Gave Suarez indicted?

was he claiming total disability?

was he doing hands-on martial arts/defensive techniques instruction during this period?

or running/jumping/rolling for defensive training or IPSC style shooting?
i saw him in memphis in oct 2000.he was hurting all the time and could not do many of the things that the students did in the class because of his back.he had to get someone else to do alot of the demos.

i feel bad for him.i am sure its all about politics.
In workers' comp fraud type cases or insurance fraud type cases, the person filing usually makes claims as to not being able to accomplish certain types of work because of their conditions (injuries and what have you). The company paying the claims will often hire someone to follow and document the claimer's behavior to see if indeed what has been said is true. The most powerful tool they use is video documentation. My very speculative guess is that claims were made about behaviors that could not be performed and there is documentation of those behaviors being performed or more strenuous behaviors being performed.
When Gabe was at our place for a class last Oct. he was definately in pain, and in my non-medical opinion, there was no way he could have done the job of a police officer. All he did in class was stand and lecture. No positions, running jumping etc.

My feeling is that if he was making, say, $50K a year as a cop, and supplementing his income with another $50k as a trainer, but then could not do the cop job due to a DUTY INJURY, why the hell does he have to give up the supplemental income if he claims a workman's comp disability?

From my limited understanding of the case, he has a very good chance of acquital. I also believe they went after his wife to pressure him into a plea. Believe me, internal police dept. politics can be very nasty, and this case reeks of it.
I have to agree with Marty, too. The only article that I read was the one linked by Tac Forums. It made no mention of his outside training business. It did mention Worker's Comp, and alledged fraud. I wish him well, and hope that he's vindicated.
I also wish him well.
For what it's worth, in most states you can receive workers' comp. for partial disability, which means you can still do some jobs, or for total disability, which is pretty much like the social security standard, no gainful employment. Most employers, if the worker is too disabled to do their job, don't worry if the guy can do some other light job, in other words they don't try to cut him off. (Social security will cut you off in an instant.) Maybe this particular employer is trying to cut costs and Mr. Suarez got caught between custom and the law as written.
did some digging.

I read throught these, and it doesn't look good, IMO.

here's a critical point:

"Gabriel Suarez, a decorated 12-year veteran of the SMPD, also pled not guilty to two additional counts of perjury under oath. .......

The complaint states that in March Suarez said during a sworn deposition that he had not received any outside income since his alleged injury on Nov. 28, 1999 when he slipped and fell in the police department's locker room.

During the time he was on leave and collecting workers compensation, Suarez was running Suarez International, a Simi Valley based company with 12 employees, according to information obtained by The LookOut."
(March refers to March, 2000)
The legal system is not about right and wrong. Many times it is about power and politics.

Also, you might be innocent, but you will surely go bankrupt proving it!
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Just because someone is "Disabled" doesn't mean they have to stop doing everything. Much of running a business is paperwork/deskwork anyway. When they thought I had a broken back, I stayed on the job...didn't move around as much, but I was still capable of teaching CQC (as long as I stayed on my feet and didn't kick). In fact, being gimped makes you stir crazy...if the pain isn't too bad, you still want to do something, if only to avoid being bored. If you are a small business owner, it is even more critical that one stay "on the job," since often no one is trained or prepared to run it in your absense for more than a few days.

I met him at Frontsight. He is a great man. He was the type of person that made you proud to be an American. He escaped communism in Cuba. Unfortunately, the communists in Kalifornia are out to get him now.

I am praying for him.
One last thought. I hurt my back about 3 years ago. I was a mess for 9 months. I can easily see why Gabe could teach and NOT operate as a cop. When you teach, you get to chose what you do and when you do it. If you are a cop, you are reacting to situations. The amount of movement would be out of your control. Sometimes, this country makes me sick.
I have only read articles he has written in the Rags, but I for one would be contacting anyone with ties to Mr. Suarez if I had any information in his favor.

I would gladly appear in court to testify that he did not instruct on positions or anything else that might depict him as a cheat. But I would only testify if this were the case and I saw it first hand.

Stand up for this LE officer/instructor if you have any information that may be favorable to his pending case. I have a feeling he is not liked in the P.D. he worked for, just simply because he is a published writer, and probably more successful than the Chief of Police. Not to mention the other state and community hired help.
OK, How can we let Mr. Suarez know that we are in support of him? It will probably help him get thru this if he knows there are LOTS of people pulling for him! Does he have a web site? Can we get in touch with him thru it? I an in a similar position as him as far as the work problem goes. I am not able to perform my job due to an injury also.