Geezers with Guns?

There are some advantages to geezerhood without the AARP. At motels etc they take one look at me and give me the Geezer Discount automatically.

Better days to be,

Hey, I get AARP solicitations on a regular basis, they have been going in the trash but no more!!! There was a REAL good suggestion up there somewhere, I'll compose a letter requesting their stand on RKBA, then send it again every time I get another solicitation. If they answer (don't hold your breath) I will respond to that as well, and send IT every time I recieve that response. Could be fun for a few years.

Meanwhile, I gotta say they are still not liberals as a group, they are for the most part voting their wallets in one way or another.
Well, I thought it was unfair of me to speak about AARP, so I'll let them tell you about it in their own words-

Special Thanks to Gary Flynn.

*********************************************Thank you for your recent email requesting information about AARP's position on federal gun control.

For more than a decade, AARP has supported federal measures to control the availability of handguns because of their frequent use in the commission of violent crimes. Handguns continue to present a serious threat to citizens of all ages. In 1993, over 13,000 people were killed with handguns. At least $1 billion is spent annually on medical costs associated with the treatment of individuals who have been shot.

The prevalence of violence in some neighborhoods has resulted in many older persons becoming virtual prisoners in their homes. Increasingly, individuals living in the inner city are suffering the loss of children and grandchildren who are the victims of violent crimes and senseless shootings.

Further, the lack of restrictions on handgun sales in certain states enables gun runners to purchase guns that they can then resell in states with more restrictive laws. This lack of uniformity among the states significantly undermines their ability to control handgun availability.

Increased criminal activity involving automatic and semiautomatic weapons persuaded the Association in 1989 to expand its earlier gun control policy to include these weapons. This policy now reads as follows:

The federal government must continue to control the availability of handguns and semiautomatic and automatic weapons because of their frequent use in the commission of violent crimes. The expiration date for the requirement for a five-day waiting period in the Brady Bill should be eliminated. The assault weapons ban should not be repealed.

AARP supported both the Brady bill, passed in November 1993, and the assault weapons ban, which was included in the 1994 crime bill. The Brady Bill institutes a waiting period of five business days for all handgun purchases, providing time to check the purchaser's background. The bill also raises licensing fees for gun dealers and requires that police be notified of any multiple gun purchases. However, the waiting period provision expires after five years, to be replaced with a nationwide "instant-check" system that will screen out felons through the use of computerized criminal records.

The ban on assault weapons outlaws for 10 years the manufacture and possession of 19 assault weapons, as well as copycat models and semiautomatic guns with two or more characteristics associated with assault weapons. The measure also bans ammunition-feeding devices that hold more than 10 rounds. AARP would oppose any proposal to repeal the ban on assault weapons or weaken the Brady bill.

To assure that AARP policy is consistent with member views, the Association has polled its members on this issue. The results indicate that AARP members strongly support stricter gun control measures. A majority of those responding felt that, in general, the federal government should be "doing more" in the area of gun control.

When asked about specific options, our members gave the following responses:

· 82 percent strongly favored a federal law which controls the sale of guns, such as by making all persons register all gun purchases;
· 79 percent strongly favored a law requiring a license to carry any gun outside the home;
· 73 percent strongly favored a law requiring a two week waiting period before buying a gun to permit time for a background check;
· 67 percent favored a law which would require a person to obtain a police permit before buying a gun (44 percent strongly favored this option).

Each of the first three options was opposed by no more than ten percent of those responding to the survey. In addition, the survey results are comparable to other surveys of the population at large. In view of this level of support, the Association reaffirmed its policy on gun control.

Overall, AARP always tries to ensure that policy positions presented before the Congress, Executive Branch, and state legislatures express the views and priorities of a majority of our members. Our policy development process is designed to ensure that the views of our members are solicited and taken into account. For more information about this process, please visit AARP Webplace:

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Thanks for the info!

They've been pretty blatant in the past but this is the best summary of their gun bigotry that I have seen! (Thanks!)

Heh, heh! Time to fire up the ole word processor again... :)

Thanks from me as well. I just tossed their invitation to join into the round file and sent them some e-mail indicating that I wasn't interested in AARP and why.

Hey you guys, lighten up on Dennis!
If its one thing I've learned is that Dennis is a standup pitbull in his beliefs.
If the AARP doesn't behave, (and when have the senior set ever behaved) he will have at em!
The really older set of seniors,(ages 65 and up) came from a time when you didn't make waves and completely trusted your government to do everything for you and to you.
Thats why now all they want is the government to take care of them and not have to think about anything, such as the fate of the country or their descendants freedom!
A few years back, it was brought out that the AARP had polled its members on the issue of gun control. The truth of the matter was that the head honcho of AARP told Congress that gun control was important in the eyes if the membership. Guess what. No poll was ever taken. He lied! Congress ignored that fact.
How to payback AARP? When they send you a solicitation, they enclose a post paid envelope. I write on the form, that as long as they violate my 2nd Amendment rights and continue to lobby for gun control, that I cannot, and will not support their organization. It took them idiots almost 5 years to figure out I would not join, and I used several dozens of their free postage envelopes to do it with.
Sign me a nasty geezer with a lot of guns.
Paul B.
AARP is proudly anti.
I believe it is a complete dis-service to those of the age that fought for our very freedoms we cherish.
Also, how can they discourage the elderly for defending themselves when a 911 is gonna be too late.
Sad. As we/you get older I hope for an ALTERNATIVE AARP version that defends our Constitution as opposed to obsoleting it.

[This message has been edited by Join NRA today! (SEF) (edited December 04, 1999).]

You make TWO good points there:

1) Every geriatric organization I've heard of is anti-freedom, pro-government.

2) I don't know of a single pro-Constitution geriatric organization of any size. Even the VFW only gives lip-service to the Second Amendment. Where *ARE* the alternatives?

Meanwhile, I'll keep jousting at the AARP windmill. Just me and Mom trying to keep the polls (if they do a legal one) from being 100% anti-gun.

And I'll keep on donating the AARP discount money to RKBA groups. I kinda like that! ;)

BTW, I write some pretty scathing letters for my Mom. (chuckle) And she *signs* them! Tickles me! :)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 05, 1999).]