just because I can, then I become part of the problem.
I had plenty before the shortage so I'm not going to buy any until I actually am out or uncomfortably close to being out.

How did you have plenty? Did you buy more than you needed back before the shortage? I was almost out. If you need them and can't find them locally, the next best is to buy bulk online to lessen the impact of a hazmat fee. I bought 1k 10s and 1k 11s and paid 1 hazmat fee. Am I part of the problem?
How did you have plenty? Did you buy more than you needed back before the shortage? I was almost out. If you need them and can't find them locally, the next best is to buy bulk online to lessen the impact of a hazmat fee. I bought 1k 10s and 1k 11s and paid 1 hazmat fee. Am I part of the problem?

I have about as many as you do, enough for a year or two. A lot of my caps and powder were won as prizes at muzzle loading prize shoots. I went through about 200 caps at the TMLRA Frost on the Cactus shoot. I'll probably go through about 500 at the upcoming Red River Renegade's Shotgun Soiree in Electra, TX.
This is not a shortage, it's a buying panic, like a run on the bank, the shortage created by the buying panic only feeds the panic and the conspiracy theorys and stupid rumors that further the hoarding.
It's not like the cap factory blew up or there is a cap embargo somewhere preventing caps from getting here. Neither is there a sudden increase in the people interested in muzzleloading, in fact, muzzleloading has been in a steady decline since the muzzleloading boom of the 1970's.
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I feel...

...sorry for you guys. I can go 2 miles from my house and get ANYTHING (BP)I want or need. (and I do mean anything).

I've just joined forces with the owner (LGS) and (long-time friend) and if you want/need something, I'll do my best.

Send me a PM.

I get most of my stuff from a vendor that comes to the shoots. I only buy from Cabelas and the other big box retailers if I'm desperate for something, not because I hate them or anything, but because of their scalper prices for black powder stuff.
When I do buy in bulk, it's to take advantage of bulk pricing more than it is to hoard the stuff.
I only buy from Cabelas and the other big box retailers if I'm desperate for something, not because I hate them or anything, but because of their scalper prices for black powder stuff

I buy a lot from Cabela's, but I don't pay the scalper prices. I wait for a sale, combined with free shipping, and points from my Cabela's Visa card. I usually make out like a bandit. There is no Cabela's in my state, so they don't tax my purchases. I would have to pay more if I ordered from Bass Pro or Gander Mtn. I paid less for these caps than I would have had to pay at Walmart (if they had them in stock).

This is not a shortage, it's a buying panic, like a run on the bank, the shortage created by the buying panic only feeds the panic and the conspiracy theorys and stupid rumors that further the hoarding.

Kinda splitting hairs here, I think. From the perspective of a non-hoarder, a panic DOES create a shortage of available product.

When I do buy in bulk, it's to take advantage of bulk pricing more than it is to hoard the stuff.

So when someone hangs out at Walmart and buys 3 bricks of 22lr for their own purposes (taking advantage of the cheaper price), they are hoarding. But when you buy in bulk, it is not?? :confused: