Get the Ibuprofen!!


I can't add much to what has already been said. I'm thrilled for you and delighted that you had such a great attitude and (therfore) such a positive experience.

Aren't shooters a wonderfully supportive group, as evidenced by the responses you got here? It's only when one get experienced that other shooters get disagreeable and testy. How sad that is! We have a common delight and we have common goals. Attacks on one another based on choice of gun, caliber, metal or "polymer," etc. are pathetic. (Okay, stopping preaching and passing the collection plate now!).

My sincere congratulations to you, LDJ, for your attuitude and enthusiastic embrace of the sport. You're to be congratulated in your choice of a brother-in-law, also. Be sure to take a friend along as soon as you're confident in yourself at the range. We need more like you.
Good for you, I am so glad that not everyone belives the biased media. For some one who has never fired a gun in their life it sure sounds like you did great.

Happy shooting!

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
Congrats LadydeeJ,
I gotta give you credit, when you went for it you jumped in with both feet! Wish I coulda seen it. Next time take some pictures.

Not only do we have a new shooter, but sounds like we got us another 1911 fan as well. :)

What you said about guys (TFL guys not included :) ) not wanting to show a woman how to shoot is so true! I couldn't find anyone, until my husband came along, to take the time to teach me to shoot. Most guys I'd known before thought that women had no place owning a gun. They used to joke about how funny it'd be to see me shoot a 12 gauge and fall down on my butt. WEEL, I have conquered, and tore up quite a few cardboard boxes w/o falling down!

One word about a 1911, don't get a Colt (no flames guys). There are other co's that make better ones such as Kimber, Springfield Armory, Para Ordnance. I myself have a 1911 made by Springfield Armory. It's an Ultra-Compact that will fit in the diaper bag (lol) or up against my side, when I get my Concealed Carry License. It's a mean little gun!

Another great .45 is the SIG Sauer P245. Anything made by SIG is great. I've got a P228 (9mm) and I love it. Let us know what you decide to get!


"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited August 09, 1999).]
Lady DJ:
Too very cool! If L.E. is your bag, you're going to need to get better acquainted with that shotgun, though. Suggest using moving targets, light trap loads for practice, some more distance, and getting rid of the pistol grip stock.

Your first lesson, is one of safety. You last is, of course, safety. I hope your brother underscored that one throughout.

I'm going to bore everyone with the Four Rules again:

1)All guns are always loaded.
2)Never point your firearm at anything you're not willing to destroy.
3)Always be certain of your target, and its backstop; know exactly where your bullet will end up!
4)Never put your finger in the trigger guard until the moment you are ready to shoot.

Finally, the ultimate safety is between your ears!

Have fun!
Lady dj,
Its good to see your still on a"high" about that range experience.....there is a whole new world opening up to you, have a safe journey. ...fubsy.
Congrats on your new discovery! and welcome to TFL.
I demanded to learn about guns when my boyfriend (now fiance) moved one into our house. It was a great discovery for me.

"Time changes everything"
LadyDeeJ and you other ladies who have a problem with shotguns should check out;

Click on Lonestar 4, there is some interesting and humorous information on handling shotgun recoil by a lady trapshooter. The information is a couple of years old but still appropriate.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited August 11, 1999).]
Ladydeej>> That's quite impressive for your first time out. What no Barrett 50?? Maybe tomorrow.

You sound like my kind of woman. Are you attached? ;)
Yes Leadfoot I'm attached. My reasons for coming on TFL are not only to learn, but to share my newest hobby with people who care. My husband is not exactly "anti gun" he's more "anti WIFE with a gun." :D

Every time I mention my excitement he begins a new subject material. He's never tried to stop me from doing what I want to do, but learning about firearms is getting right up there in the "no no" category. My husband frequently uses facial expressions. Anyone who's been married knows those 'ole facial expressions, I'm referring to.

On the other hand, he also knows how stubborn I can be. I'm moving straight ahead. While his approval is important to me, this is more important. Hum..that sounded a bit selfish didn't it? I've never stopped him from doing what he wants. I guess I'm merely demanding the same respect. ???? Anyway,

TFL is a place where people understand my interest in firearms. I have another lesson scheduled with a different instructor. I haven't seen his gun collection, but I hear he's well armed. I guess I'll find out. Wish me luck.

Speaking of a lead foot, I have one of those!!! I'm hoping to get pulled over so that I can see what the sheriff is packing… ;)

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
To LDJ and the other women who have had negative experiences dealing with men on the subject of shooting: That is regrettable and not necessarily typical of all male shooters. If you count the hairy legs on this thread and divide by two, you'll see that many of us don't feel that way.

Best wishes for your continued enjoyment of the sport.
Please talk to my wife for me...Just kidding. I do wish that she liked to shoot as much as you do. Congratulations and good shooting.
P.S. Has your husband ever used a firearm before? Include him on your next outing and you might convert him to the dark side. :)

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.