Generally, what are the most dangerous places?

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When your girlfriend's husband comes home unexpectedly?

The Petit family thought they were safe in surburbia. The Mumbai folks thought they were safe in a luxury hotel. The folks in the Pentagon didn't think an airplane would hit them.

Who knows. I do grant you that ATMs and convenience stores late at night are to be avoided. Otherwise, it is where the bad guy is and they can be anywhere. That's why one should have the ability and be reasonably prepared.
I'm most alert at the majority of ATMs and drive-thru lanes at restaurants. I use only ATMs that are on busy main streets, not the ones that are put on the side streets, but I am still on high alert. I also don't like the drive-thru lanes that don't offer an out if need be, and refuse to use them at all if busy. We have a poorly designed Tim Horton's here, and I mostly go in. I also do my biking in good weather generally after midnight here in town, but I'm always armed, and I'm starting to see many more that are doing the same.
aarondhgraham said:
I did tell her district manager that if she ever got hurt,,,
Don't bother coming to the hospital,,,
Just leave town, quickly.
I would have loved to have seen the look on their face and/or heard what they said after you said that! :D
Besides the locations already mentioned, I would think any part of town covered in graffiti. Often indicates gang or gang-wannabe presence, and that the local shave given up trying to keep it clean. They probably gave up on self defense, too. Not everyone perhaps, but enough the hoodlums are not shy about spraying every object that doesn't move in less than an hour.

I don't live in or often visit a large city, but I am always stunned when I happen through a section of a city that suddenly becomes covered in graffiti as high as a person can reach: store fronts, fences, mailboxes, signs, etc. Either folks just plain got tired of painting over the trash, or they are scared to remove it. Either way it seems would not ode well for personal safety. Street trash and debris also seem to pile up in these same areas.
Almost any downtown area at night.
Convenience stores and gas stations at night.
Isolated business of any kind which has a cash trade.

Late at night if I don’t have it I don’t go get it.

Not really places to not stop in, but places to use.

When traveling I use the truck stops at night.

Even in daylight I’m watchful in rest areas and don’t use those unless nature is insisting.

During daylight, letting a fast food waitress see into my wallet got me stalked on the road once.

Mmmmmmm Popeye's. My friends and I used to joke that you knew you were in a dangerous part of town if you saw a Popeye's chicken. Anecdotal evidence of course nothing emperical to show except maybe New Orleans. Of course it backfired when they built one in our area. :eek:

Fast food drive throughs. Watch out while making transactions or just waiting in line for your food. I won't go to one that is curbed in anymore or has some barrier preventing me from bugging out at the first sign of trouble.

I had a guy walk up behind me while I was handing my money to the cashier at the window (Popeye's). It was dark, raining like hell, in a bonafide bad part of town, and I was much younger and not quite as wise as I am today. Luckily he was just begging for food. It won't happen again.
Troll hang-out places, like ....

" Gee I wonder how dangerous Little Tokyo is in LA, or your local Korea Town is? ", and TFL. Please.
I always figure such an event would be most common at night, but I am not too many places where I think such things are likely to happen.

I am not particulary fearful in places where concealed carry is not allowed. Despite claims of being free fire zones (the antithesis of the cry of "blood in the streets" when concealed carry is allowed), I can't say that I have see any data to support that such areas are more apt to be robbed or peope to be harmed. The extremes claimed by both sides do not seem to materialize.

The one place that bothers me most is convenience stores, especially at night. Being a clerk in one is supposedly very dangerous and yet it seems very dangerous for bad guys to rob them given the number that are manned by armed employees. Bad guys know that the folks in conenient stores may be armed and still opt to take their chances.
When I get called for jury duty, almost every year, in downtown Phoenix, you have to walk several blocks from parking to the courthouse. It's an area where the homeless congregate in groups. So far just beggars, but you never know. How close do you let them get to you? They can be hard to stop from getting close.
Irony. Someone was robbed one block from where I park my car (place I mentioned earlier in this thread) 20 minutes after I left this evening...
That pre-concieved place in your head, and being acosted by that pre-concieved looking person in your head... is the most dangerous place you can be.

Crime can and will happen anywhere. Crime can and will happen to anyone. Your assailent can and may look like anyone.

Believing that any particular kind of a person will be the one to attack you is folley. IMO the most likely the person to visit violence upon you will be someone you know. The kind of a person most likely to be a victim of violent criminal behaviour is the criminals themselves.

Unless you frequent, or work in an area where crime is uncontroled, it's unlikely that you become a victim. In fact I believe that it's far more likely that the average person become a victim of confedence game, or larceny than a victim of a violent criminal.

Glenn Dee
Troll hang-out places, like ....
" Gee I wonder how dangerous Little Tokyo is in LA, or your local Korea Town is? ", and TFL. Please.

No you "Please". :cool:

With your peurile "Amerika" and anti immigrant snideness:rolleyes:

Yeah, I'm a troll:rolleyes:

WildamerikaindeedAlaska ™©2002-2010
Like some have said - anywhere can be "dangerous". However, some of the more obvious places might be:
- indoor parking garages
- gas stations
- convenience stores
- Walmart
- parks and/or forest/nature preserves
- parking lots

Basically high traffic areas or out of the way areas - either side of the bell curve.
Any place alcohol is served.

I lived and worked in San Fransisco's Tenderloin district and Seattle's Skid-row.
Never had a problem.
I think people have an unrealistic idea of the dangers of being in a city are.
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