"Get Rid of the Damned Things" -- TIME magazine

I assume you're all aware of this article from TIME magazine, but I haven't seen any post on it.

It's the 9 August issue:


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>THE ATLANTA MASSACRE
AUGUST 9, 1999 VOL. 154 NO. 6
Get Rid of the Damned Things
IN MEMORIAM: Amid tears for the dead in the Barton rampage, reminders last week that it was the third set of shootings in Atlanta. As terrible as last week's shooting in Atlanta was, as terrible as all the gun killings of the past few months have been, one has the almost satisfying feeling that the country is going through the literal death throes of a barbaric era and that mercifully soon, one of these monstrous episodes will be the last. High time. My guess, in fact, is that the hour has come and gone--that the great majority of Americans are saying they favor gun control when they really mean gun banishment. Trigger locks, waiting periods, purchase limitations, which may seem important corrections at the moment, will soon be seen as mere tinkering with a machine that is as good as obsolete. Marshall McLuhan said that by the time one notices a cultural phenomenon, it has already happened. I think the country has long been ready to restrict the use of guns, except for hunting rifles and shotguns, and now I think we're prepared to get rid of the damned things entirely--the handguns, the semis and the automatics.[/quote]

It must be true -- I read it in TIME. And if ever you needed proof of the media manufacturing public opinion, this is it.

BTW, a number of like-minded Australian gunowners are already in the process of making their thoughts on this matter very clear to TIME magazine ;)


Damn! I just realised this is in the wrong forum. Forgive me. But perhaps it is a political issue .........

[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited August 06, 1999).]

Sure, it's political alright. No doubt about it.

I read both pages from the link you provided. Thanks for posting it :) When I got to the end of page one I thought, wow this almost appears to be leaning to the pro-gun side of things.

Then I started page two. A compleate 180, then it leaned back and forth. All in all, I liked the article. It could have been worse (read that as major anti-gun). And at least they mentioned some of the pro-gun research by Prof. Lott and others.

The part about getting rid of guns in not 50, 25, 15, 10, or even 5 years but in just the next few years really bothered me because I see things going that way more and more.

One of my fears is that although I would like to see Sen. Smith win the election in 2000, I worry that the votes he gets will not get him elected. Instead it will take away votes from Bush and end up putting Gore into office. We all know what that will do to gun control in the USA.


[This message has been edited by DrJon (edited August 06, 1999).]
Wow, DrJon .... you must be more compassionate than I.

I saw the article as totally anti-gun and a call for the virtual disarmament of the USA.

Maybe I'd best read it again ......

I read that article with utter disgust. More tripe for the sheeple to digest. I was so disgusted I should ALL of my stock in Time-Warner. I sent the shareholder services dept. a letter explaining why. Time to put what little money I have socked away into a more friendly firm.
It's interesting that he makes reference to the "past three decades of gun violence in America." It was just about 3 decades ago that gun control laws in this country started to really get serious.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
And of course, no mention of the fact that Barton killed his family with a HAMMER.

(deep breath...)

(let it out...)

I'm calm. Really. Outwardly, at least. I suspect my BP is somewhere over the moon, but that's normal lately.

Say, if I die of a stress-induced heart attack, can my heirs sue the antis for wrongful death?

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I don't see that it's labeled opinion/editorial. Unbelievable! Liberal morons.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited August 06, 1999).]
Nearly the same thing happened a couple days after the Atlanta incident...but was cut short when the _armed_ boss fought back against the gone-postal ex-employee.

Of course, Time won't print that or suggest that maybe exercising RKBA is proven to save lives.
Look at it this way: If they go for the whole enchalada and ban 'em, we'll get this over with quicker and restore the constitution with our Liberty Teeth.

A lot of bureaucrats and Federal judges will be looking at long prison terms after The Restoration.
I tend to agree with leadfoot.

I thought the penalty for treason was hanging?

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 06, 1999).]
Is Time even considered a news magazine anymore? I noticed at the height of the Kosovo debacle, they had Ricky Martin on their cover one week. Real hard core news organization there.

Couple of thoughts:

I'd rather have them out in the open than saying "we want to do this for the children, etc." when what they're after is confiscation. At least the honesty is there.

The media tries its best to manufacture public opinion. Do you see any outrage or organized opposition in the states that recently passed right to carry laws? Is there a whole bunch of people asking for more gun control, really? Take into account that there was a recent demonstration organized by HCI outside of the Ruger factory and 6 whole people showed up.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Notice that a shift has happened (in these type of media presentations) from talk of "gun control" to gun bans. While the idea of banning guns is not new, the promoters of prohibition seem to be more vocal about it now.

This change could be good news or bad news. The good news would be that they are frustrated by the failures of the Clinton administration to control guns with its ineffectual laws, so their shrillness is a dying gasp of the anti-gun movement. The bad news would be that they finally feel emboldened enough to drop the pretenses of gun control and go straight for their utopian prohibition of firearms. Stay tuned.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
Jack99>Is Time even considered a news magazine anymore?

Time and Newsweek magazines-found by research done by the Library of Congress to be the two most heavily biased and inaccurate magazines published in this country. The American Rifleman, found by the same research to be the second most accurate and unbiased magazine published in this country. Study done in either '92 or '93, if I recall correctly. Tres interesant, n'est ce pas?

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc

Interesting...That time frame, never thought about it but that was the same time frame I tossed my sub to Time....dawned on me I was paying $30/ yr for crap.
Then they had the gall to try and ding me for another year a couple months later.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

After reading the other posts I must have been more tired than I thought when I read the article. Guess I will have to read it again when I'm not so tired :)

"The image of shoot-'em-up America was mainly the invention of gunmaker Samuel Colt, who managed to convince a malleable 19th century public that no household was complete without a firearm--"an armed society is a peaceful society."

Er, mister writer? The quote you attribute to Samuel Colt, evil gun maker, is from Robert A. Heinlein, evil science fiction writer. Thank you...

"This idea too was a Colt-manufactured myth,
indeed, an ad slogan: "God may have made men,
but Samuel Colt made them equal."

I'm less certain of the exact origin of this phrase, but isn't it more of a popular aphorism? Like "Have it your way" and the fast food chain? Don't remember ever seeing it in an ad...

Overall, didn't this article seem rather vapidly vacilliating? Emotive rants of "QUICK! HURRY! BAN!" and reasoned paragraphs. Bad editing, maybe?
i especially like the picture from the gun show with the caption about how Machine guns were available for sale

who writes this dreck?

rosie? HCI?

Get rid of the Dammed things? Sure lets get rid of THEIR Dammed things!Lets get rid of their(Corporate Communist state) magazines, newspapers, TV and radio, and any other means these elite dirtballs have of spreading their crap to the masses! Lets see how long the lackeys of this federal monolith could stay in control without all the above propaganda mediums!
Get rid of the Dammed things? Sure lets get rid of THEIR Dammed things!Lets get rid of their(Corporate Communist state) magazines, newspapers, TV and radio, and any other means these elite dirtballs have of spreading their crap to the masses! Lets see how long the lackeys of this federal monolith could stay in control without all the above propaganda mediums!