Gaston Glock: the Preston Tucker of the Gun Industry

Ian11: Hear, Hear.
The purpose was not to flame a make of gun, but to praise people who 'live their dream'.

Sam Colt lived his, and in the doing changed the world, just as Glock, Bill Ruger, and Justin Moon have. Whether you like Glocks or not, you have to admit he was responsible for a great sea change in the gun world.
So what will a Glock do that a 300 buck CZ wont do as well or better? I do see the point of the Glock but I dont like the trigger or how they shoot on targets. Ok its not a target gun but a combat gun but a P-35 can be both. I am shocked that a guy that got started making toasters and other home appliances could even come out with a gun that had such a effect on the gun business.:)

Two guys from Dayton made bicycles and look at what they turned out,,,,,,

In all fairness to Mr.Glock he does deserve credit for being successful even if he didn't really invent anything. I see piles of "almost been's" at most guns shows. It wasn't that long ago that the Vecktor(?) was going to set the gun world on it's ear or the Browning BDM was going to be the HP "done right".

FWIW, (and just MHO)that Alchemy Arms Companies offering is kinda goofy looking. Kinda a cross between a 92fs/Glock/1911/HK/CZ/Wilson Combat/you name it it seems to be there.
Would that stop me from buying one? Not really. My dog is goofy looking too though.
I give Glock his due for inventing a better mousetrap and marketing it well. His marketing strategy is brilliant. For example, he is able to convince a lot of the gun world that this silly doohickey in the trigger makes the Glock safe. He also created a simple to use and reliable gun that is cheap to make.

But unless Glock changes, his downfall will be the refusal to advance his design (true for a lot of brilliant inventors -- for example, the old Wordstar program). There are now better Glocks out there, including the Steyr M9 and maybe the HS200. Glock's rigidity is stopping him from making his guns into more ergonomic weapons that work for more people. It may also be his arrogance that stops him from incorporating better safety devices like a manual external safety, a loaded chamber indicator, and an integrated key lock. Right now, Glock holds onto market share not because he has a better product, but because the public perceives it to be better. That will change unless Glock becomes more innovative and moves into the next generation of pistol development. Sure Glocks are reliable, but so are a lot of other guns. The more innovations that appear in the marketplace, the more the Glock looks like a dinosaur. Unlike the 1911 dinosaur, the Glock lacks the beauty, ergonomics and history to have a long-term loyal following.

I hear what you're saying, Glock really hasn't come up with any significant changes to his basic design. (But give them a break it hasn't been that long since the G17 was introduced. Second, its always hard to mess with what's worked before, not to mention potentially alienating your loyal customers.)

I feel things like external safeties and locks placed in the gun mechanism is counter to Glock philosophy. Glocks appeal to people because it adheres to the KISS principal; its almost as simple to use as a revolver.

But you are right about a loaded chamber indicator and more ergonomic grips though. Those are things that Glock should look into. Two things that won't necessarily mess with functionality.
Ah yes, Mr. Glock is arrogant because he won't redesign his pistols to include a manual safety that leaves your trigger finger inside the trigger guard upon disengaging it like that "better Glock". Oh how he endangers us all. And doesn't that "better Glock" also have a "silly doohickey in the trigger"? Well, at least there haven't been the usual onslaught of posts criticizing these awful pistols because they aren't pretty enough for the folks who sit around stroking their guns at night.
Gaston Glock

Mr. Lawson:

Fast-fading clunker ???? Impossible to shoot ????? It's a pity that you haven't volunteered your expertise to the FBI, DEA, the US Border patrol and the thousands of state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies that have made the horribly egregious mistake of buying Glocks.

As a "police firearms instructor" for 47 years, maybe you can tell us which pistol you found that exceeded the Glock's scores on the federal performance standards ("torture tests") that were administered before these agencies made their selections.

And just for grins, exactly which law enforcement agency are you providing all this expertise to, and when exactly did they specify this "Alchemy Arms Spectre" as their duty weapon ???

Preston Sturgis of the clunker industry?

I have trained members of many government agencies, but I have never been in charge of training their purchasing agents. I have spent months trying to reason with some, but the "freebies" from Glock always override any real considerations.
If you want to interview somebody that Glock has made lifetime dreams come true for, how about my detective friend who will walk with a limp for the rest of his life because Gaston never heard of a thumb safety? I'm sure you'd enjoy hearing about Gaston's canine ancestry from him.
While Glocks shot well in the hands of untrained troops, they don't fare as well for people who are experts with other makes.
I would put a S&W up against any Glock ever made. Even the Ruger is better.
Remember, now, only double action only pistols are sl;uitable for many departments around here. Come on over and let's see you shoot your Glockenspeil in the company of some LEO's who favor other makes of pistol.
The Spectre is on this web site: www://Alchemy Arms
The Spectre looks enough like a Glock to satisfy Glockenspeilers, but the designer knew what he was doing, as you can tell when you fire one.
"While Glocks shot well in the hands of untrained troops, they don't fare as well for people who are experts with other makes."

If untrained troops are doing better than experts, then maybe these experts aren't.

"detective friend who will walk with a limp for the rest of his life because Gaston never heard of a thumb safety"

Another expert I assume?

This is a ******* joke. Worse than even the The Federalist Weasle's stupid Glock flames.
I just can't take it anymore....

If your are an instructor for firearms, might I suggest you teach the 4 rules?

Especially Rule 3.

"Keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard until your sights are on target."

I do believe that you must break the 4 rules to shoot yourself with your own pistol, but hey, I could be wrong. :rolleyes:

That said, which agency caries the Alchemy pistol? Do you? Or do you just sell them?

One word on this:

Troll. And not even a good one, at that. :barf:

Molon Labe!
Mr. Lawson,

Isn't it annoying when people don't address the topic thread and instead go off on a tangent? I sure wish people would learn to use the "Post New Topic" option instead. If someone is aching for attention even their user name appears next to the tread! Isn't that neat?

As always, finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot buddy.