Full Autos

you can own a full auto if you are willing to go through the trouble of getting the class3 license for it. .....I like shooting full auto for fun, but in the real world it is useless unless you are into indiscriminate killing. that is one law I have no problem with. Machine guns are for war only

So why would you make up some fact that you have no reason to believe is true and pass it off as so on a gun forum that actually has an NFA section? Tell us more about your twisted sense of gun control please?

2nd Amendment

Since this has digressed into a Gun Rights discussion. I have an odd view of the 2nd Amendment. I believe that, just like voting, everyone has the right and duty to exercise their rights. Everyone has the right to own a gun, however, everyone should exercise their rights...all of them. If you have a tool that you don't frequently use it's easy to misplace/lose it and then when you need it....it's missing/gone/removed. FWIW
Most countries out there will permit a person to have full-auto weapons - you just have to be fighting for the dictator-of-the-moment. Or, be a rebel fighting against the dictator-of-the-moment. :D
Im sorry to offend you david but my original statement was that moving to another country just for full autos was stupid, I support full auto ownership and I have a relative who owns a prestine condition MP40 and Thompson, there both beautiful and I love them but my main point was that moving out of this beautiful country of ours just for some toys (which I used as a metaphor in my previous post) is just silly.
Okay whatever david, I tried to be nice again and just say that the US isnt worth leaving for nothing in my opinion but whatever, way to be mature, Im glad that my 16 year old self could show maturity more than a adult man, Im sorry if I "Disgusted" you but this is supposed to be a civil form where we should all have are opinions respected, sure they can be challenged or proved wrong but you dont have to bash someone about their beliefs.
buy a cheap $3000 MAC-10 or Uzi
Yeah, Macs are cheap when compared to other machineguns. Uzis cost twice what Macs do.

Speaking as a blue collar guy who likes to play in the NFA world, these guns are almost prohibitively expensive. Most people can't drop three grand on a gun. Especially a gun that will burn $5 worth of ammo in two seconds.

I was forced to sell my Uzi because I had a terrible work year. I will get another, I may be a few years but I will have another. Most regular folks can't ever justify spending over six thousand dollars on a gun.

I will say to anyone reading this thread, if you are a gun owner, hunter, hobby shooter, whatever, don't bash on the NFA people. We are the the people at the front of the gun rights struggle. We aren't going to try to sell out the clay target shooters with their stupid shot guns that aren't good for anything but shooting clay. We don't bash on the cowboy action shooters with their single action pistols that would be a poor choice for a defensive handgun. NFA owners don't get after bench rest shooters because they spend so much time aiming single shots with rifles so heavy they take two men and a boy to move.

If you don't like machineguns, fine. We do. You don't hear us complaining about the type of shooting you like to do.
Ok I will give you a pass, I had no reason to belive you weren't old enough to even buy a gun yet. Keep the interest, do more research on how bad the gun laws are in Illinois and be supportive of those who like guns other than what you like. Keep in mind many of us have been fighting against those who would take away guns for longer than you have been alive, and it fluffs our feathers when people speak against something that has been so important to us for so long.