Get involved or not - here we go again

One should take a stat class! :D. It's really a subjective opinion on what error rate you accept for the various outcomes.

See there is some use for teaching that hated course since the early 70's. :D
Well simply put

1) Is the situation as it actually appears
2) Will your response cause more risk
3) Will your response conflict with your reason for being armed e.g... are you trying to be a hero or are you trying to protect life
4) Are you justified in your state for deadly force
5) Maybe the most important can you live with the result of your actions ? The result may not be what you intended
if only we had the time to run through a 16 point check list, call your attorney, and three close friends to discuss the 'what if's', before deciding to act.
When I am "off the clock" I am reticent to involve myself in another's predicament.

While I may involve myself, it may only be to call 911. Knowing who the parties involved in the situation are is paramount. Also, knowing who the aggressor and whom the victim is is essential. Things are not always what they seem.

My general defualt is to be a good witness and let others work out their own problems, while summoning the on-duty constabulary to sort it out. The exception to that is of course my family and other identified law enforcement.

Here's an article, much along the same thought line:
