George W. Bushs' letter


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The following letter was received in response to the GAO initiated notification system. Take it or leave it, at least he doesn't hide behind the "save the kids" agenda. This letter sends me a message that says although 'I am not an official candidate for President' I will state my convictions and put my record out for examination.

June 7, 1999
Dear John,

Thank you for your letter about state and federal gun control measures now under consideration in the United States Congress.

I am a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights. As a candidate in 1994, I supported the right of law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons for self-protection. In my first legislative session as Governor, I signed a law allowing law-abiding citizens who pass a firearm proficiency test to carry a concealed weapon. In 1997, we improved the law by allowing handgun licensees from other states to carry their concealed weapons in Texas. I believe this legislation is helping make Texas a safer place to live.

I have consistently supported tough anti-crime policies and resisted restrictive gun control laws that do nothing to prevent violent crime. During my first term in office, Texas ended the mandatory early release of offenders. We also strengthened the penal code to toughen penalties for sex offenders, drug dealers and repeat offenders. We rewrote the juvenile justice laws to take a tougher approach to juvenile crime, including lowering to 14 the age at which most violent juvenile criminals can be tried as adults and increasing penalties for juveniles committing violent crimes. During the most recent legislative session, I pushed for and signed legislation giving automatic jail time to juveniles who commit any crime with a firearm. We're sending a strong signal in Texas that we don't want children carrying guns illegally.

I believe one of the most important responsibilities of state government is to protect the innocent. That is why I support tough laws and long sentences for those who use guns to commit crimes. Additional gun control laws, such as requiring arbitrary waiting periods, do not achieve this goal. I do believe instant background checks ("instant checks") are an effective way to keep criminals and minors from purchasing guns and have supported "instant checks" since my first campaign for Governor in 1994. I support changing federal law to allow gun show operators access to the National Instant Check System (NCIS) to provide "instant checks" for all vendors selling firearm at their shows. I strongly oppose any attempt to use the NICS to initiate a national registry of lawful gun owners. My focus will remain on punishing violent criminals-not unnecessary regulation of law-abiding citizens.

Again, thank you for writing on this important issue. I apreciate hearing from you.


Signed: George W. Bush.

Post Office Box 1902, Austin, Texas 78767-1902

Office:512-637-2000 FAX:512-637-8800

John L. McKenney
Sorry, friend. It is NOT "take it or leave it". The name of the game is "take it AND influence it"!

What Bush offers here is good! Darned good! But, speaking for myself, I want it in his actions as well as his words - not just in the past as Governor but in the future as a nominee for President.

He must be made to understand that he can woo Libertarians to vote for him if he adopts a more Libertarian stance. Remember, it is the Republicans who have compromised our Rights away in response to Democratic demands.

We need a President who understands that compromise is NOT the perfect answer to every problem.

If a person is drowning ten feet away from a pier, you do NOT compromise and throw him a five foot rope. If compromise lessens our Second Amendment Rights, that is infringment!

And that is the GD fact, my friend. You take THAT or leave it!

I'll second that Dennis. I don't know about everyone else but I remember another Bush that stuck it in our back. I'm not saying this one will do the same but we need to make sure he understands what no compromise means. I've heard stories of him "waffeling" on some gun control issues already and that kind of puts a small empty feeling in my gut. Maybe he's learned too much from dad.

There's a long way to go in this campaign and we need to hear and investigate a whole lot more before any decisions are made.
Whew! Okay, having taken one of Rich's "deep breaths", please let me add that I like Bush. However,:

- We have seen him wobble a little on his pro-Second Amendment stand just a couple weeks ago.
- We've been lied to before that some "reasonable" infringement is not really infringement.
- I am not trying to get Gore elected. The thought gags me. But I want the Reps & Dems to return to the viewpoints of American heritage rather than European (or Asian)heritage.

Perusing the history of support for the Second Amendment, one finds Republican support rather spotty and inconsistent. The record of the Libertarian Party appears to be consistent with the view of TFLers (probably including both of us).

Therefore, though I understand your fear of splitting our vote and permitting Gore to win, I must stick to my guns in my attempt to ensure Bush's statements truly reflect his future intentions. His daddy's history makes me nervous.

So, I ask your indulgence if your "take or leave it" comment pushed me a bit too far. I'm sure we're on the same side of the Second Amendment question.
Thats about as pro-gun as anyone can be if he wants to win the election. I liked his response, I like that he responded--it seems that he might actually want the "gun vote". My only concern is that he is a Bush, his dad--while he got my vote--really pissed me off. Remember "read my lips, no new taxes", his disgust with the NRA and his cancellation of his lifetime membership. I suppose I shouldn't hold his father against him (sins of the father--that type of thing), but it does come to mind when I hear the name George Bush.
I got the same reply also and STILL have that uneasy feeling. To wit, his remark "...
I support changing federal law to allow gun show operators access to the National Instant Check System (NCIS) to provide 'instant checks' for all vendors selling firearm at their shows." If he means making NICS checks available to those non-FFL holders who wish to use it, OK, but, like most if not all of these pols, they have never been to a gun show and don't realize that 90-98% (in my experience) are FFL dealers and MUST go through NICS anyway. His statement follows the Democratic line that you can get a gun with NO check at the shows. I wrote him back, asking for a clarification. I will still support him despite my reservations (at this point) but will sure keep his feet to the fire on this one.
Thanks guys, now we have some meaningful discussion with a statement on record. I agree that daddy didn't do us any big favors you have to remember he had a demoncratic congress and didn't have the line item veto like billy does. Lets watch George W. closely and see if he wavers, remember he is a politician with a big sail.
I agree with everything he says in the letter. What's the big deal about NICS at gunshows, most of the dealers have to do it anyway.

If you want to sell a gun without it ,go out into the parking lot and do so. Frankly, I want to know who I am selling my gun to, I don't want to be the one to sell a gun to the next Columbine wacko. I have personally sold two guns privately in the last year, but did so to people I know. I believe most of us do the same.

This gunshow business, no matter how it ends up, will only hurt us in the end. The media is against us and has been telling lies and half truths all week here in NY. The more the media talks about gun control the longer it will remain in the public eye. I personally believe that Gore wants to keep it in the forefront of political discourse because his pollsters have told him that it is an issue that he will get the most benefit from.

Bush has to downplay the gun issue to avoid loosing the "Soccer Mom" vote that he seems to be getting now. I hope the gunshow issue goes away quickly so Gore will have little to talk about and the people will see what an idiot he really is!

To correct the record... the line item veto was struct down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court because it in effect gave the President the power to legislate.

On another related note... too bad the Supreme Court doesn't strike down the "executive order" system which basicly allows Bill to legislate. The system is outrageous because he write as many of them as he likes and Congress has 90 days to strike them down before they become "law". To me that is like a trial where the defendant is guilty until proven innocent.
Bush Jr. isn't perfect but look at the alternative. I think it is already pretty clear that the presidential election is going to get down to Bush vs Gore. I could be wrong, but it looks to me like that is the way it is shaping up. I think the way to handle this is to get behind Bush and hammer him with letters, calls, e-mails, etc. letting him know that we want NO COMPROMISE, and that if we think he isn't completely on our side then we will vote Libritarian. Third party votes cost his father, Bush Sr., an election and I don't think the lesson is lost on him. Here in Texas, when he started to wobble a liitle on some state bills that weren't good for gun owners, he was flooded with mail, calls and e-mail, and he responded to the pressure.

Like I said he isn't perfect but, he is a good deal better than what we have had to choose from in the past. My dream is that one day I will honestly be able to vote FOR a canidate instead of AGAINST the other canidate.

[This message has been edited by TEX (edited June 19, 1999).]
Give me wobbly in our favor, but IN OUR FAVOR, over the likes of Big Al, any day.

One thing you've got to hand to Al, he gives us enough to know to steer CLEAR of 'im.

We can at least work with Geo. Jr. It was completely and totally the concealed carry issue that got him elected in TX (Anne Richards, who was a pretty good ol' gal, actually, refused to allow a state referendum on the right to concealed carry, after the one-man massacre in a Killeen Luby's.). George W. knows which side his bread is buttered on. (He won by a landslide after promising to sign the CHL bill into law.)


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited June 19, 1999).]
From:Ivan6-19-99 1131PM EDT It is important that we gun owners and patriots in general DO NOT SUPPORT GEORGE BUSH FOR PRESIDENT! This man is CFR(COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS) and a committed one worlder, just like daddy Bush. THe Republican Party in his own state has been in rebellion against this menion of the Global Elites. Alex Jones,who has a TVshow, shortwave, show and website(, has confronted Governor Bush at a past meeting when Bush was questioned on his involvement and support of Un and one world policies. Bush reacted by nearly having Alex Jones arrested. Jones was detained by Bushes people for nearly a half hour. Jones,who is only 25 years old,has led the fight to expose what one worlders have in store for America and junior Bush is the big poster boy of Globalist and their controlled US media.If Big Comrade does not stay in power as Dictator during created Y2k chaos, the NWO has their bases covered with Bush as the next El Presidente of our sleeping nation. Texas,where urban warfare operations by Us military are common,where cameras and other survellance equipment are locarted in many places, and where local police are often out of control, is under the gun by NWO crowd led by this younger Bushwho would possibly complete the unholy succession of the last three US Presidents;Old Bush ,Klinton and young Bushto finish off what remains of this once great FRepublic. Alex Jones shortwave show is on from 2-3Pm EDT on 9.400 WTTG ,Monday -Friday.People should call him and get the real scoop on this man.It is important. Ivan
Post some substantion upon which you make your claim. Not that I don't believe you, I just want to be able to verify for my self. Learned long ago to not assume anything, believe half of what I hear and half of what I see. There is an awful lot of rumor and innuendo being passed as the truth, some rumors have never been routed thru rumor control.
I doubt that George Shrub will initiate anti-gun legislation. I KNOW Al Gore will.

(Well, Algore was born 9 months after the spaceship crashed at Roswell...)

As for the CFR, the Tri-Laterals, and the Bilderbergs, if those folks are "running the world", they're about as incompetent as most city councils or the DEA. I ain't gonna waste my time worrying about'em...
Dennis, another stellar post.

From my point of view, NICS is an infringement, and unconstitutional under the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments. If it is so important, just how did we manage without it for over 200 years? Anybody who supports it does NOT support your right to arms. But, I'm a radical.

Third party can't win? Is that the point, voting for the winner? I thought the idea was vote for the candidate who best represents your own ideals. I am so silly sometimes.

Never forget that political pragmatism got us where we are today. When will principle be worth more than perception?

Here's another example of compromise, or what a vote for Bush represents: take a barrel of finest quality beer, and a barrel of foulest quality sewage, mix half of each in a new barrel. Bottoms up!

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Ivan, when's the last time you were in Texas? You been listening to Art Bell? I've lived here all of my life and have never seen any type of urban warfare operations in public. That's not to say that the military does not train for urban warfare, but wars oftentimes take place in locations with urban environments--France, England, Hanoi, Saigon, Baghdad, Kosovo. If you are referring to the rumors that military personnel storm through neigborhoods searching houses and citizens, I have never seen or heard of such operations in Texas.

In regards to cameras and surveilence equipment---Where? I know of cameras that the state uses to monitor traffic conditions on city highways. Cities use cameras to monitor conditions at street intersections. I know of several private companies that use CCTV cameras for security purposes. Is this a threat to our freedom?

