Funnest caliber?

Fun needs;

Some drama at the Target,

Loud bang,

Muzzel flash,

Kick up some dust.

All of this and low recoil results in .223

However, 12 gauge can come in second as the most fun.
Cheapest by far is 22LR but it tops my "most boring thing ever invented" list. I really can't understand the fun in it. I've shot plenty of 22s. Rifles, handguns, bolt-action, semi-auto, even pump action. 22LR is spelled "b-o-r-i-n-g" in my world.

Peetza, next time you get a chance, try some new ammunition and targets. Eggs or potatoes, being hit by nasty hollow points are fun combination (surprisingly, the potatoes are better than the eggs).

However, I do agree. I have been shooting more and more .22 LR, in the last 2 years, but it still bores me. It has its place (squirrels, rabbits, training, etc), but it doesn't excite me.

Cartridges that do elevate the fun factor:
Rifle - My 6mm Wildcat (It's mine. What else can I say? ;))
Handgun - .327 Federal
Rimfire - .22 WMR (It's got the poop to make things fun; but no recoil, and a mild report.)
+1 to the .22LR w/ potatoes! I figured this out in college when I had a bag of potatoes that had started to go bad and I wanted to go shooting. I grabbed the potatoes, some pop cans, and various other targets. I couldn't believe how well the little federal bulk pack hollowpoints popped those potatoes. It's loads of fun for pennies on the dollar.

It's also, in my opinion, one of the single best ways to introduce new shooters to the sport. It's cheap (especially when potatoes are in season as you can get a few pounds for $1 around here), the targets are reactive, there is no need to clean them up (unless you want to) and there is no loud noise or recoil to intimidate the newbies.
.22LR can get boring, but if you don't shoot it too often it's fun to "come back" to it.

Otherwise, I'd say 7.62x39 is my fun plinking round. If I had a .223 it would probably be a dead heat between the two.
Most fun in a revolver: .32 S&W Long

Seriously. It's almost like firing a "polite" cartridge. Just enough power to get there and make a hole without the loud bang or recoil of larger calibers. It knocks over tin cans and can pot small game at reasonable distances too.

Second place: .45 ACP/.45 Auto Rim
In a large frame revolver, the .45 ACP has little recoil and excellent accuracy. This makes it fun to shoot all day.

Most fun in a Pistol: .380 ACP
The challenge is that the .380 is usually put into 3"-3.5" barreled guns which makes it more difficult shoot accurately at 15 yards and beyond. And you'll need that accuracy with the .380's nearly marginal energy. The mild recoil and moderate bang make it fun to shoot for extended periods.

Most fun in a Rifle: .45-70 Government
Have someone take a long shot - 400m or more and look at the barrel elevation. It's almost shoulder fired mortar it seems. Downrange, that big heavy slug lands like an anvil with satisfying results.
I shoot 22 MAG at 100 yards for target practise. But wind gusts can affect accurasy.


My fun rifles are all my varmint rifles. I don't shoot the .22lr much but when I take out the Marlin M60 and shoot running prairie dogs at 50 yards it makes me giggle. .22 WMR is another fun one that I used to shoot on a regular basis but now that ammunition (30 grain TNT Federal) has been around $15 for 50 I've stuck to my center fire rifles reloading gives me more bang for my buck. .204 Ruger, .223 Rem and 6X47 Rem are my favorites, with the 6X47 being my favorite out of the three.

Nothing I've ever shot in volume makes me smile like exploding varmints. I just wish the plauge hadn't hit the prairie dog towns where I used to shoot. Right now if I can find a town big enough to get more than 10 shots off before they all dissappear I'm doing good.

Coyote hunting is a close second, when you see the yotes running in to your call it gets the heart a pumping. Then when you shoot them and they go all stiff and fall over it is a great feeling. I just wish I had more time to call the coyotes than I do.
Some of the most fun I've had with a gun and my daughter was sitting on the tailgate of the truck taking turns shooting grasshoppers with the Daisy Red Ryder! We were there all afternoon and shot a milk carton of BBs!

I currently enjoy shooting and reloading for my Remington 700 .204 Ruger. The idea of shooting dimes at 100yds with homemade ammo which sends a 32 grain piece of lead down range at 4000 fps is quite fun!
For me it's the .22 LR followed closely by the .22 K-Hornet. Probably because I have accurate rifles in both calibers, both are low recoil and cheap to shoot. I also find reduced cast bullet loads a gas to shoot from all my .30 to .44 caliber rifles.

Right now it has to be 44 Special. Only because it's the caliber of my latest revolver. It's a lot of fun loading different power levels from plinking ammo to hunting ammo. I'm sure in few months the novelty will wear off and move on to something else.
I practice a lot with 17HMR, but the 223 Rem 700 is really more fun to me. Also 22 mag from my SA revolver, just a small frame cowboy gun but really accurate and surprisingly potent with the right bullet. I dispatch trapped hogs with it and properly placed 22 mag is "lights out"
Funnest round

Depends on what kind of fun I wanna have
plinking cans in the woods, .22 rifle or pistol
shooting stuff out there a ways, my 30-06 is pretty fun
shooting stuff close and fast, .40 or .45 is fun
Big BOOM from a handgun, .44 mag is fun for a few.
I don't think I can pick which one is the most fun. They're all fun!
I just can't pick a favorite. They are all fun, and sometimes my mood will dictate what is "most fun." But it varies.