Full Metal Jacket Survey

FMJ in pistols is fine. As a rule, no problem with feeding. Even if it exits the body of a BG, it's not bad, but very good - 2 holes are better for quick loss of blood and fast
drop in blood pressure than one hole. Also, FMJ is more likely to penetrate (or break) a bone and thick layer of clothing.
I'd probably go with the .45 ACP as well. In FMJ configuration, the 9mm is more likely to poke holes rather than transfer energy. Not that making holes for blood to leak out is a bad thing, mind you, but I'd rather do that AND dump a lot of energy into the BG's body at the same time.
I'd prefer a flat point to a round nose in any FMJ, Hornady made a nice 200 gr 45 cal bullet that I liked a lot.

I would definitely NOT use winchester 115 gr 9mm ball ammo.. its slow compared to remington.
I occasionally carry Hydro-Shoks but when I am not, I usually carry FMJ. Although, Winchester Winclean BEB is a nice performer as well.
Hate to go against the grain here (blatant lie ... sorry) ... but two holes are not better than one ... mammals are not bags of fluid. Two .45" giant fly bites are not going to cause you to lose all your fluids, just because the skin is broken. You can very easily "bleed out as a result of blunt trauma where there are NO holes. At least in California, EMS doesn't even initiate CPR on a "blunt trauma arrest" someone who has cardiac failure as a result of impacting something like a steering wheel. Like someone above mentioned, its all about tissue disruption ... I know a lot less about GSW's than other trauma, but I still think that the energy has to go somewhere and if it is dumped inside, then there has to be some disruption, 'cuz energy must be conserved. I'd take exception to some of the "Physics" above (OK I'm picky, but I'm a mechanical engineer and an EMT, what can I say?) but for other reasons would still prefer the .50 AE and for the same reason as our friend above ... they don't make a .51 ;)