Geezers with Guns?


New member
There was a report released recently that named the NRA as the second most powerful lobby in this country. The AARP was #1.
My 76 year old father takes great delight in pointing out that I will soon be eligible to upgrade my political clout by joining him and my mother as a member of the AARP.
This could be interesting.
Sort of a "double barrelled" approach to the political process.
Geezers with Guns!
Boy, talk about a liberal's nightmare!
That's right, you twerpy little young punk congress critter, leave my 2nd Amendment alone, and where the hell is my social security check?
Seriously though, I wonder if the NRA has ever explored this pool of potential supporters.
Seniors are generally more politically active, more conservative, and they are more frequently the victims of crime.
Now if I could just figure out some way to mount my AR on a walker, I'd be ready for anything. ;)
Okay, Buster! Listen up! Geezer here! :D

Yep, I joined AARP at when I turned 55. Unfortunately, they are gun bigots.

I was going to tell them to place my membership "benefits" next to their ear
in their transverse colon, but I decided to let it ride.

I understand our membership dues are subsidized by the federal
government. I’ve heard conflicting stories about it.

AARP's monthly rag sometimes has useful information, discounts, etc.

Whenever they have a gun-bigot article, I write my Congresscritters and say the
AARP is full of bovine exhaust! I don't know how much it actually helps, but
it makes me feel good to give 'em a shot (so to speak). ;)

My Mother is a fanatic about the magazine, but when it comes to their views
on firearms she says,

"Oh, they're full of poop!"

(My Mom, the "activist"! :))

I thumb through the magazine, pull out what is useful to me, and stay alert
for a chance to

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 29, 1999).]
AARP is one of the most liberal groups in America.

Why would you send money to them?

Just cut out the middle man and send it direct to Klinton.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Oh, another thing Dennis, you know they spend their time electing liberals, not libertarians. They endorsed Klinton last go around. Give me a day and I can tell you how much money they gave to DNC.

But I can see how discounts on hotels is worth putting up with a few extra gun laws.
And telling us they are partly supported with taxpayer money made me feel a whole lot better.

I could swear just a few days ago you where telling us to get behind pro-gun politics.

Isn't it time to stop supportting these liberal groups?

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
What AARP and a lot of National/State level police organizations need is for the members to form coalitions to push the anti-gun agenda leadership out. The leadership often makes decisions without even polling its membership.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My name is Ed and I am a geezer!!!:] AND I am proud of the fact that I have survived.
Years ago when AARP began courting me I checked them our. I would never join. I would never send them a penny. All of the discounts in the world are not worth one principle!

You young folks remember that!! :}

Better days to be,

I, too, am a Geezer and I own guns but I don't own an AARP membership card. From what I have read in letters to their magazine, my parents belong, those members supporting firearm ownership are told by the owners/leaders/whatever, "We know what is best for you. Don't worry about owning guns, they are evil. By the way, did you know thase b****** conservatives will cut your Social Security?"

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Note that AARP will claim you as a member without your knowledge early on, unless you object. They give you no opportunity to address their board or whatever to re-define the aims and goals and principles. So it in no way defines you. It just gives you cheper motel rooms and restaraunt checks. Not worth it. I should send them a letter now to tell them not to bother in 22 years. (Nothing like thinking ahead... ;))

I'm glad that is well known that AARP means Anti-American Repulsive Programs. I'll go to my grave before I'd give them a cent. As soon as I find out that a company or state,or country is anti-constitution I will never ever contribute and I will forever try and spread the word about them. If ever all gun enthusiasts did the same,maybe a few things would change.
Well, well, well! Hello, All!

Thank you geezers and young 'uns alike for your “support”!! :D :D

Ref AARP: Auto and Homeowner's insurance apparently is much cheaper
through AARP than through my insurance agency. I haven't changed (and
won't) because I worry that AARP might actually receive some of the

However, AARP does NOT get a cent from the AARP discount. It's
negotiated directly between AARP and the businesses who provide the
discount in the hope of attracting more Geezers.

Did y'all happen to deduce that the money I save with the AARP discounts
not only pays my dues ($20 for three years) but also frees up more money
to send to NRA, GAO, JFPO, and to deals like Hobgood and (probably) Brian

Did y'all happen to see the part where I explain to members of Congress
that AARP does NOT speak for its membership - and I have VFW and
American Legion folks to back me up on that one.

Try this excerpt from my letter to Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and Phil

"AARP officials misrepresent the views of their membership! They conduct
no viable sampling of members’ opinions. These AARP officials express only
their personal views which are in total opposition to the Constitution, my
personal opinion, and the values of most veterans who used firearms to win
the most vicious and wide-spread World War in history!"
(end quote)

When AARP speaks out, sharing "the word", I'm there peeing on their

Besides, y'all wouldn't deprive a Geezer of going alone into the lions' den for
a little bit of Hell raising, now would ya? ;)

Different bit related to the thread.

