Generally, what are the most dangerous places?

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New member
Basically, if you carry, or even if you don't, in what situations are you most concerned about someone possibly holding you up at gunpoint? For me, I get most concerned at:

ATM machines
Gas stations
Rest Areas at night (sometimes, if I'm traveling late at night I have to pull over and snooze for 15 - 30 minutes)

For street crime?

ATMs, convenience stores, Public Parks, in or adjacent to "the bad parts of town".

For Terrorism/Active shooters?

Schools, Shopping Malls, Sporting Events, or any other place where firearms are prohibited, but real armed security is absent.
1) The outskirts of my school campus (including where I walk to my car every night). Lots of armed robberies around here, but no shooting deaths. I keep a fake wallet, keep my head on a swivel, and hope for the best until (if?) they change school policy...

2) On the road home at night. No issues in the 5 years I've been making the trip, but the roads are not the best lighted, and I sit at many deserted stop lights.
Frankly, I have never been to a place that genuinely concerned me. The only crimes around here are the occasional bank or gas station robbery. So, I guess if I had to pick a place it would be one of those but, truly, I don't consider any place that I go to be even slightly dangerous.
Worked for me.

If you can't understand in English what the folks / customers are saying, go immediately to your car and leave. Some spots in Amerika are a lot like dropping into some other-world country, many of which are unsafe for U.S. folks at least some of the time. Don't let any near-by persons know that you are CCW, until ... Merry Christmas. .444
If you can't understand in English what the folks / customers are saying, go immediately to your car and leave. Some spots in Amerika are a lot like dropping into some other-world country, many of which are unsafe for U.S. folks at least some of the time.



US folks?:barf:

Gee I wonder how dangerous Little Tokyo is in LA, or your local Korea Town is?

WildidfeelsaferinthosecrowdsthanyoursAlaska ™©2002-2010
There are predators everywhere. If you act like prey, you will attract predators. Not that predators won't prey on other predators, they just look for the ones acting scared or careless, you never want to take on a fire-eater.
New Orleans. Over by the casino at night, in particular.

Considering that's the only place where I have been held up at gunpoint, it certainly makes my list.

I'll second convenience stores in the evening, had an interesting experience in one of those as well (, but sometimes a guy gets hard up for a pack of smokes and a soda past sunset and just can't avoid it. Walking into a gas station at any time of day is not particularly daunting for me. Heck, I used to work overnight shifts at a decrepit little stop-n-rob when I was younger and lived to tell the tale. But it's a good idea to keep your eyes open.
ATM's and night deposit boxes,,,

My ex had a job managing a small retail business that closed at midnight,,,
Her district manager insisted she (or whoever closed) make a night deposit.

The bank the company used was not in the best part of town.

I wrote to corporate headquarters about that practice,,,
I even took pictures of the seedy night time environment,,,
They still insisted that the night's cash could not be left in the store safe.

So I always picked her up at the store and escorted her to the deposit box,,,
I would exit the car and give the area a good scan for problems,,,
Then she would get out and use the key to make the deposit,,,
On several occasions a person would walk towards us,,,
A six-cell MagLight in their eyes always worked,,,
Never needed to present the .357 I carried.

I did tell her district manager that if she ever got hurt,,,
Don't bother coming to the hospital,,,
Just leave town, quickly.

I was a much more volatile person back then,,,
I'm very mellow in my old age.

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