Funny or Amusing CCW instances

I’m starting to feel like an old timer, but I started carrying (in the early 90’s) cell phones were still rare and too expensive for me. Back then I was also a lot skinnier not too imposing.

I was standing in front of the GameWerks (arcade/restaurant/bar) in Seattle waiting for my two roommates to out so we could leave. There were half a dozen other people loitering there including two pretty beefy homeboys, one of whom told me that he needed a phone. I had a pager and figured he did to, so I told I thought there was a payphone down the block. He repeated that he needed a phone so again I told him where about the pay phone. Now he puffs his chest up and says “No, I want a cell phone”. So I was bladed off in condition (redish) orange and wondering how my disparity of force argument would hold up in court when my (more menacing, but worthless in a fight) roommates show up and homebody #2 mutters something to #1 and they wander off.

About ten minutes later I realized that my S&W was printing though my sweater and that he had probably mistaken the lump for a cell phone. Boy was he going to be disappointed. :D
"About ten minutes later I realized that my S&W was printing though my sweater and that he had probably mistaken the lump for a cell phone. Boy was he going to be disappointed. "

LOL disappointed to say the least.
Archie said:
I removed a set of earplugs from my pocket and started inserting them in my ears.
He asked me why I was doing that and I told him.
He left and didn't come back.
Mr. James said:
You don't by any chance resemble Clint Eastwood, do you?
Only in my dreams. When this happened I was in my early thirties and looked - ordinary. But I was serious.
Once upon a time...

I had a holster or two that would allow me to...err...access a firearm if need through my fly. Nature of the work I was doing and this access would be a last ditch effort in the fact matters had gone seriously south and ...maybe the BGs would allow a victim to tinkle.

1) there is not a real good way to have one of these "designed" much less fitted to you.

2) there is not a real good way to practice drawing an unloaded gun in practice.

Yes there were other comments made, which I best not share...
Besides I figure some will spew keyboards and monitors just thinking about this and figuring out their own comments.

No, I never got into a situation that required me to use this.

i have a holster and ccw but havent started to carry yet.maybe cause the holster's not really good for's not a's a sidekick from uncle mikes.(tip of barrel sticks out a small bit past my sweatshirt) i'll never be able to carry with it during the summer unless i want attention from LEO's and ANTIs that i may come across.

anyone here carry something the same size as a beretta 92D during the summer? if so do you have any problems from others?

( i know it's probably a question i can figure out myself but...just wanted to know if others carried full size and what kind of things you run into like say comments from people)
Nothing new under the sun...

sm said:
Once upon a time...

I had a holster or two that would allow me to...err...access a firearm if need through my fly. Nature of the work I was doing and this access would be a last ditch effort in the fact matters had gone seriously south and ...maybe the BGs would allow a victim to tinkle.
Another re-invention of the wheel.

In the '50s, a gentleman named Ken or Kent Madden (it's been awhile and the years have not been kind to my brain function) made what he called the "Fly Holster". It was accessed by opening one's fly. One must remember, in the '50s, men's trousers were rather loose - not as baggy as current 'hiphop' styles, but loose. The holster depended from a belt worn inside the trousers and outside one's undershorts. The holster and small revolver rested on the off side, over the thigh.

To be completely honest, I've only seen a picture of this holster, and only the one.

However, some years later after seeing this ingenious device, I built what I called a 'dangle' holster. Completely inside the trousers, it dangled from a strap hooked over the belt. It fit (complete with Star BKM) just on the right thigh, somewhat forward of the right pocket. One drew by sticking the shooting hand down the front of the trousers - hopefully causing a distraction of horror or mirth on the part of one's adversary.

I was working in the Imperial Valley of California at the time and no one wore a jacket or vest of any sort; daytime temperatures were in the 115 to 120 degree range from early April to mid September.
saw a guy in line at the bank the other day. recognized the royal robbins 5.11 tactical cargo pants. thought i was the only guy in alaska to wear them. i was going to bring it up, but decided against it. then when he's at the teller trying to cash some checks they ask him for a second form of ID. his teller then asks my teller 'is this an acceptable ID?' holding up his CHL.
I guess this isn’t a funny story, or amusing, but I’ll share it on this thread since I’m new.

