Georgia legislature to pass improved pro-gun legislation

The amazing thing to me is that Sonny is actually considering vetoing this legislation. I called his office at the end of last week, and his staffer told me Sonny was still trying to decide and weighing support versus opposition to the bill.
Unregistered, the Georgia Restaurants Association is putting up a ton of opposition to him signing HB 89 into law. Now we're already carrying in 80% of the restaurants (those with no booze) without incident, but they're claiming that we're going to go to Applebee's or Red Lobster, get all tanked up, and start shooting holes in the ceiling. Sonny is going to need a job after he steps down, and these people have a lot of money and influence around the state.

Then all the metro liberal rags are publishing editorials and hit-pieces daily against HB 89, trying to drum up opposition to the legislation.

That's why we're emailing and writing snail-mail letters and calling and faxing up to the point that he signs HB 89. This is the 9th inning and we could still easily lose the game.
Sonny's "polling" incoming callers is reminiscent of the damned Klintons, who couldn't make a decision without the services of focus groups and pollsters. This is disgusting!
I've emailed the Gov, and will call next week.

I've also contacted my local gun range and asked him to pass the contact info along to his customer base , he has a large email contact list(he teaches an NRA safety course).

Please contact your local gun ranges too, to pass the info along.

Web Form E-Mail:,00.html

Snail Mail (USPS):
The Office of the Governor
State of Georgia
203 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334


Alleykat, you consider it religious fanaticism to include the stipulation that someone who is actively carrying a firearm should not drink any alcohol?

I call it common sense. Alcohol and firearms do not mix, period. Too much room for problems there.

And, I think that we should be able to carry anywhere. That being said, I believe carrying in an actual bar, full of drunk, irrational people, is a BAD idea. Way too much of a chance of someone starting something, just from being drunk, you getting caught in the middle, and either you use the gun, or a drunk gets ahold of it.

Alcohol and guns just do not mix, ever. And thats not religion talking, its common sense.
FireMax said:
We're still waiting for our spineless governor to sign the bill.

... and waiting ...
... and waiting ...
... and waiting ...

While ATL Mayor Shirley Franklin gets prime-time press events extolling all the "dangers and risks" by allowing mere citizens to carry a gun in public. After all, since there is no crime in Atlanta why would anyone have any need for a gun?

And no one has ever been harmed in a park.

And there are no criminals riding MARTA.

And ...
Got some bad news, guys. Chances are, the Governor is going to veto the bill. He's getting a lot more calls from the restaurant owners than from us gun owners. Sounds to me like the Governor has taken up the Klintonian methodology for making decisions...taking polls and asking focus groups, rather than just doing the right thing.
Perdue is a typical Republican of today... conservative when it is convenient but liberal at the core. Too many RINO Republicans hold power these days. That's why I stopped contributing money to the GOP.

Perdue was a democrat early in his political career. Thus, he has a lot of lib friends whom are affecting his decision making.

This bill was passed in the House with 67% voting for the bill. In the senate it was over 70%. Thus, if Perdue vetoes the bill, we will know, at least, that he values special liberal interests over the will of the people.

But, it's not over until this coward either signs the bill or vetoes it. At this point, his indecision on the issue has taught me that he is not a strong Conservative so even if he signs the bill, I will know where he stands at his core... a politically expedient coward.
Georgia stopped being a true southern state when Atlanta started growing in the 70s and 80s. Since then we have had a huge influx of yankees and other undesirables, and it certainly has affected our political situation. Perdue is simply a puppet of big business in Atlanta.
Being that the restaurant business association, MARTA, the AJC, and other less than gun friendly organizations are making stances to get Perdue to veto 89, I feel that we need to politely encourage the Governor to sign HB 89 into law. At this time, we feel that putting ink to paper is by far the best method of contact but we would like to encourage any proper means to be used at will...

> Be Polite
> Be Precise
> Don't Be Long Winded
> If You Call, Know What You Want To Say Before Dialing (suggest writing it down even)
> Use Multiple Methods Of Contact; Do Not Use The Same Message
> Encourage Other Gun Owners To Contact The Governor, But Remind Them To Be Polite (Make Friends, Don't Burn A Bridge)

Methods To Use

Web Form E-Mail:,00.html

Snail Mail (USPS):
The Office of the Governor
State of Georgia
203 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334



Facts you may want to use in your letter are:

> The right of self protection has been a recognized human right since the conception of this nation.

> Under current law, a law-abiding citizen with a Georgia firearm license permit may go into any restaurant in the state that does not sell alcohol. That is about 75 percent to 80 percent of all restaurants in Georgia.