In regards to the local police being out of control---Again, where? I was a Law Enforcement Explorer with a large P.D. for six years and never personally witnessed any behavior that could be considered out of control, although the T.V. cameras witnessed one and I heard of one other. I can think of four isolated publicized incidents over the last five or six years where officers have been fired, and in at least one case indicted, due to administering their own sort of justice. At least one of these officers won his job back in court. Does this mean that the thousands of law enforcement officers in Texas are out of control? If that's the case, it seems that an entire nation of law enforcement officers is out of control.
From: Ivan 6-20-99 1034PM EDT Guys, I knew I would get negative reaction on my comments on George Bush JR. and his role in bringing us to full one world control. At one time,I would have reacted in the same manor;believing that there were differences in the parties and that we could neverhave our freedom and economic and national sovereignty sold out by so called conservative Republicans. But the New World Order Crowd has both parties in their pockets;except for a few Republicans like Senator Smith from New England and Alan Keyes,both of whom are running for Presidentand both of whom have no chance to get the nomination. My sources are well documented. Alex Joneshas had first hand experience with the real George Bush,not the teflon man the controlled media is pushing. Ask the people in Kingsville,Texas about Delta Force operations and the burning down of a public building? Ask the people who have been hassled by black helicopters and militaryin parts of Texas. I have talked to one individual who had a particularly bad experience with military in arrea west of Austin. People like Alex Jones, Tex Marrs, Clay Douglas, and many other courageous reporters on the shortwave and internet are getting the word out on what the NWO has in store for our country and the world. If you are in Texas, contact Alex Jones at Republic Radio(2-3PM EDT 9.400 M-Fri) or his internet site( .Texas,in my opinion,is heavily under the gun by Federal-UN planners. George Bush never! Do the research and you will be amazed at what this man really stands for. The problem is that the truth about these one world elites like Bush cannot get out to the masses on the government controlled mainline media. And ,of coarse, people like me are considered radical(that is a bad word today) or looneys. I am convined 100% we must have a powerful third party,a party that stands for nationalist valuesand that will fight to the death the internationalist c--p that both parties have fostered on the American people since 1913(Federal Reserve,income tax, manufactured world wars,foreigfaid giveaways,ad nausirum) If I got off the topic a bit, take my apoligy,but do the research Ivan P.S. Spotlight Newspaper is a excellent source for NWO antics and is the best of the few patriot newspapers left in Ameirica.

It is easy to get caught up in the large number of conspiracy theories that proliferate on the internet. However, none and I mean none, have had any kind of credible substatiation.

Bush may not be the ideal candidate. Bush, on the surface may even seem to be involved in some dark and sinister conspiracy. But I think that is due to the fact that he is a politician. You can find all sorts of evidence to link any politico to any imagined conspiracy, especially when you focus on such things.

If Delta Force did conduct operations in Texas, do you think they did it in preperation to operate in Texas for real? I think not. Our national interests would not be served by assaulting the citizens of Texas.

Oh, I forgot. Delta Force is actually under direct control of the U.N. Give me a break.



Check me out at:
Dan, there are black helicopter, I have flown on them, also rode black motorcycles, bicycles and driven black cars. I don't discriminate with inanimate objects or humans. Why, I have even shot black talon bullets without adverse affect.
The term black seems to conjure up some sinister primordial fears. Last time I checked it was just a range of color on the spectrum of light or lack thereof.
Yes there are black colored helicopter, but they can't do any more than one painted any other color. What the paranoid extremist individuals should be more concerned with is the fuselage markings, uniforms of the occupants and the tail number. When this specific information is given either in the major media or alternative sources there will be evidence that can be collabrated. Until then it is just rumor.
There is so much crying about the wolf and rumors afloat that when/if it ever happens nobody will pay any attention because they can no longer recognize the truth from the rumors.
Cognitive sensory overload will have so desensitized them that they will welcome the change.
You are right there ain't no BLACK HELICOPTERS, just black helicopters.
I can attest to the fact that there are black helicopters. I was in the parking lot at the Pentagon one day about 9 years ago when one landed at the helipad. It had the looks of an Apache without the armament. One thing that struck me was how absolutely silent it was. It's very hard to keep a helicopter silent when landing, but this one was. I believe the black color was a rad absorbing material. That may give it a smaller radar signature but you can't make one very stealthy. Anyway, my point is this was a black helicopter not a BLACK HELICOPTER as Gunfounder put it. If it were a BH, do you think they would parade it around in front of the world like that?