Gave Suarez indicted?


New member
It's been confirmed that there is a five count felony Fraud indictment against Gabe Suarez. The California State Special Prosecutor says they have 1500 pages of evidence against Suarez et al (his wife and his business
partner), and while they will entertain a plea, the Prosecutor seems determined that Suarez will do time.
Will be interesting to watch.
He is a gunwriter. I can't remember what magazines printed his articles.

What are the charges? Are they firearms related? Do they sound legit or is the Prosecutor just trying to bring down a know member of the gun Culture?

Doc Hudson
Mr. Suarez is also a police officer and noted firearms instructor. I believe that at one time he taught at Gunsite under Jeff Cooper.

The rumor that I've heard is that the charges are not firearms related and have nothing to do with Mr. Suarez being a gunwriter and instructor.

What is the charge?

So just what exactly is the charge? Did he sell swampland in Florida or something?
Dunno. What I've read was written by someone who clearly has a conflict with Mr. Suarez and was trying to paint him in a bad light. And that was written prior to any indictment. So I see no reason to propagate those allegations.

Reserve Cop, with all the questions you ask, I figure you would have had a whole folder on someone like Gabe Suarez. He does have many publications and teaches firearms handling. The only publication I have of his is a book called "The Tactical Pistol" with a forward by Jeff Cooper, imagine that.

Where did you get your information from? I am scheduled to attend Gabes Tactical Pistol Instructor class in June and am wondering if the class is still going to be held. I would appreciate any info you can point me towards.

That's my question LawDog! I have only heard good things about Gabe and would like to know exactly what source this came from.
Thanks for the information Erick. Well it sure looks like it's the real deal since they arrested him. Looks like he is going to be tied up with a legal battle for a while to come. Bummer! I was really looking forward to training with him.

Thanks again Erick,
Gabe injured his back last year, and has been diagnosed with other serious health problems since then. He has been on a leave of absence due to his disabilities, from his job as a Santa Monica police officer, and he filed a worker's compensation claim. The SMPD is claiming fraud because he was still teaching classes. Gabe, after finding out about his health problems, was going to retire after spending 12 years with the department. He was a highly decorated police officer, an author of numerous articles in gun magazines such as Soldier of Fortune, and has written 4 books. He has taught at numerous tactical shooting schools across the country, and was a student and friend of both Jeff Cooper and Chuck Taylor. Gabe was arrested last Friday by the Santa Monica PD on five felony counts. I believe his wife was arrested as well.
I believe there is a lot of difference between teaching an occasional class and being "tied into" a job as a LEO. If this is the gist of the charge, I wish Gabe well.
You should be ashamed of yourselves

I am appalled with those people who have written Gabe off. First off, if he has been indicted, he has yet to be convicted. The internal workings of a police dept. are very political, and it is just possible that he has been the victim of a political prosecution. This happens all the time in police work, one of the little known, unsavory items about being a cop.

Secondly, you all are the first people to complain about the government and it's intrusion into your civil/constitutional rights. Why not give Gabe and his wife the same respect that you insist on?

Then, there are the nature of the charges. Workman's comp violations? Have you ever fudged on your income taxes? If so, you have committed a felony too, just never been caught. I am not saying he did or didn't do what he is accused of, but let's wait for the trial, okay?

I had Gabe here for a class last October, and have him scheduled here in August. He is remaining on the schedule, and I sincerely hope that he is exonerated in these charges.

Marty Hayes, Director
The Firearms Academy of Seattle, Inc.
I agree with Marty on this. Especially given the socialist pus-head political bent of that geographical area, who knows how much or little validity there is to the indictment. Many times people are indicted after perfectly legit shootings, so indictments are meaningless as an indication of a person's character.

who said he was guilty? he's a 'public figure' in the 'shooting community'. it's on topic to a gun board. gen disc would be a better place for it though.
I hate to say it, but ...

It really does not make a difference if Gabe is guilty or innocent (and I figure it is the latter) his career will be ruined and his family will be financially destroyed.

That is the DA office's goal, IMO. Gabe is a well known member of the Gun Culture and is being made an example of. While there might well be some grey area involved, I agree with the person who said there is a vast difference between teaching an ocassional class and being a full time cop, even a full time desk cop.

I wish Gabe well, but I fear he will find victory almost as ruinous as defeat.

Doc Hudson