GA's HB89 Signed Into Law

If conservatives in mass stop voting for liberals in the GOP, then they will eventually come back and court you by supporting your issues. Vote for a liberal in the GOP, and you will get liberalism... conservative ideas will continue to be dismissed, IMO.
In the moment of the upcoming General Election, we're not going to have a lot of latitude for sophomoric philosophical debates. We're going to vote for John McCain or Barrack Obama, and that's the long and the short of it. If the wrong person gets in the White House, the effects will be felt for generations to come, perhaps until our republic's demise. (which would probably be hastened)

Remember, most Americans, even good, conservative Americans, don't carry a firearm and have little interest in the same things that we who frequent boards like this find of interest.
In the moment of the upcoming General Election, we're not going to have a lot of latitude for sophomoric philosophical debates. We're going to vote for John McCain or Barrack Obama

Speak for yourself. I absolutely will not vote for either of those two liberals.
Be sure to show up to vote the down-ticket races, at least, even if you can't bring yourself to vote for McAmnesty.
Speak for yourself. I absolutely will not vote for either of those two liberals.

I was speaking for myself...didn't mean to give any other impression. If I were NOT speaking for myself, I wouldn't have included the caveat against meaningless, sophomoric ;)