Gatineua, Quebec Police Cow Incident...WWYD?

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It is true that we saw the last 77 seconds of a one-hour encounter. We did not see how close the steer was to major highways, and no one has said that they have any first hand knowledge of the location, the expectation of traffic on the roads in the picture, or proximity to occupied dwellings.

But even considering those limitations, this was mishandled in several ways. Like several others who have posted, I have been around livestock of various sorts, and the animal in the video did not display aggression. He was at times clearly frightened, but calmed down rather promptly after being frightened, increasing my impression that the danger was minimal. It is also worthy of note that he was either polled or dehorned. There were ample opportunities to use the cars and truck to corral the animal safely and get more qualified help. There is little doubt that he could have been easily roped if given just a couple of minutes to calm down, and confining him with the cars would have given opportunity to get someone on scene who could handle the situation appropriately, if the preceding hour had not given enough opportunity. If firearms had to be employed, pistol shots to the chest and, apparently, forelimb (judging by the sudden non-weight-bearing lameness of the left foreleg) are not the appropriate means. A pistol shot to the head could have been done humanely and quite safely. Rifles or shotgun slugs could also have been employed. Multiple lung shots are not a humane way of putting an animal down.

The video ends before the steer is dead, so we don't really know how much longer it went on or how the steer died. I am not a vegetarian or an animal rights activist, but I still believe in treating animals humanely even when they are to become food. This was not humane.
I would think that 3 police cars forming a triangle would have captured the beast, rather than letting it die slowly from a GSW.

Where's the beef!
City folk :) that animal could easily harm a person just by running into him. I work steers on my place and I can tell you they will hand you a plate full of hurt if you are not carefull. and thats just them playing around. A fence, no matter how big is just a suggestion to a cow, it can run thru just about anything and a steer that size can jump over a 5 ft fence with ease.

Best leave the cows to cowboys :) a bucket of corn and he woulda followed me home :) like a pet dog. Just gotta know how to handle them.
As a teen/kid I got the job of halter breaking 4 yearling Angus bull calves.In this part of Oklahoma the build corrals with rr tie posts and rough sawn native oak 1 by 6 0r 8 lumber.I got sent through a few of those 1 by six boards.
I agree,cattle can hurt you.I have some history in Wisconsin.Some dairy bulls will kill you.Some dairy farmers learn that the hard way.

But that steer or bull calf,whichever,was only trying to leave when the shooting started.The second officer was 10 yds away shooting him,and that critter made absolutely no hostile move.It was more "You have got to be kidding me!".

I have a pretty good idea what a critter that wants to hurt me looks like.
It was not there.
I can't see the video on my phone but I have a good idea what happened from reading the preceding posts. Believe it or not, there is a delicate art to handling cattle that takes years to master. I'm not being facetious. Any moron with a hotshot can push cattle up an alleyway from the catwalk. I'm talking about being able to make them do what you want without ever saying a word to them or getting them agitated in any way. Calm cattle are easier to handle. Easy handling means safer for me.
I do not know the intricacies of in-depth police work. I do not expect them to know the intricacies of my work. Most city people I have invited to my place are scared to death of cattle because they have no idea how to 'read' the animal. Cattle just want to get away from you and back to the herd when separated & very few want to deliberately hurt you. The ones that do want to hurt you can, given the opportunity, critically injure or even kill you in less time than it has taken you to read my post.
Sounds like these police officers were as frazzled as the animal. A bad combination led to a bad result.
Briandg said:
running like he had fishhooks in his nads

That's not funny, that actually happened to me once. :eek:

I think that overall it could have been handled better, but not everyone has the skill to deal with larger animals. Causing them panic only makes it worse. Non predatory animals aren't inclines to "fight" the same way as larger herd animals are. I honestly have to wonder what threat they posed to the public, that required lethal force. Sure, they could kill someone, but most people aren't going to stand in their way, and no cow is going to chase you down. While a Bull/Steer may, be humane and go for a better gun.
As far as I know Gatineau police don't have either rifles or shotguns available to them.
As far as the Surete du Quebec (provincial police force)goes they used to have shotguns mounted upright between the front seats years ago.
The problem was that the officers were using the shotguns as ashtrays so the shotguns are no longer used as far as I know.
We let this one run because... uh.... because....... well hell, I'm not sure why we let this one run, but unless it was THIS particular cow (I hope you like puns ;) :D), it just really ain't on topic.

It's been, um... different, but it's also closed.
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