George W. Bushs' letter

Mal H, to answer your remark about it being quiet, look at the tips of the rotor wings you will notice small ailerons this helps contribute to the quietness plus new wing design. Wish they had this technology when I was flying. Can't hear a thing in the high frequencies anymore. Common complaint with fliers and shooters, regardless of hearing protection used there will be some loss.
Maybe the ringing in my ears comes from the radio waves I'm emitting, whoever is listening is probably bored out of their minds cause they listen all the time.
I am posting this elsewhere also. I ask you
guys for permission to pass on your relevant
quotes today only, sans username, as
examples, in replying to Bush. I intend to
include the websites of TFL and Shooter's
Online and tell him to assign some aide
(probably the most junior [g]) to monitor
these boards to see where Bush stands with
us. A "finger on the pulse" so to speak as
it would be a clearer indication than some
erzatz polls. This would fill in the gaps of
those who don't write in, as well as the
distant chance that some aides might say
"Geez, this is a neat site" and become a
convert. I await your verdict.
Oatka: you have my permission to post elsewhere. I may be outspoken at times and ramble with the rhetoric but I stand behind what I say. Another site you can access is <<>> you have my permission to use my postings from that site also. Guaranteed Rights and Squealing Dems. I'm sure that Nikki would welcome a link to her site.
I would hope that the politicians start listening to what the people have to say, there is more knowledge in the hinderland than in Washington it appears.
John L. McKenney

[This message has been edited by Gunfounder (edited June 20, 1999).]
On Friday Governer Bush signed into law a Texas bill that bars local governments from suing gun manufacturers to recover damages from gun violence. Texas is the 14th state to enact such a law.

As statement from his office said " Governor Bush does not believe the manufacturer of a legal product should be held responsible for the criminal misuse of that product."
No BLACK HELICOPTERS huh? Tell that to a good friend of mine who is a dealer/gunsmith in a rural area (not Texas). He has been monitored/harassed by them for several years.

Ipecac is the only one talking sense.

Any checks, regulations, etc. on guns is unconstitutional. I don't want a president, congressman, governor, mayor, etc. who will work to stop any further gun legislation. I want a leader who will fight like hell to REVERSE all of the insidious "laws" that are now being enforced.

Wake up people! No infringement of any part of the Bill of Rights is good, especially when talking about the 2nd Amendment (the people's veto). To vote for somebody just to make sure somebody else won't win is like pissing on the graves of all those who died for OUR freedom over the last 200+ years.

Vote your consience. Vote your beliefs. Anything else is an affront to democracy.

BTW, if Gore does get elected I'm moving to Antartica.
From: Ivan8883 6-20-99 936PM EDT No, I cannot agree with you at all .These black op aircraft have been seen by too many people.These reports are given on shortweave radio by reliable people who are not halucinating. Mainline media wont touch thembecause one doesnt bit the hand that feeds it.I know people besides myself who have seen them,but this maybe off the subject of BushJr. No, I live far from Texas butif you have a chance to listen to Alex Jones on his FM Station in Austin or his shortwave show or internet site( you all may change your opinion concerning George W. Bush. A man(Bush) who forcibly detains a investigative reporter(Alex Jones) for one half hour because he does not like the questions being asked is a dangerous man and surely should not be made our President. We would be trading one one worlder for another. Ivan8883
Calmly now, ok?
I am not familiar with the black helicopter controversy. I know at least some of the TFL folks believe in "it" and others do not.

I haven't heard anything except the supposed "sinister" nature of these BHs and that they harass and monitor.

I was in (or closely related to) various electromagnetic spectrum monitoring for 20 years. Please explain:
- What did the BHs harass, and how?
- What were the BHs monitoring?
- How were they BHs monitoring?
- How could you tell what they were monitoring?
- Why were they monitoring?
- Where were they monitoring?
- And any other particulars.
((Please indicate what is confirmed, believed, suspected, and guessed?))
I'm NOT fighting you, OK? I'm just trying to form an opinion of my own from the mutually exclusive opinions I am hearing.

Oh, you might want to start a new thread. This doesn't quite fit under the George Bush thread and there are sure to be comments. (O boy!)

Thanks. :)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 20, 1999).]
Dennis, couldn't agree with you more, seems to be phobia behind every bush. I personally don't think that this Bush is the bush. He may have his faults and political enemies. However,at this point in the process, I for one will let him have all the rope he wants, lets see what he does with it. He has two choices, bring us into the loop or hang himself. The other end of the rope will probably be wet from all the p**sing taken place up it. Then when AlGore is in office the loose end will be used to entangle us all. The last time I wet a rope the knot would not loosen, just tighten.
Here's a chance for everyone to evaluate Alex Jones' info separately. His web page is: /

His FM show is a bit hyper-hysterical for me, but then he's very young. The lack of cites or footnotes on his webpage may only reflect a public school education...or a zeal which precludes taking the time out to do documentation.
(A grain of salt might be in order if you are dubious by nature.)

