G.I. Joe no longer American

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New member
As an added slap to our country and to just sock-it to us, G.I. Joe will no longer stand for the "American" military. He will be changed to "Global Integrated Joint Operations Entity" (G.I.J.O.E.) and his helmet will change to blue to signify the UN.


Our country is going down the tubes a bit more and more everyday.

Don't buy this for your kids anymore. I know I won't. And a nice letter to Hasbro is in the works.
One of the largest weapons the American consumer has is his/her pocketbook, boycott, simply refuse to buy certain products for sure its difficult at times, pressure from family, etc, but by simply not buying we can control the market but an uninformed, apathetic public simply do not care.
George Carlin (the comedian) was on Glenn Beck the other night and he said the USA is just CTD. That is a medical slang term for circling the drain. It means you are done for but just taking time to die. I don't think he was really joking on this issue.

Maybe next the Hollywierds will come up with a movie that shows WWII did not really happen. Remember all the movie stars that went off to war. Maybe it was just all make believe.
The new toy will also come with strict (and absurd) rules of engagement; also available are three UN Tribunal non-action figures for conducting a trial to imprison of Joe after he breaks the absurd rules.


Movies are now made for more than just the American market. The bottom line is people here will still see it and more people overseas will see it by downplaying the "Real American Hero" image. The same thing happenned with the latest Superman where "Truth, Justice, all that stuff" was used in place of "Truth Justice and The American Way."

Give it time and the pendulum will swing back the other way as it did right after Gulf War I.
And God forbid JOE would fight Islamic extremists or some other evil entity. They changed COBRA to be an Irishman...IRA terrorist or whatever. Isn't the IRA all but dead?

The idea of an action figure was never to represent real people or any given ideology.

GI Joe was a marketing strategy to sell dolls to boys.

Girls were already buying dolls, and the companies producing those toys were simply competing for "market share." However, with boys being 50% of the population, it was fertile new territory.

Not only did they sell "the doll," but all of the clothes and accessories that were needed to play with the thing.

It was a very shrewd marketing success.
While it is true that Hollywood is very left wing, it is only true that their main business is making money. Making an ultra pro American theme movie today would not sell very well in the world. Sad to say, I doubt it would sell that well in this country. They know their market, that is why they are pandering to it.
The themesong boldly proclaims: "G.I. JOE! American Hero!" This crap about making him a UN peace keeper is outrageous! :mad:
GI Joe was a marketing strategy to sell dolls to boys.

<70's flashback>
But mine had Kung Fu grip! Could and did kick Ken's butt on a regular basis! Rode his jeep right over Barbie's Corvette! He had a rifle, and fatigues, and fuzzy hair and he kicked a**.
</70's flashback>

But the fact that GI Joe has come to suck is not new, anyone who saw the ludicrously bad TV cartoon series from the 80's knows this (and knowing is half the battle).
But the fact that GI Joe has come to suck is not new, anyone who saw the ludicrously bad TV cartoon series from the 80's knows this (and knowing is half the battle).

It wasn't bad for a kid growing up watching it (me). It was an animated A-Team, shooting and explosions everywhere but no one ever died. At the very least, it was a "boy's" cartoon, are those even allowed anymore? Watch some cartoons with a kid, or just watch some cartoons :D and you'll see what I mean now.

In regards to who the enemy of GI JOE will be, COBRA from the 80s I firmly believe was supposed to represent the Soviet Union. And they definitely were a conventional force rather than a rag tag terrorist band. Going farther back to 1940s GI JOE, I'm not sure, but I don't think there was ever any specific identified enemy.

For this new movie, it's obvious that Hollywood wouldn't use an Islamic themed terrorist, that would be movie suicide. They don't want to risk all the flak they'd get for it from the usual types.
For this new movie, it's obvious that Hollywood wouldn't use an Islamic themed terrorist, that would be movie suicide. They don't want to risk all the flak they'd get for it from the usual types.

"24," "True Lies," and many other movies depicted Middle Easterners as terrorists and they did great. I think it is just more of the leftist ideology being shoved down our throat.
The Sum of All Fears

A fine Tom Clancy novel, with Islamists as the bad guys. The movie was orginally set for release about the end of Sept 2001. It was not released then. In fact it was not released until several months later, so they could reshoot the film making the bad guys into neo-fascist Euro-trash. Guess they were worried that if they relased a movie with Middle Eastern types doing what they do, so soon after 9/11/2001 that somebody might get upset. Pity.

As for GI JOE, I am old enough to remember the original, before the fuzzy hair and Kung fu grip. 12", fully jointed, guns, knives, grenades, uniforms, it was all good. And pretty accurate too. I can no longer remember his name, but Joe was actually modeled after an actual Medal of Honor winner, right down to the scar on his cheek!

Back in the days when TV was still black and white (there was one color set in our neighborhood), cartoons only came on Saturday morning, an TV only had 3 channels, GI JOE gave us boys something to play with on rainy days, and then we got to take him out into the MUD!!! And then when we got a little bit older, we learned than not only could he kick Ken's butt, he could take Barbie and..........really upset your sister!!!!:D
Right, and I mentioned True Lies myself, but it's unbelievable how much has changed in many people's perceptions and thoughts since True Lies was released.

Everything anyone says or does that could possibly offend, not even offend, but just possibly has to be watered down, or removed outright. You know what I mean, I'm not old by any means, but I know I said the Pledge of Allegiance in school and we played dodgeball in the gym, and kickball during recess.
In regards to who the enemy of GI JOE will be, COBRA from the 80s I firmly believe was supposed to represent the Soviet Union. And they definitely were a conventional force rather than a rag tag terrorist band.

No, they were just undefined. The cartoon included some appearances by Joe's Soviet equivalent, Red October, whom they sort of cooperated with but didn't trust, tail end of Cold War, all that. :)
About a year after GI Joe was introduced, they made multinational figures in authentic uniform. They were cool. They had German, English, Japanese, Russian, and Australian to name a few, complete with authentic accessories. So a UN GI Joe is not so far fetched. I don't think I would add one to the collection, but I sure wish I had some of those originals.
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