> If this bill is signed into law, Georgia will become the 44th state in the nation to allow carrying weapons on public transportation.

> Georgia firearm licensees are law abiding citizens, a number close to 300,000, that have taken time to undergo stringent background verifications to qualify us as able to carry a firearm in places of public interest for the purposes of self-protection.
I just called. The secretary who answered sounded quite bored.

Secretary: Governor Perdue's office.

Me: Hi, I am calling to comment on legislation...... HB89.

Secretary: For or against?

Me: Er.... I urge the governor to sign the bill.

Secretary: I will pass your message along.

Me: Alrighty then.

Tomorrow, I will mail a letter to Perdue. I hope that skunk does the right thing.
If you call, the Governor's office staff will be very curt, if not frankly impolite. They will cut you off before you can say anything, and simply ask if you are for or against the bill.

If you ask how the Governor is leaning they will tell you they don't discuss the governor's opinions.

I would describe my phone call as very curt, borderline rude, certainly not congenial.

Sonny is going to try to run for Senator next, probably trying to get Johnny Isakson's seat in the US Senate. He is cow-towing to big business interests on HB 89, and I believe may ultimately veto the bill.
If you call, the Governor's office staff will be very curt, if not frankly impolite. They will cut you off before you can say anything, and simply ask if you are for or against the bill.

If you ask how the Governor is leaning they will tell you they don't discuss the governor's opinions.

I would describe my phone call as very curt, borderline rude, certainly not congenial.

Sonny is going to try to run for Senator next, probably trying to get Johnny Isakson's seat in the US Senate. He is cow-towing to big business interests on HB 89, and I believe may ultimately veto the bill.

I would have to say that my experience was far different than yours. They were very polite and listened to what I had to say. Either way, call, and call again.
Received an email from GCO today. The NRA is supporting the cause in Georgia. They wrote a letter to the editor which was printed in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (Huge liberal rag out of Atlanta). Anyway, here is the content of the letter....

GUNS IN PUBLIC: Don't allow gripes to kill a valid bill

By Chris W. Cox
For the Journal-Constitution
Published on: 05/02/08

With as much ink as is devoted to House Bill 89, it is remarkable that there is often a deficit of fact and reality. HB 89 contains language that would allow more than 300,000 Georgians who have undergone background checks and satisfied other requirements to obtain concealed handgun licenses the ability to defend themselves in restaurants.

Ron Wolf of the Georgia Restaurant Association decries this proposal ("Take guns off the menu," @issue April 29). We think that is unreasonable. Even the finest restaurants cannot guarantee patrons sanctuary from criminal attack and life-threatening violence. In fact, some of the most horrific crimes in this country have occurred at restaurants. Furthermore, these restaurants welcome with open arms their celebrity and other VIP clientele with their armed security in tow. So, why does the GRA have a double standard with "regular people"? The GRA must think somehow "regular people" are less valuable. Well, the National Rifle Association disagrees.

Thirty-four states in this country already allow restaurant carry. This means 34 states have worked with restaurant owners and restaurant associations to figure out a mutually feasible program. The GRA makes cataclysmic predictions of increased violence in restaurants. However, research by pro-gun and anti-gun groups has not detected a single, isolated incident of a license holder committing an act of violence with a firearm in these establishments. In reality, hard empirical evidence from 34 states reveal that no such predictions have come true. This is an extraordinary record of law-abiding, responsible conduct in light of the fact that millions of licensed citizens carry firearms into these establishments literally tens of millions of times each year. Consequently, there have been no attempts to amend or repeal any restaurant carry laws.

Additionally, GRA concerns about HB 89 increasing economic and labor challenges to the restaurant industry are void of merit. Restaurants throughout the rest of the country have found that allowing restaurant carry has had zero negative impact on their bottom line. Why should Georgia be any different?

HB 89 specifies that licensees may not consume alcohol while carrying firearms in these establishments and that owners of these properties may post a notice prohibiting firearms possession in the same manner as all other property owners. Any permit holder who violates this will lose his or her permit.

The truth is that while legitimate concerns that folks such as Wolf or groups such as the GRA have raised are addressed in HB 89, the reality is that nothing but a veto will satisfy their zeal. About a year ago, this became less a debate over good public policy and more a debate over ego. The media drew a line in the sand and declared this a heavyweight battle —- by political standards, of course —- between gun owners and Big Business in Georgia. The ensuing melee has made for good theater, but at the expense of Georgia citizens and good public policy. One would be correct in describing it as an understatement to say that the NRA and Georgia gun owners are committed to seeing HB 89 become law in Georgia. It is a good bill that will make good public policy, and we urge Gov. Sonny Perdue to sign it.