But he's been correct and factual on several issues so far. Texans tend to be paranoid, remembering Waco, Henry Cistneros and the big black budget hole known as the super-collider.
visited the site? Have to agree with shortcut. An article Written by David M. Bresnahan, titled "Fear and loathing in Kingsville, Texas." Appears that an inexperienced reporter/investigator is trying to build a story to meet his journalistic ego.
Attacking the embattled chief of police as if it some how supported the story is wrong. The chief of police my be doing something wrong elsewhere but it doesn't appear that the two stories are related unless you want to discredit the witness. I didn't see any statements being attributed to the chief so that can not be the reason.
Questioning the Lt. (3rd in command) didn't reveal anything of substance. I would speculate that the two men in black were police officers there to protect her should the authors questionable mental status be substantiated. Yes, they probably were in black, if they intimidated the author they were doing their job, and he hasn't prepared himself for investigative reporting very well.
The "military shell casing" held up for verification sure looked like a shotgun shell to me. I would have to question what kind of buildings were damaged and when, frequently buildings targeted to be razed are used for training by multiple agencies time and again.
Of course the enlisted men were staying at the enlisted transiet quarters, and the officers were probably at the the bachelor officers quarters. Perhaps they did go to a local off base restaurant, beats the hell out of the mess hall. So what does that have to do with anything.
Were the reporter, David Bresnahan, to get credentials as a reporter and make a request to the DOD they would probably welcom him to accompany a training mission. The helicopters shown appear to be doing some public relations duty at the schools. The author says that the FEMA official refused to give him a copy of the PDD25 report, it has been available on the net for some time. Even a computer illiterate like me found it. The helicopters sure as hell did not fly from Ft. Bragg to Kingsville, they may have come from there initially or be a detachment assigned close to Kingsville.
Having some first hand knowledge of what operations take place on the border Mr. Bresnahan should be commending the military rather than demonizing them.
The author didn't attend the city council meeting, didn't identify significant personnel supposedly giving information, one witness is portrayed as hysterical-makes for a poor witness to the facts, especially when they hide under the bed.
Sorry, too many holes in the story. Wacko, probably not just appears to be a reporter that doesn't know what to look for, doesn't know what he is looking at and certainly doesn't know the who,what,when and why questioning routine.
Hey Ivan, who is that in your back yard? It's someone with some kind of recording divice I think... Hurry, run Ivan run....


vote George W. Bush!
Guys, Just remember this:

If you are a Repub primary voter, AND IF you are NOT in an early state (Iowa, NH, etc.), AND IF George Jr. already has the nomination clinched, or nearly so, then you can influence the platform of the Repub party to by more pro-gun at the convention and beyond by NOT voting for him; instead, vote for the most pro-gun candidate on the ballot, in order to "pull" the party in that direction. Make no mistake; the winning candidate takes a hard look at who else got votes & how many, and is influenced in that direction. We'd still get George Jr. who can be Algore so all is well....
From;Ivan8883 6-21-99 910PM EDT HeyJoe543,I must have struck a nerve in one of George's supporters. So be it. But I would like one of his supporters,maybe you,to answer this question for me. Why did Governor Bush react in such a totalitarian and anti-Republican manner when he not only would not answer Alex Jones questions concerning UN and New World Order,but even had Mr. Jones detained for nearly a half hour. Shades of the Evil Empire,dont ya think! Can you imagine such arrogance in the White House? I am not just criticizing Mr. Bush. Nearly all of our political leaders since W. Wilson jhave been of this ilk: elites who thinkonly they can rule and the rest of us are simply servants. People, we need a third party: a national peoples party that will bring our economy back to our shores and restore our sovereigny! George Bush Jr. is just another rehash of the same old C--P that has put us behind the eight ball. You all in Texas should be proud to have people like Alex Jones , Tex Marrs, and others who are the watchmen on the wall. The people are the sovereigns,not the politicians. And ,by the way, I dont plan to run .The only ones running,with God's help, will be that vicious NWO crowd. Ivan
Ivan: Perhaps were Alex and his wanna be reporters credible;ie: get some credentials as true journalist they would be allowed to ask journalistic question. Journalist aren't any different that any other profession. Would you allow a non-credentialed person to do a vasectomy on you, how about a non- credentialed attorney defending you in a capital case. I've seen the results of poor journalism and the hatchet jobs they do. Put your cajones on the block then pick the level of professional training you want to do the job. Then take your raving back to the forum page and create a meaningful thread.
Black Helicopters? Sure. I dunno are they US Customs or DEA, but they're around Texas' Big Bend from time to time, chasing druggies.

Or hunting for druggies. Sorta like a lot of my local desert deer hunting: Lot more hunting than finding.

I keep hoping there will be some excitement when I hear a north-bound airplane, at 3AM, low with no lights. Maybe he'll find a Black Helicopter! Maybe they'll find him! Maybe there'll be an aerial fireball! For that matter, from my garage, I've looked down into the Terlingua Creek valley at the roof of a south-bound DC-8. 150 feet off the deck!

I want a half-track with a Quad .50 mount, so we can move this part of the thread to Full Auto!
Art, you weren't supposed to give up the secrets of the black helicopters, it kept the paranoid types busy looking under bushes where they couldn't hurt themselves and did produce some interesting discussions.

Ah shucks! now I will have to paint my suburban another color everyone knows it must be U.N. troops especially when the 4 yr old twins, my terrorists are active.

[This message has been edited by Gunfounder (edited June 21, 1999).]
From: Ivan88836-22-99 940PM EDT Well guys, maybe I cant get my point across about these subjects,but I believe Alex Jones and many other GOOD investigative reporters are on to something as far as the NWO and its plans for the world. Time will tellbut I am convinced these politicos running for Big Comrades Job,except for Smith, Alan Keyes,and Pat Buchanan, are only running,as usual,for the dough. Thanks for listening Ivan8883