Why don't NRA/GOA/JFPO/etc. get discounts for lodging, transportation,
and meals? It's easily done, doesn't cost a cent (except a few man-hours),
and would be a good way to "show the flag" for our civil rights! Can you
imagine a sign at the Holiday Inn, “NRA members welcome!”?

Still another bit related to the thread.

I teach Defensive Driving Classes(DDC), First Aid, CPR, and Bloodborne
Pathogens training for a living.

In every single class (regardless of subject), I mention I'm certified by the
Texas Department of Public Safety (wow! ;)) as a Concealed Handgun
License Instructor! I get questions. I give answers most of you would

I stress to the geriatric set (we speak eye-to-eye on age) that AARP,
American Medical Association, many medical "societies", etc. have misled
us. I point out that the younger, stronger bad guys are a threat to the rest
of us. (I dare NOT use the phrase "old and weak"!) I advance on them
quickly with a menacing look and ask, “Can you protect yourself if a 250 lb
dope addict breaks into your house to rob and rape? What are these
government people afraid of that they don’t want you to be able to protect
yourself and your loved ones in your OWN bedrooms? Sure, they have their
own security guards! Do YOU?”

I invariably get a chance to share some of what y'all have taught me on
TFL. In First Aid class, we even had a long debate about a homeowner’s
obligation to provide aid to a burglar he has shot! (This came directly from
a TFL thread!) As a class, we decided it was too dangerous. Let the police
secure the bad guy, then the paramedics can provide care or declare him dead.

So give me the benefit of the doubt on this one. We (the civil rights
community) are getting our “pound of flesh” out of my AARP membership. I make a profit on the dues, spend it on our movement, and I speak as a member when I point out how “the AARP misrepresents Senior Citizens”!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 30, 1999).]
Long Path,

Thanks for tipping me off that AARP tries to speak for everyone over 55 y/o. I didn't know that. But my NEXT letter will say something to the effect,

"Not only does AARP NOT speak for everyone who is 55 year old or older, they do NOT even speak for their membership! ..."


BTW, y'all might at least make a *pretense* of getting the whole story before you imply someone is stupid or a traitor to the cause.

We can work together without being clones of each other. Honest! ;)

I guess AARP has lowered their entry standards...I hit the big FIVE-O last week and received an invitation to join yesterday.

Haven't made up my mind...might give them a call or letter ref their position on RKBA.

We'll see...
Nope, you are right - entry age is 50!

I guess I just had a "Senior Moment!" :o

(or two!)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 30, 1999).]
About 2 weeks ago I posted in another thread about AARP's definite anti-gun position. I read an article on it somewhere a while back. They have major ties to the insurance and health care industry, and take the position that firearms are a public health issue, in much the same way that the CDC considers gun ownership (and freedom) a disease to be eradicated.
I started getting AARP membership solicitations in the mail a couple of years ago. I toss them in the trash because of AARP's anti-gun posturing. As far as I'm concerned, the older we get, the more a personal defense weapon makes sense. But if the AARP had its way, we'd all be increasingly defenseless as the years passed.

AARP reminds me of the ACLU--a basically commendable idea that's been warped by a hidden political agenda.
Well I am over 50 and have received their (AARP) solicitations. I will never join them, to me they are a typical leftist loudmouth group that seeks to gain favor for their members at the expense of other people. Most of us over 50 can take care of ourselves, we have money and homes and have learned to get along and prosper in society. Why should we have discounts, give them to the families who have children and need them. How many of our military families live in poverty, how many young families struggle with two or three jobs just to feed and clothe their kids, while some pensioned social security receiving leech asks for a discount on his way to the golf course.

I despise old folks who look for discounts when they don't need them, oh I know there are people who are old and in poverty, but so many senior citizens are well off they should have to pay more.

The AARP is just another socialist front, duping the people out of money to pay their bloated salaries and seek favor in congress for more perks. Just like the labor unions and teachers unions.

Typical of our culture, Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie, and S@*$# everyone else. We are living off the interest on the capital built up by prior generations, and someday it will run out, and the younger will turn on us and throw us out into the street.

Rant Rant... watch the blood pressure!

Geoff Ross
Dang! Finally more than one person agred with me.

I feel down right popular.

Dennis, the Nra does offer discounts on lodging and Travel. You might want to call them and check it out.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
When I turned 55 some years ago, I joined AARP. Subsequently, I saw that they were a liberal, anti-gun organization. I did not renew my membership. When I travel and am asked if I am a member,I tell them that I am not and will not belong to such an organization for any amount of discounts. For the rest of you, do as you will. As for me I know where I stand and no amount of benefits will change the fact that I won't be a part of such an organization. Best regards, Jerry
Take off the Nomex, Dennis; you're okay by me! :D It's not like you're using your PAX discount to buy more Levi's while on your way to Chuckie Schumer rally with a "I Luv Rosie" sticker on your pickup...

It's all about information, folks, not flames... :)


BTW, I got Hertz discount coupons with my last re-enrollment with NRA.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
