funniest hunting stories

Dangitt N.H. Yankee... I laughed so loud that I woke up my kids and my wife is pissed at me!
This story is at MY expense... Mongo, the human pointer. I was probably grade school to early high school aged, hunting pheasant with my Dad and older brother. I was toting my Winchester 12 ga. pump, which is too dang heavy. It was at the end of a long day hunting (and walking) without a dog. Often we would stop at the end of cover and wait for a nervous bird to flush. I was dead tired, and decided to cradle my shotgun and rest my elbows on my knees. Of course, after being in this position for approx. 10-15 seconds or so, the PHEASANT that happened to be hiding about 6 feet in front of me decided to flush. My Dad and brother were laughing too hard to shoot at the rooster, and I only managed to get one shot off at the departing bird, and missed. To this very day, (about 25-30 years later) they proudly and loudly talk about me holding the perfect point on that rooster. I was just pissed that nobody shot the dang thing!:D
Loonng time ago I was out with a friend squirrel and rabbit hunting walking along when a grouse flew up at our feet. He screamed like a girl and I raised up and made the shot of my life at 15 yds. Made a little smirk and asked him if he wouldn't mind keeping down the screaming as somebody might think I had hurt him! :rolleyes: I kept at him for most of the day and he missed enough to give me more ammo on him. On the way back home through a bunch of tight poplars and birch we see a squirrel high up jumping. SOOOOO I raised up and took one shot and dropped it mid jump. He told me I needed another hobbie:D
22 and a 410 shot gun taught me everything....
A few years ago i was bear hunting with a friend of mine my brother and a bunch of other people that my friend knew. Well the call came over the cb that they found a bear and was turning the dogs loose on it, We rolled up on the last place it crossed the road and jumped out.They was packing even more dogs on the bear. I asked how many was turned loose and the said about 20 dogs now. My friend started into the woods and asked if i was going since it was about 3 oclock right then i said no thanks because it was getting late and did'nt want to hike out in the dark dragging a pack of dogs. So he takes off. We meet up the next morning and he has bandges on his hands and arm and i ask him what happened. He said that only him and another friend went in after the bear and when they got to it it was bayed up in a thicket and weighed about 60lbs. with 20 dogs trying to get. In tennessee the bears have to be 80 lbs or more to be legal. They begin to pull the dogs off the bear and try to shove it up a tree the only problem was the bear was pissed off and started biting them at the same time the dogs are biting them to. So they're pushing this bear up a sapling (all they could find that was close.It latched on to the other guys foot bit the hell out of it . he didnt get out of the truck the next day dont blame him none either. so they save the cub and had to drag the pack of dogs away from the tree and out of the woods by themselves in the dark. Glad i didnt go in with them
When I was 13, me and my 11 yr old little brother and 13 yr old cousin went squirrel hunting out in the woods. We didn't see anything and were getting bored. My cousin Mike had to take a crap and took a dump. The three of us were staring at his turd, so I put the muzzle of my dads 20g side by side about 2 inches away from the dropping, and shot Mike's turd. Needless to the turd explodes and the three of us got showered by it.
That adds a whole new meaning to "shootin' the <excrement>".:D

That reminds me of a story about one of my cousins. He was deer hunting and nature called. He had to squat on a hillside. About the time he "pinched it off", he lost his footing. He had to bury his t-shirt there. :D
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