I was traveling from OKC to CO and had to pee while driving through Wakeenie KS about 0200.I pulled into a rest stop, no cars at all on the highway, no cars at the stop, one big rig asleep and idling. I put my Ultra CDP in my IWB and ran <I really ran> to the can. When I came out there was a Bronco parked inches from my trucks door. Four guys were exiting the driver’s side of that Bronco. The 4 of them gathered in front of their truck, looked at me, and started walking towards me never taking their eyes off me. Now I’m no idiot… there was no way to get back to my driver’s door and 4 guys never pee together. Where did these guys come from? I had maybe 20 yards as they were walking towards me, slowly, not a word, eyes on me. I put my hand behind my back inside my coat. They stopped, looked at each other, then kept walking towards me together, eyes on me. You know how sometimes you can almost feel electricity in the air… those hairs stand up on your neck… I have that feeling, I get chills just writing this. I pulled out my shinny .45 and pointed it at the ground. 15 yards, no one is moving and no one has blinked. The first guy looks at his buddies then at me, takes a step towards me and I pointed it at his chest. Still no one blinks. They all back up together, not a word. They got in their little blue Bronco <hasty now> on the driver’s side, back up, and peel their tires out of the rest area. I holster my gun and walk shakily though triumphantly back to my truck.

Now, I know I broke some rules… You can’t carry concealed in KS and I don’t give a damn; I carried to the can anyway.
You should never pull your weapon unless you’re going to use it; I did it anyway because I felt threatened.
I refuse to be a statistic and I feel I came very close that night. I have learned never to pull all nighters going to see friends, I never use road side rest stops at night, and I always go to gas stations that are well lit with people around. I no longer like Wakeenie KS. 

Is that a gun in your pocket?

My wife and I have season tickets to a local community theater in Scottsdale, Arizona. About a month ago, we went to see a production of "Damn Yankees." This is theater in the round, where there's no conventional stage, just a raised 6" platform in the middle of the room with the seating arranged around it. You can literally reach out and touch the performers -- and they can do the same to you.

Halfway through the production, the lead actress, who is playing a slinky character named Lola, breaks into a song about seducing married men. The actress in this production was VERY attractive. As she performed the song, she went around to the men seated in the front rows, touching their faces, holding their hands, etc. Now, the people who typically attend community theater in Scottsdale are well into Social Security age. The attentions of this lovely young woman brought smiles to all their faces.

My wife and I were sitting in the front row, as well. As the actress continued with the song, she evidently decided that I, as a younger man of 34, could tolerate her next bit of flirtation better than the elderly men in the audience. So instead of caressing my face, she seated herself in my lap.

Now I'd not usually object to a stunning young lady sitting in my lap, and I'd normally have played along by wrapping my arms around her. However, in this case, my hands were entirely preoccupied by steering her away from the pistol I was carrying in my right front pocket! I kept my right hand firmly over the pistol so she wouldn't put her hand on it, as my left hand attempted to keep her from shifting her weight so she wouldn't end up seated on the gun.

What should have been a fun moment was transformed into one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life. The actress finally planted a kiss on my (flushed, I'm sure) cheek and sprang away. I glanced over at my wife, who was practically in tears laughing, knowing exactly what had just happened.

Next time I go to the theater, I'm wearing a belt holster.
Ok, First off for the Beretta guy above, I carry a full size 92G in either an IWB Galco Scout or an OWB Galco Fletch High Ride 24/7.

Summer winter etc. A long T-Shirt or an oversized button down works just fine for the IWB. (it was 50 bucks for the holster)

I can tuck my shirt in and blouse out the back some to cover the Butt of the gun.

Ok, the funny part: Back to Scottsdale; I have been there about a dozen times (I live about 200 miles north of Phoenix). I open carry, hopefully to scare a soccer mom. Butt.... NOBODY notices. I had one kid come up to me and ask me some questions about the type of gun.

I mean seriously if you live in an open carry state the best concealment in the summer is simply to open carry
Last week I was driving home through a mostly empty desert area in CA. My truck's radiator cracked about 50 miles from home and it was a Sunday so everything was closed. I decided to call AAA and get a tow home and take care of it on monday. So a while later the tow guy shows up, with another car on the tow truck(it was a big flatbed type). So he hooks mine up, and says I have to share the cab with this other guy who is headed the same way as me. So the guy asks who wants the window seat and the kid who is sharing the ride says ME!, while i'm still thinking about whats in my strong side holster. Needless to say it was pretty cramped in there and as soon as the guy sat down he gave me a funny look. He kept his mouth shut the whole way though.:)
Back in high school I dropped by a friend’s and got elected to deal with the (loaded) revolver her loser brother had left on the coffee table since someone was bring by a toddler or two later and my friend and her mom were both afraid of guns.

I was also pretty clueless at the time, I didn’t even know how to get the cylinder to swing out. But I was able to remove the cylinder pin (or whatever you call it, I'm an auto guy) and cylinder. I left the revolver, but kept the cylinder (for at least a month) and drilled him on responsible gun ownership every time I saw him.