Full Metal Jacket Survey


New member
This is completely hypothetical, but if our federal gov't were to ban all hollowpoint or "defense" rounds besides FMJ, which caliber and handgun would be your primary?

I guess I would stick with my .40 caliber Glock/Sig but would also consider going .45 or 10mm.

*I realize its unrealistic not to mention irresponsible since JHP reduces overpenetration.
Best FMJ .s

It would definetly be truncated cone shape 45's and semi wad cutters in and revolver load. These shapes hit very hard and are reliable feeders in my guns. they are great bowling pin bullets, the transfer energy very well
.I think I would use my own cast slugs in a Handgun or lever rifle.
I would...

...load flat-point FMJ's in the 10mm G29 and .45 G30 and SWC's in the .45 625 and .44 spl M720 that I tote now and charlie mike.
No hollowpoints?!?

.45 ACP. If there is no (or very little) expansion possible, make the biggest initial hole you can. Possibly, move to another country, because if they ban the ammo, the guns aren't far behind.
I've carried my 1991A1 Commander with 230 gr FMJ, my Model 36 with .38 spl. wadcutters, and my Glock 23 with 165 gr. TC-FMJ and didn't feel unprotected. I'd carry any of the above, or splurge on a Kimber Ultra Carry.

I've also used .357 Ruger Blackhawk 4-5/8" loaded with 158 gr. SWC, and a Llama .380 loaded with 95 gr. FMJ as a "truck gun". I was okay with either one, but felt better with the Blackhawk.

Any reason why you don't use hollowpoints in your handguns? I understand a .45 FMJ is more feed reliable but all .40s have flat noses.
Simple explanation, Ian11

I mostly carry with hollowpoints just like everybody else. None of my pistols (as long as I've maintained them properly) have ever had any problems feeding factory hollowpoints. It's just that there's been times when I've shot up all my hollowpoints at the range, and I wanted to wait for a gun show to stock up, or I've been on a vacation where I've been shooting with friends and didn't want to pay high prices for HP ammo when I had plenty at the house.

I've carried the J-frame snub with full wadcutters under similar circumstances.

The Blackhawk and the Llama- when I owned these there wasn't much available in the way of hollowpoints and what was available was expensive and hard to find. I always felt either gun, loaded as described, was a durn sight better than harsh language or dirty looks.

I'll reiterate that I've never felt disarmed or troubled when I've had to carry without HP ammo. That said, I do firmly believe it gives you a an edge over FMJ in autos or plain lead in revolvers.
I believe that if for some reason the Feds decided to ban all JHP ammo, and the feds cannot without our legislature allowing them to, and in that case its our fault for allowing those elected officials to get in that place..but thats another topic.

If we were limited to FMJ ammo I believe you would see a massive resurgance in the popularity of the .45 ACP. Many people carrying the 9mm are relying on high velocity and good bullet design to make it work. Would they feel different if they looked at that puny little bullet next to the .45 round in FMJ configuration?..I bet they would!

Besides..it's a man thing..my ummm..bullet.(cough..cough)..is bigger than yours!

Good Shooting,
To stir the pot a bit.

I challenge any of the "true believers" in the .45 acp hard ball to prove that it is any more effective than the 9x19 mm. I take the position that they are equivilent on a shot to shot basis. Since most pistols chambered for the nine hold more rounds I claim that the added firepower makes the nine more effective overall. This predicated that you hit the bad guy with each shot in the chest, above the nipples and close to the mid-line.
I would use 230gr .45. Not because they are magic or superior to the others in any way, just because I love the cartridge and the platform in the USP.
"Since most pistols chambered for the nine hold more rounds I claim that the added firepower makes the nine more effective overall"

Tell me something. Say you have two guys in a gunfight, on the same team. One guy puts one bullet in each badguy, thus reserving his ammo. The other guy sprays his ammo, and empties three magazines, getting all of three hits (like a lot of big-city police seem to like to do these days).

So. The First Guy gets about one kill for one bullet. His partner gets one kill for one magazine. Tell me who has more firepower?

The point is, having fifteen rounds isn't bad. It's GOOD! But NEEDING fifteen rounds is less than stellar. Don't be lulled into thinking that having more ammo for a pistol, which, as I stress, is a purely defensive weapon, is going to give you some bonus in firepower.

But, back on topic. Any bullet shooting hardball is going to be less effective on a human, simply because the bullet is more likely to go completely through the target, and thus NOT expend all its energy on said target. The 9mm has higher velocity than the .45, meaning it's going to have more of its energy left over after going through a human. Now, since as a rule, 9x19 has less energy at the muzzle than .45, that's quite a bit less energy expended on the target and quite a bit more being used to push the bullet beyond the target into whatever's behind him.

Now, at close range, any bullet of a decent power will overpenetrate using ball type ammunition. The question is how much energy is expended on the target before the bullet leaves his body.

Some of my reasoning may be a little flawed, (it's been a long time since I've had a physics class :) ), but this is what I figure.
Not so sure energy has anything to do with stopping power or lethality. I'd think it would have more to do with tissue disruption or central nervous system hit = bullet placement always is the prime consideration. & full penetration seems to lead to more places for the BG to bleed out ...... musings.

As far as the scenario = limited to FMJ - I don't think I'm playing any more of their stupid games.

'Course, a mercuy-filled gel-cap at about 2000fps isn't a hollow point - is it? ;)